The two sides of the rectangular conference table were all serious. At the end of the conference table sat a boy with burgundy hair, who sat quietly there, as if thinking about something. Next to him stood a boy with short black hair.

"Did you see the two games today?"

The quiet atmosphere was broken, and this figure attracted everyone's attention, so they all looked at the boy with burgundy hair sitting in the first seat.

"Yes, I saw it."

A boy nodded when he heard it.

"You all know about the past competitions of Nanakusa Mayumi, the student council president of No. 1 High, and Watanabe Mari, the discipline committee chairman of No. 1 High?"

"Their strength has improved a lot compared to the past. I have already investigated. Although the two are very strong, they were not so terrifying last year."

"They also won the competition last year. It is undeniable that the two are very strong, but they have not reached the point of directly crushing their opponents like today."

"Compared to last year's competition records, if they beat their opponents with strong strength, I think it is other external reasons."

"Masaki, you are talking about the maintenance engineer, right!"

As soon as the leader of the third high school, Masaki Ichijo, finished speaking, the black short-haired boy next to him knew what Masaki Ichijo wanted to say.

"Well, you are right, George."

Masaki Ichijo glanced at his friend, and the two had the same idea.

"But, the CAD used by those two people is no different from ours?"

A girl looked at the two people with a puzzled look.

"Well, the CAD they use is indeed the same as what we use, which is a special CAD for the competition, but it is also because of this reason that the strength of the maintenance technicians is so strong."

"You all know that the CAD we have is basically superior to the CAD used in the competition. This is a restriction of the competition rules, and it is also to highlight the strength of the contestants."

"Well, even my CAD has been debugged to the competition level."

Hearing what George Siwon said, Ichijo Masaki nodded in agreement.

"But it shouldn't be so with the strength of the maintenance technician alone, right?"

A young man said in disbelief.

"But he did it!"

Ichijo Masaki's face was serious, which made him feel a little outrageous.

"George, did you see that magic?"

Ichijo Masaki suddenly changed the subject, leaving everyone in the meeting room a little confused.

"Well, it is obviously different from the magic of acceleration, but it is indeed the magic of acceleration, which is very strange."

George Siwon nodded.

As for the magic talent, Kichijoji Shinkoro has no one who can be stronger than him. This is not because he is conceited, but because his magic talent is really strong. He was once called "George of the Origin" for discovering the source code at the age of 13. But the moment he saw that magic today, his self-confidence was somewhat hit.

He clearly remembered the appearance of the magic when he saw it. The golden light that burst out at that moment and the sudden speed deeply shocked his heart. What he couldn't understand was how did Watanabe Mari withstand the huge pressure generated by such a strong speed?

He couldn't see the expression on his face at that time, but now he thinks that the expression on his face must have been very wonderful.

That was indeed not an acceleration magic. He dared to guarantee it with the reputation of "George of the Origin"!

"Well, it looks like some light magic, but as far as I know, neither Nanakusa Mayumi nor Watanabe Mari are good at this kind of magic. Anyone can do it if it is simply applied, but we can't do it to that extent."

Ichijo Masaki frowned and analyzed slowly.


Kichijoji Makoro nodded in agreement.

"So, I noticed the man behind Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari!"

Ichijo Masaki said, took out the mobile terminal, and a photo was played.

"First High School, Class A, Grade 1, Chiba Yeyou?"

A third-highest elite looked at the information under the photo and couldn't help but read it out loud.

"Well, I also learned about this person, but

Due to the tight schedule, I don't know a lot. I just know that he was the maintenance engineer of Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari, and seemed to have been involved in the incident at the First High School. I don't know the rest. "

Kichijoji Shinkoro talked about the information he had learned.

However, seeing Kichijoji Shinkoro staring at the person in the photo with his piercing eyes, Ichijo Masaki was also very interested in this person, and he knew more from the Ichijo family.

Ichijo Masaki had just learned about it, but that guy only participated in an ice pillar attack and defense, and had no direct contact with either himself or George. However, according to the information from home, it seemed that the men's ice pillar attack and defense would most likely fail.

Ichijo Masaki had not known that there was such a person in the First High School, but now that he knew, he was naturally very interested, and he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​making friends with him.

He had been on the battlefield and had come into contact with other people in advance. He knew how great an advantage it was to have one more powerful friend. Because of this, the "Crimson Prince" became very interested. After all, that guy's strength was definitely not worse than his Ichijo Masaki.

"Well, I just didn't expect Qianyu Yeyou's maintenance technician to be so strong."

"It seems that our players will be at a disadvantage from the beginning when facing the contestants in charge of this guy in the future."

Ichijo Masaki put away his thoughts and sighed. He didn't have any good solution for this. He was not a maintenance technician, but a contestant. He was willing but powerless.

"The bad news is that this guy also participated in the men's ice column attack and defense, and will always be responsible for the CAD debugging of Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari. The good news is that he only participated in this project and was only responsible for the projects of these two people."

Kichijoji Makoro said this information with a serious expression, which made everyone feel relieved, uh, except for a few students who competed with Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari.

Ichijo Masaki looked at the male students who participated in the ice column attack and defense and didn't know what to say.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. He is in charge of very few projects and participates in even fewer. We just need to win the other competitions. We can still beat No. 1 High School, interrupt their winning streak, and get first place!"

Everyone laughed when they heard what Ichijo said.


"Can No. 1 High School come up with another such a powerful maintenance engineer?"

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