Magical ties

129 Secrets revealed

Jasmine calls Yona to set up a meeting with him. She has some news about the case he has her and Will working on. They agree to meet at Marshal's bar before opening. She calls a friend at the FBI she explains the situation with the local mayor and sheriff. He agrees to come and help out.

Yona lets Aisling know what is going on before he leaves. On his way to the bar he gives Audis a call.

"Audis has the results of the DNA came back yet?" Audis calls his assistant to ask. She brings him the file

"I have them right here in my hand. Do you want me to bring them by tonight?"

Yona thinks for a moment and then asks him.

"I am meeting my team at Marshal's bar , can you meet us there in about ten minutes?"

Audi's looks at his calendar to check his next meeting and it's clear so he lets him know it's good. Audis gets the envelope and lets his assistant know he needs to go out.

when Audis arrives there are about twelve people there. He looks at Yona confused. Yona notices his confusion and begins introductions.

"This is Aisling's uncle Audis he is the administrator at the hospital. Audis this gentleman is with the FBI Jonathan Proctor , these ladies are a few of Dean's victims. This is Dr Henessy a psychiatrist . To help the victims , and the investigating state police whom you already know . Along  with my team that you met before. They have agreed to talk to us about him. " Audis say hello and thank you to all. He hands them the envelope.

"have you seen the results yet?" Yona looks at him Audis shakes his head no.

they open it and as suspected Dean's DNA matches the rape kit as well he is Crystal's father. The anger on Yona's face is very visible. His fist clenched , his knuckles almost white with the strength of it. Jonathan takes the papers and reads over them.

"so we now have him on the rape and with the brutality of the attack he will never get out."Looking at the ladies he explains to them what can happen.

"with this evidence you don't really have to come forward. If you do it helps strengthen the case against him. It strengthens her story. They won't be able to say that she liked it tough and it just got out of hand . So what decision have you come to. "

the three ladies sitting there all agreed before coming to help. Two had gone to school with Remi. Though they were not friends they remember what she went through and what kind of person she was. They still want to help. The agent and his partner takes their statements. They let the psychiatrist to ask the questions , and to help with their emotional state. It's not normal procedure but since they are working with the prosecution they agreed. They want to ensure that all is airtight that the mayor cannot get away and neither can his son. After about two hours they finished up. Yona is relieved that soon Remi won't have to deal with this man ever again. Turning to Jonathan he asks.

" So what about the Sheriff and the others?"

Jonathan looks at his watch and as if right on cue the four men arrive.  Yona grins he really wants to hit someone hopefully it's the sheriff he gets to hit. Jonathan greets them and introduces himself.

They know why they are here and since they already agreed to come clean . After introductions they start the interview. The state police and the agents take the men to separate ends of the room so they can get their stories with out them hearing each other.

Jonathan takes the Sheriff asking him

"So sheriff what can you tell me about the incindent in High School?"

Terry bows his head and sighs then begins his story.

"We all were on the football team together. Dean was the star of the team and with being the mayors son it meant getting away with a lot. Aisling and I have been friends our whole lives and it wasn't until after what happened to Remi that I found out what he did to her. If I had known I would have never hung out with him. You see Aisling and Remi were the girls everyone wanted . They were like family to me. Well one night after the game we were under the bleachers getting high and drunk. The cheerleaders were leaving and Remi was waiting for her dad. We went over to tease her a little . It wasn't meant to happen. Dean got angry when she turned him down and started to hit her. We tried to get him off her but we were to drunk to do anything. He dragged her screaming by the hair to his truck. Throwing her into the back he continued to hit her when she fell unconscious he raped her. Then threw her onto a pile of trash bags. We were so drunk that we just laid on the ground listening to her scream. When he was done he got us up and we left. I thought we dreamed it until we went to school and was told she was just like Aisling beaten almost to death. When I heard that I knew it hadn't been a dream. I asked around to find out about what happened to Aisling and she finally told me what Dean did to her. When we confronted Dean he laughed it off and said not to worry there was no evidence. We didn't know what that meant at the time but our parents all of a sudden all had the money we needed to go to college as long as we did as we were told. Dean threatened that if we made waves it would be us going to jail not him.When Remi finally came out of the hospital she no longer talked and stayed completely by herself. Only her cousins could get close to her. " he looks at he agent and wonders what he must think of him. Jonathan has a few more questions for him

"So you boys got a free ride while a persons life was destroyed. Someone you considered family. Why did you not come forward when she was in the hospital from his attack this last time?"

Terry knew this was coming so he answered quickly.

"I was hopeful that we would be able to evidence this time and put him away but his sister gave him an alibi. Since there were witnesses and security footage of them leaving together. I figured it was legitimate. I'm not going to lie part of me was relieved that I didn't have to drag him in. The Mayor had already made calls to the higher ups and I was given instructions that if the alibi was legitimate then to put the family off . I know I'm going to burn in hell for this but I knew if Dean was arrested and charged he would find a way to place the blame elsewhere. That is what he has held over our heads since high school. That we were there and he could blame any of us. That thanks to his father he could get away with it as well. We all worked hard to get what we have none of us wanted to lose it. That's why as soon as he alibied out I turned the evidence and case over to the State. That way it could get throughly investigated and not covered up. Just between you and me I also knew that fellow over there and his brother would not let it rest. They don't give up . I knew they would go their own way , and find evidence. When Aisling was in trouble Astila did just that he took out the killer all I had to do was place him in custody." He takes his hands through his hair agitated and looks sheepishly at the agent.

The agent looked at the officer in front of him. This man does not deserve to wear a badge. So he sits back in his chair looking more laidback and tells the Sheriff.

"You don't deserve that badge. You let not one but two women in danger because of your incompetence. If I was you I would be looking for a different line of work. Though technically you did nothing yourself to anyone as an officer it is your duty to remote all evidence. So I am going to recommend that you be placed on suspension to think about your career. You need to beg your friends for forgiveness though you don't deserve it." With that he dismisses the sheriff and calls the bureau. He orders a full investigation into the mayors financial and political dealings as well as a background check on the entire department. He wants to know who exactly the mayor has in his pockets. Looking across the room he sees the disgust on his partners face. He guesses he is hearing the same story. Jasmine walks over to talk to Jonathan.

"So my friend can you tell me why my boss is looking like he wants to kill these guys? I know it has something to do with his sister in law and her family. I've just never seen him take such a interest before."  Jonathan looks at her and grins like a fool.

" Let me ask you this, if your brother Will got married and your sister in law had been beaten and left for dead and no one had been arrested for it what would you do?" Jasmine without hesitation answers.

"I would hunt them down and gut them myself. " Now she is starting to get it he has started to care for his sister in law.

"exactly but from what I am seeing it's not just the sister in law. I think it's more personal. Before I came I looked up the recent case the bureau had up here. It involved his sister in-law. His brother handed the serial killer to the police. The same sheriff was in charge on that case as well. He would not be getting so worked up over something that happened to her years ago. I think he may have feelings for the victim. I think he asked you and Will to do the investigations because he is worried he won't control his anger . I saw his face when the sheriff came in he wanted to beat him. " Jasmine looks at Yona she sees how agitated he is like he could fly of the handle at anytime. Glancing back at Jonathan she has to admit he maybe on to something.

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