Magical ties

195 Wrapping up

Yona talks to the prosecutors to do the detectives about Eva. Yona is positive she knew nothing about Grove's illegal dealings. The prosecutor told him that Eva's parents bought the house right out and never transferred the title. So Eva has no worries over the place. The business assets will be frozen until they examine the books. Yona knows that Aisling and Audis won't allow her to do without anything needed. Marshal gives Eva a call to let her know what is happening. 

"Hey, cousin, I am just calling you to let you know that I beat your husband and put him in the hospital. He will be going straight to jail out of the hospital. I also smashed the girlfriend's face when she tried to flirt with me. She looked like a snake in my eyes. I'm afraid that the company assets are going to be frozen for a while. " Marshal hears Eva sigh through the phone. 

"So he was involved in illegal deals and cheating on me. What am I going to do now? How can I face my Dad and kids?" Marshal hears her sniffle; he knows she is crying. 

"None of this is your fault, and we are a family we stick together always, so no worries. You know he had a lot of people fooled, not just you. Though I'm glad your Mom never transferred the house to you guys. It's safe from any legal action. " Marshal trues yo cheer her up. 

"Mom hated him; she never trusted him; that's why the house stayed in her and Dad's name. When she gave him money for the business, it went straight to the accountant to pay the bills. She never invested in any of his schemes. I always wondered where she got the money from, but I guess I know now. She got it from Aisling all this time." Eva sighs she never knew that their life was so dependent on Aisling. 

"Yes, your Mom got the money from Aisling, but it was money she was paid for taking care of the three of them when their parents passed away. My Dad and your Mom both got paid for the expense of raising them. Your Mom invested what she made than when you needed it; she used it for you and your siblings. The love they have for Aisling and her siblings has never been attached to her money they would have taken care of regardless of it. Aisling has always been giving and grateful for what she has. She has ever tried not to show that she has money. So please don't feel bad or treat her differently because you know about it now. She will feel as if she burdened you instead of helping you. I, for one, hope you stay at home with us for a while, at least until your divorce and Grove's trial is over and he is safely in jail. " Eva gasps in shock; she hasn't even come to grasp the idea of divorcing her husband. Marshal hears her and grumbles at her. 

"Hey, love, I guess you have heard about everything going on with Eva? Can you help take care of her till I get back? I will be a few more days. How is Brayden doing with going back to school?" Winona smiles to herself; Marshal always thinks of her son and her. She has missed him these last few days. Winona is surprised at how fast her feelings have grown. 

"He and Crystal have been doing great; she seems to keep him on an even keel, so he hasn't had any problems. Will you guys be home by Easter. Your Dad wanted to know he says you guys have a unique tradition? " Marshal laughs and thinks about their particular customs. Thinking of which he needs to ask if he can take Brayden.

"Yes, we do; we go turkey hunting for the Easter bird. Do you mind if I take Brayden? It will be a first for a lot in the family this year. It is Inola, Onacona, Astila, and Yona's first year to hunting with us. " Winona agreed to let Brayden go if he wants. Marshal hangs up, smiling at how things are working out. He goes to find Yona so they can hurry and wrap up their part. So they can head home to their family. 

Yona called and gave Aisling the low down on everything and met with the prosecutor and detectives to see what more they need from them. 

"With the evidence that you got from King's construction and with the help from the Bureau's investigation, we have an iron-clad case. The Bureau is about to close in on King's contacts; once they do that, it will be over. " the detective informs Yona. 

"So Marshal and I can leave it with you for now and head home? We have some family things to attend to." Yona asks of the detective. 

"Yes, you can go home if we need anything, we have your contact information. So you two are free to go." The detective shakes Yona's hand, and thanks to him for his help. Marshal comes in as they say their goodbyes and reminds the detective that he as an invite to Easter dinner. 

Marshal and Yona catch a flight back home in the afternoon the next day. They bring gifts for all the kids' Easter baskets from a chocolate shop. They had unique chocolates made for everyone. For their ladies, they each got specialty Bon Bon's inside chocolate boxes. 

Marshal had left his truck at the airport so they could go straight home without letting anyone know. Yona can't wait to surprise his girls. Yona asks Marshal about Eva.

"Did you talk to Eva yet about everything? Is she doing ok ?" Marshal looks at Yona and tells him what he thinks.

"I told her, and I think that with our help, she will be ok. It's going to be harder for her to say to their kids. I have sent them messages to be home or Easter. That way, she will have all of the support of all of her family. We may not always see eye to eye, but we never give up on each other. We never let anyone struggle alone. " 

Yona agreed with him; he has seen first hand how they don't give up on each other. Even when someone doesn't deserve a second chance, they get it. 

"That is one thing I have noticed about your family even when angry bayou doesn't abandon anyone. Even if they deserve it, it's something that I didn't understand at first, but I do now." Yona hands a cup of coffee and lays back in the seat to take a nap till they land. He can't wait to get home to his family.

Eva knocks on her Dad's door.

"Hi, Dad, can we talk for a moment ?" Audis motions her to sit. 

"This has to do with why Marshal and Yona went to Chicago?" Do Audis ask?

"Yes, they went because Grove has been doing a few illegal deals. He got involved with money laundering and was having an affair. Marshal went to beat him up, and Yona went to help the police catch him. Yona has already set my divorce into action. I know I have disappointed you. I'm sorry." Eva begins to cry, and Audis puts his arms around his daughter and lets her call to her heart's content. 

"It is ok. I'm not disappointed in you. I'm proud of you. You did everything that a loving, supportive wife should do. You have never given up on your husband. It's his fault that he didn't see your value. Your Mom always knew he wasn't what he seemed; that's why she did the things she did. I know you were resentful at times, thinking she was too harsh or that she was letting Aisling control everything. She allowed you to believe that because, for the most part, you seemed happy. She didn't want you to think that she didn't like Grove. If you loved him, then she accepted him that was that. She just refused to allow him to leave you with nothing." Audis hugs Eva and wipes her tears. 

"Truthfully, I only married him because I got pregnant and was too prideful to let anyone see I had made a mistake. I would get frustrated with Mom, but I always knew she had my back. I was the one who gave up and gave in. I just never thought he didn't love me or that he would cheat on me. If I had known he didn't love me, I would have come home years ago." Eva blushes with embarrassment at her confession. Audis laughs and hugs her tighter.

"Well, you are home now, and we can start to rebuild your life when you are ready. Take your time, and when the kids get here for an Easter, we can tell them what they need to know. He is still their father, so we can let them decide what they want to know. They may surprise you in how much they already know. Kids these days know more than we give them credit for what they know. I noticed the boys were not that warm to their Dad at your Mom's funeral and party. They may already know what he was up to no good. We will find out when they come home. Now dry those eyes and never fear your family is always on your side." Audis gets up to make a phone call when Eva thanks him. She goes down to prepare lunch and get the kids snacks ready for after school. Eva is so glad she came home with her Dad this time.

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