Magical ties

231 Sirens song 5

"The Father gave us this stone we made it into a wedding ring for Xiangin. He says as long as she keeps this ring on that her harmful powers will be repressed and she won't transform. He says that the sirens who have harmed others have to be vanquished and sent for judgment. Xiangin will be spared since she has not used her powers to harm anyone, only if she wishes to live as a human. You need to release the spirits of the dead in the cavern and send the others to judgment as soon as possible. Now the only way to release the souls of the dead is to enter the cavern so you will need to allow them to take you there. Once it is done either a portal can be opened to bring you out or Xiangin can use her powers to bring you out. Dude you need to stay close to Xiangin to protect her, once her mother and sisters know that she has decided to leave they will try to take her life. Now I have never needed to teach you about using your gifts to pull energy from your surroundings before because the need was not there . Once you are inside the cavern you will need to channel your energy to defeat them. You will need to visualize that you are pulling light from the water . Since the cavern is under water you won't have your normal source of energy. So before going to the cavern practice drawing energy from the water. " Morrigan tells them 

placing basins of water on the table Morrigan and Uktena work with each of the men to show them how to bend the water and draw from it what they need to defeat the sirens. Dude watches from the sidelines thinking to himself 

"how am I supposed to protect my woman if I have no powers?" Uktena looks at him and motions for him to come. 

"Do you know why you were able to survive the fires you were in? It's because can wield the fire element. " sitting Dude in front of him Uktena places his hands on Dudes temples. He tells him. 

" Do think of the water as just water, remember water has hydrogen and oxygen if in your mind you can draw out the hydrogen from the water then you can set the cavern on fire. With Yona able to use electricity he would only need to ignite the hydrogen you release from the water. The two of you practice together to see if you can make it work. " Dude does as Uktena commands. Astila places a field around the basin while Dude and Yona practice setting the fire inside the basin. After a few tries they ignite the hydrogen that Dude extracted from the water. Onacona and Inola practice with channeling extra energy to the ones with active power. Marshal being a Earth elemental only needs to feel the earth with being inside of a cavern his strength will be ten fold. When they feel they are ready Dude goes to the cave to meet Xiangin. 

"The father gave us his blessing and gave you this stone . If you wear it you can live with me on land without losing your powers or be harmed. This stone will repress your powers as long as you wear it. The Father says that your mother and sisters need to be sent to judgement for their deeds. Since you are innocent as long as you live as a human we can be together. Will you marry me and live with me as my wife. I promise we will always be near water of some kind and that I will always take care of you. I don't want to be with anyone but you, I know I'm asking you to give up a lot. If you say no then I'm worried that you will be hurt, or that eventually you will have no choice but to hurt someone. Once you do that the father may not be merciful to you." Dude looks at Xiangin holding his breath hoping she will say yes. Xiangin without hesitation wraps her arms around his neck and looks deeply into his eyes telling him . 

" yes , I will do what ever it takes to be with you . I have wanted nothing else since I first met you as a teen. How are we going to defeat my family? The men won't be able to resist my family's song they will be enchanted and have to obey." 

Dude shakes his head and tells her. 

"It seems my family is immune to their song. They were on the beach fishing the other day when your sister sent out her song. None of them were effected like the others. I'm not sure if they were to far away or immune but don't worry we have a plan. I am not going to tell you anything but that the six of us will go to the cavern with your sisters as if we are under their spell once there we will take care of them. I just need to know if once they are defeated can you get us back on land ?" Xiangin nods yes . Dude kisses her once more and goes to get the others for some fishing. 

Back at the house the others are getting their fishing gear ready. They need to make it seem they are oblivious to the sirens until they are supposed to be enchanted. Not knowing for certain if the sirens song effects them they all put their ear coverings on. Watching the other men's reaction to the sirens they will know when they have used their song. Kissing their women they say goodbye and remind them that they will call for Morrigan and Uktena if they need them.

the men head for the beach to fish from the stone peer. They notice that the sirens are surrounded by men already on the beach . Dude looks at Xiangin and she nods slightly signaling him that her sister's song is being sung. Dude winks at the others and starts to slowly walk towards the women. The other five follow his lead. They cannot hear anything other than the words that the oldest sister is saying. 

"Follow my call beneath the sea. Where you will sleep for all eternity. Come to me come to me in my embrace for all eternity. " seeing the ones they had been waiting for the three sisters rise from the sand and take the men by the hand. Walking towards the surf they enter the water. When the men enter the waves thesirens breath into their mouths to enable them to breathe under the water. Each of the men think to themselves. My woman is going to kill me, as their lips meet the sirens lips. Sinking beneath the surface of the water the siren continues to sing as they sink deeper and deeper into the sea. Being pulled by the siren into their cavern the men see piles of bones some more dust than bone after centuries of laying there. Looking around they see a beautiful woman incased in a clear crystal coffin. Astila thinks that must be their mother. Astila notices that there is a weak man in the corner next to the coffin , he is barely alive but still alive. Onacona and Inola sees the spirits of the men trapped hiding in the darkness of the other side of the pool in the center of the cavern. Astila feels his uncle rap his arm looking where his eyes are staring Astila sees the spirits as well. Each of the sirens take the hands of the men they chose and guide them to the mating pool. Winking at each other the men begin to channel the energy as they practiced. All the while pretending to be in a stupor. When Dude was sat next to the pool he began to separate the hydrogen filling the cavern with the gas. Marshal used the earth energy to break the Crystal coffin. Once the coffin was filled with hydrogen gas Yona sent just enough electric charge into the coffin to ignite it. The sirens began to scream as their mother began to burn to ashes inside. Not knowing what was happening they began to try to break it open to get their screaming mother out. The cavern began to shake from the sound of the oldest siren's death cries filled it. While they were occupied Xiangin helped the man who was nearly dead into the water to take him back to the surface. She takes him to the cave where she met Dude earlier so that he can recover and find his way out to the beach. Quickly going back she surfaces inside the cavern there her sisters are trying to re-enchant the men. Dude is sitting on her cavern floor concentrating on filling the power orbs with gas while Yona is throwing them at her sister's filling the cavern with smoke and fire. Onacona and Inola are releasing the souls with burning sage and sprinkling salt on the earth filled bones. The sirens are using their power of manipulation of water to try to stop the fire orbs from hitting them. Marshal thinks to himself , " I hate hitting a woman but enough is enough. He channeled the earth's energy and hits Xiangin's oldest sister in the face sending her reeling into the wall . Once she is out Yona sends an electrical current through her until she turns to ash. Now there is only one sister left. This one is stronger than the older one it takes two of the men to subdue her, before she is set on fire. Thinking they are ready to leave they hear a sound coming from another chamber in the cavern.

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