Magical ties

235 Sirens horn 2

Crystal lowers her head in sadness, her great grandmother caused so much pain to others all because of jealousy. Her grandfather and father only knew how to hurt others, Crystal worries that she will become a band person because of them. When moving into the cellar Crystal feels a dark coldness overcome her. She looks around she can't place where it is coming from but it's reaching out to her. Trying to cloud her mind of all logic. Reaching out beside her Crystal grabs Aisling's hand. When she does Aisling feels the coldness, she hears the voice of someone calling them. The voice keeps calling for them to come. Aisling breathes a sigh of relief when the tour of Macha's is over. Once they are outside of the house the coldness goes away. Aisling asks Crystal. 

"When we are done here , would you like to go to the cabin and talk to Morrigan?" 

Crystal looks at Aisling and nods. 

"I think we need to ask her more about Macha. There is something still there even though she was sent to the Father. I have always sensed a shadow beneath the house every time we have come here. This is the first time I have been inside of the house. I haven't sensed evil there but it isn't without malice. " Aisling agrees with her and they finish the tour. When they arrive home Aisling tells Moll and Maureen what happened at the bed and breakfast. Xiangin comes in to pick up Opal and Noah on her way home from work. Maureen watches them after school for her. She over hears part of their conversation and asks. 

"could it be the horn calling to you. Can you take me with you when you meet them? I have a few questions as well." Maureen tells her she will watch the children while they go to see the celestial ones. 

The three go the cabin and call out for Morrigan. When she arrives she has someone with her. It is Xiangin's grandmother. The ancient siren looks at her granddaughter and smiles. 

"How is it that you are here?" Xiangin asks. 

Morrigan knows that they have many questions so she tells them. 

"I know you have many questions so ask them, the Father has given me permission to reveal what you need to know." 

Aisling decides to start. 

"How is it that we defeated Macha before the sirens came and yet she was still there and strong?" 

Morrigan looks at them and explains. 

"Since you were battling her in two separate times the evil she wrought was not able to be reversed. Her essence was trapped in the willow tree and not destroyed in the past but in the present. So to her in the past you were just passing visitors that caused the death of her son's. It was not until the willow was destroyed that she was truly gone. Since she was weakened by your visit she needed to horn to try to bring him back again. Unable to do that when her mortality was close to its end she returned to the willow with her and Marbas's son. Now I also know you have questions about Uktena and myself I promise those questions will be answered at a later time. Now Crystal I felt earlier that you were worried that you may turn evil. Do not worry child that will not happen. You were raised in a loving home with good parents and family. You had something that your father and grandfather did not have. You were given endless love and support, you have people to help you  to stay grounded . You have a good kind heart one that will never fail you . So do not worry . Now the shadow you saw at the bed and breakfast today that is a soul that Macha has bound to the horn. It is that soul that you were sensing. He is not dangerous but he can cause some problems. You need to find the horn and return it to The Father. Your grandmother has been given a chance to return to help retrieve the horn. When you retrieve it and it is returned she will be given a choice to return to the immortal realm or she can live as a human. She will have this time on earth with you to figure out what she wants to do. Enjoy the short time you have with your grandmother learn from her about who you are. " Morrigan leaves and the four ladies go back to the present time. Xiangin asks her grandmother what is she supposed to call her. 

"I am Legeia , I will answer to what ever you wish to call me." Legeia answers. 

Crystal looks and grimaces at the name. 

"It's beautiful but not a name that is heard now days. It will make a big impression and will be hard for the kids to say. Why don't we call you Gia or Gigi. That way it will be easy for everyone." 

Legeia smiles at Crystal and lets her know. 

"I like them both so which ever one the children like I will go by. " 

The four ladies go into the kitchen to greet the family for dinner. Xiangin makes the introduction to the family. 

" umm , I would like to introduce you to my grandmother Legeia, she has come to help us recover the horn. " 

Dude stands and welcomes her. 

"I am Dude , Xiangin's husband. You will hear her call me David but everyone else calls me Dude. Welcome , I hope your time with us will be Pleasant. These two scamps here are your great grandchildren,Opal and Noah ." He takes his children's hands and tugs them towards their great grandmother. Opal takes her hand and she begins to glow. It is normal when sirens touch. Opal giggles and asks. 

"You are her the one I dream about?The one that calls me when I sleep?" Legeia is taken back because she has had dreams of this child but never realized that she also dreamed of her.

"yes but it's only when I sleep that I see you as well. It must be because you inherited my powers I am sorry if I disturb your rest. I have no control over it." Opal smiles at her and answers. 

" it is ok when you visit my dreams it is when we are in the sea together. Mama has never allowed me to go to the sea. I think she is afraid that we will become bad if we do. What do I call you by the way?" Crystal grins knowing that Opal hates to be improper or mispronounce anything. Legeia smiles at the children and tells them. 

"Crystal suggested that since my name may be hard to pronounce that you may call me Gia or Gigi. Which would you like?" 

Noah's eyes light up and he says very quickly. 

"In Germany and Canada many children call their grandmother GiGi I have longed for a grandmother to call Gigi can we please?" They all look at him in surprise. He has never expressed that he felt left out because he has no grandmother. In fact looking around the room none of the children in this room except for Crystal and Alex have even met their grandmothers. Legeia hugs him and tells him. 

"I would love to be called Gigi and I will enjoy being grandmother. Though I do look a little young to be great grandmother don't you think. " Noah grins and hugs her tightly 

"yes you do you look no older than mama so many won't realize that when we call Gigi that we are calling for a grandmother. They will just think that it is short for something. Gigi would you sit beside me for dinner? " he looks at her adoringly. 

" of course I would love to." She answers as she takes the seat beside him. Gigi looks around the room and gazed at Alex. Puzzled she asks Remi. 

"Your son looks very familiar to me but it is not possible that he is the grandson of the one I know. " Instead of Remi answering Alex gets up and stands beside her. Giving her a hug. He looks deep into her eyes and tells her. 

"Thank you for trying to save me, it was an accident I know that you had not intended for me to be swept away. Though I had to wait for many years to be reborn I am grateful that it is now. For if not then I would have missed the opportunity to meet you. I am Alexander Tunis , I am the son of Yona and Remi . I am Crystal's brother and my mother will be having twins in seven months. " they all look at Remi and she just sighs. And glares at her two children. 

"you know sometimes I wish I could find out about being pregnant in a normal fashion. Moll I guess I will be seeing you in the office to verify if I am or not." The room erupted into joyful laughter and early Congrratuulatiions to Yona and Remi. Gigi smiles at the love and warmth of the family. Maybe if her kind could feel like this things for them would have been different.

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