Magical ties

247 Valac punishmen

"You dare to glare at me. You who has disobeyed every command that I have made. You shall be banished to the void as punishment. You will no longer exist in any realm or time, you shall be no more Valac." The father commanded the demon. 

"Father you abandoned us you cast us aside for beings with no power or consciousness of anything outside of themselves. How can you blame us for our disobedience when you are at fault? We adored you and did everything you asked of us. I just do not understand what they have to offer." Valac sneered at the father showing no fear of him. The Father closes his hand tightly and the demon screams in pain. The father looks at him and reminds him who he is. 

"I am the father of all creation, I gave you life and a purpose. You chose to turn your back on me. You chose to do evil instead of what your purpose was. The moment you whispered jealousy into the ears of humans you chose to be a parasite and not have a life of your own. For this evil you shall be tortured by the same pain that you inflicted. When I decide that you have suffered enough I will end your existence for good. " the father snapped his fingers and Valac was shackled and the earth opened up and he was thrown into a fiery pit. The father lays his hand on Astila's mother and then he is gone. 

Astila goes over to check on his mom , her vitals are good she is just sleeping. He picks her up and carries her to the sofa . Yona calls Remi to let her know her and Astila will be staying here tonight that his mother is sleeping. Remi goes to find Aisling to tell her what is going on. 

"Aisling it's over the guys are....." her voice trails off as she sees the father with Morrigan and Uktena in the living room. 

"I was just informing Aisling and the others that Valac is no more. I wanted to reassure Crystal that she is safe and that her grandmother will be fine. I also wanted to reward her for her willingness to sacrifice everything for someone else. She may ask anything of me and it will be granted. She just has to ask when she is ready. " with that the father leaves. 

Remi hugs Crystal and tells her. 

"The guys are staying at Onacona's house tonight, your grandmother is sleeping. They want to be there when she wakes. I'm sure she will be herself when she wakes. If not it won't be because of the demon but because she still can't face what happened. Not everyone can handle grief and pain. So do not take it personally if she still the same. " 

Crystal hears the anxiousness in her moms voice . 

" mom it will be ok, it doesn't matter how grandma is as long as she is healthy and is no longer being tortured and fed off of by the demon. She had to watch grandfather die in front of her right after losing a child. How can anyone be ok after either one of those events. It is something that no one completely recovers from. I mean look at us we lost aunt Norma and then uncle Audis, we still miss them and get sad when we think of them. Imagine losing your soulmate and love in front of you. I do not think I would ever be the same if that was to happen. When Macha had Brayden I was terrified for him because he is my best friend and brother. If he would have died that day I would not have been able to go on. I know it is not the same as it is for a husband and wife. That their bond is probably deeper and stronger but I do not know that kind of love yet. I only know the love I have for my family. When I do know the love of a soulmate I know it will be for my whole life . I'm sure that is the kind of love that grandmother had for grandfather. Then to lose a child even if she never got to meet him would have been hard enough. It was probably what attracted the demon to grandmother to begin with. Now that he is gone she may come back to her family, if she is not able to then, we will still show her our love. Where she was unable to feel the love of her children before she will be able to now. " Crystal tells her mom and Aisling how she feels hoping she has explained it in a way they understand. Crystal goes up to her room to say a prayer of thanks to the father. She is grateful to him for sending Valac away so that her grandmother will at least have chance to get better. 

Astila sits in the chair looking at his mom, he has mixed feeling about her at the moment. On one hand he is happy that she will have the chance now to get better. On the other he is resentful that she has spent so many years locked inside her own mind. He just hopes that she will be willing to give them a chance to get to know her again. 

Yona is sitting next to his brother in deep thought. He is having the same thoughts as his brother, his resentment is a little deeper than Astila's. He is the one who had to help take care of his siblings and carry the burden of his mothers expenses. He hopes that he will be able to forgive her for choosing to live the way she did. He has felt rejected by her for so long that he had a hard time opening up to anyone. That is until he met Remi and Crystal, when he met them his world changed. He hopes he never has to be without his family, hopes he never has to worry about if he will be like his mom if he were to lose them. 

John and Onacona watch the two men deep in thought . Knowing that they both are hoping for the best but expecting no change .  All they can do is be here for them to give them support and comfort. 

When Woya wakes in the morning she is confused. She is not in her room at the home. Her heart begins to race with panic. She sits up and looks around the room. She sees two men asleep one on the loveseat and the other in the chair. They both resemble her husband and his brother. Looking closer at them she realizes that these are her sons. When did they grow up into such big men. She quietly gets up and heads into the kitchen. Looking in the refrigerator to see what food there is to cook. Finding eggs and milk she begins to cook breakfast. Her brow furrowed as she looked at the stove she can't find the knobs to turn it on. Hearing a noise behind her she turns and sees Onacona asking him. 

"I'm sorry I was going to make breakfast but I can't find the knobs to turn the stove on. May I ask who you are?" Woya looks bewildered. 

Onacona looks at her and shows her how to work the stove. 

"I am Onacona and this is my house. I am your sons Yona and Astila's wives uncle. You fell asleep last night so we did not want to disturb you so you stayed here." Onacona explains to her 

"My sons are married , when did this happen?" Woya asks her

"Astila married Aisling eight years ago and Yona married Remi a few months after. Remi is pregnant with twins right now . They have two other children a girl and boy. Astila and Aisling have twins. You will meet them later this morning. Inola will arrive with his wife at the weekend. Salali and her husband and child will be here in a few days. " Onacona smiles at her and hands her a cup of tea. She smiles shyly at him wondering if he is married. She looks at his hand and sees his ring. His wife is a lucky woman she thinks to herself. 

"thank you for the tea and for explaining a few things." Woya stands and goes into the living room to watch her boys sleep.

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