Magical ties

274 Going to Tokyo

"All will be ok do not worry, if I go into labor early someone will call. Moll says that I will be fine and that you will only be gone a week . I will talk to you daily do not worry. I still have five weeks to my due date." Remi hugs Yona to reassure him that all is well. Yona kisses his wife and leans down to rest his forehead on her stomach. He whispers to the twins. 

"Be good for mommy and wait for me, Daddy loves you." Yona closes his eyes not wanting Remi to see his sadness at leaving them. Alex and Crystal come in to say goodbye. Alex as usual has a snarky remark . 

"Ah jeez dad, you act like you are leaving forever. It's just a week , you will be home in no time. Was you this mushy when I was born?"Alex rolls his eyes and seeing his fathers face he hides behind Crystal. Crystal moves to get out of the way. Yona glares at his son and grabs him up. Placing a loud kiss on his forehead Yona looks into his sons eyes. 

"It's because of you I'm so nervous, do you know that you were born in a car in the middle of an ice storm. I was out of town and Aisling had to portal me home just to get stuck in the freezing storm and delivering you myself via Moll on the phone. So you can blame yourself for my anxiety over what may happen. The worst is that if your mother goes into labor while I am away I cannot portal home I will have to fly back and miss them being born. So yes I was mushy with you. Though how I could ever imagine getting teary eyes and soft over you is beyond me." Yona's voice is playful and Alex smiles giving his father a hug. 

"I know but you are just so easy to tease. I can't help myself when I see you that way. I love you dad and would not want you any other way. Can you bring me the new game back if you get the chance and on your next trip I would like to go with you?" Alex likes Tokyo he goes to the temple to meditate and pray for hours. The monks there have told Yona he is a monk at heart. Yona is grateful to them for helping Alex learn to find quiet in his mind especially since here the children are linked and are always talking to each other mentally. 

"Of course I will take you when the twins have come and no one can sleep. That way you can visit Kiki and get recharged. " Yona hugs his family one more time before heading to the airport. It's going to be a long week for him. 

Aisling is busy in the kitchen when she hear a shrill coming from the twins room. Going upstairs she knocks on their door. Lilli opens it looking sheepishly at her mother.  The shrill was coming from Lotus she is standing on the dresser screaming. 

"Why are you screaming the house down so early in the morning?" Lotus points to the corner and there sits a mangled boy. Aisling sighs and helps Lotus down. She walks over to the boy and asks him. 

"Why are you here?" The boy points to Lilli and smiles. Aisling looks at Lilli And asks her. 

"Why is the boys here, what happened that he came here?" Aisling knows that the girls are like her and attract spirits. Luckily it is not a Nephilim power so there is no danger but the boy seems to need something from them.

"Mom , when we were on our field trip he showed himself to me. His family is from Japan and he was separated from them when they visited Washington. The men who took him had a grudge against his father and the boy had an illness and died without his medication, when the kidnappers found him dead they chopped him up and buried him. He is buried under the bushes in front of the museum we went to. He needs to get a message to his father. He needs to tell him to beware of his uncle that it was his doing. Here is his father's address can you give it to Uncle Yona since he leaves today. We need to have someone find his body so it can be returned to his family. How can we do that without explaining why?" Lilli tells Aisling. Aisling texts Yona with the address and name of who she needs him to visit. Telling him why he needs to go there. Yona is driving and unable to answer but she knows he will check it out. She then calls Marshal.

"hey cuz I need a favor, we have a spirit that followed Lilli home from the field trip yesterday. He is a young Japanese boy who was kidnapped and died. The kidnappers chopped him up and buried him under the bushes of the museum. I'm guessing that they posed as landscapers to do it unawares. Can you figure out a way to get someone to check into it. I will text you his fathers information that Lilli was able to get from him." Aisling asks Marshal. 

"Send me the information and I will take care of it, I will call the bureau and see about missing persons from that area. I need to visit my friend at the museum, I have been to busy to go but now I have an excuse. I will try to find away to get those bushes replaced. That way they can dig up the area and find him. " Marshal hangs up and calls his friends to get things started. 

Aisliing gets the girls ready for school. Lilli tells the spirit to stay with her mom that she will help him. Aisling thinks to herself so  much for a quiet day. 

Marshals contact sent him a file on missing children in Washington DC. He looked through it and found a young boy about nine years old. He went missing while on a school trip a few months ago. His parents came to help look for him but had to go back to Japan before they were able to find anything. Marshal calls his friend at the museum to ask if he can visit the next day. When he hangs up he looks up what types of diseases that can effect different plants and how to treat them. He finds a fast acting pesticide that will kill the azaleas in the flower beds within a few days. Marshal heads to the feed store to pick up a large bottle of the pesticide. Luckily it looks just like water so he can just pretend to be watering the bushes with his water before going into the museum. Then hopefully in a few days they will need to dig them up to replace them. 

when Yona arrives in Tokyo he turns his phone on . He notices that Aisling sent him a message. Opening the message Yona sees the name and address of who Aisling needs him to see. Sighing Yona says a prayer for the boy and his family . When the taxi arrives at his house Yona goes inside to research the man and his business. It's well past midnight by the time Yona was able to piece together what could have happened to the child. The boys father is a prominent business man in the security business. It's puzzling that a man who's business is security could not protect his child unless it was an inside job. Yona pulls up the business website and looks up the prominent officers of the company. One person sticks out to him. He is someone he has done business with before when working on different deals. This is the company that takes care of security for visiting dignitaries. Seeing how late it is Yona knows he is done for the night but he will get his team of investigators here in Japan started tomorrow. Dialing Remi he calls home to say goodnight to his family. Remi answers quickly smiling at him . 

"Hello my love I see you started to work the moment you landed. Remi blows him a kiss , Yona smiles at his wife and asks. 

"Where are the kids?" Remi rolls her eyes and tells him. 

"Lilli brought a spirit home from the field trip yesterday and they went to Aisling's to help figure out what happened. Aisling told me that she asked you to visit his father. According to Lilli his uncle had him kidnapped but that his death was an accident. Maybe you should investigate things there before approaching his father. Marshal is visiting the museum tomorrow he plans on poisoning the bushes around the area that the child is supposed to be buried. In hopes they will need to replace them and find the child. This is one of those times I wish we could use our powers to help. " Remi explains to him hoping he will not just rush in. Yona agrees with her and asks her. 

"how are you feeling, any pains or discomfort?" Remi shakes her head no, so he knows all is fine . Since Yona's tiredness is showing on his face Remi tells him good night and promises to call him as soon as she knows anything.

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