Magical ties

293 Exploring the castle

"I do not like to be idle and asked master Lucian if I could help. Is there anything I may do?" Aisling asks the head cook. A kind looking woman which Aisling soon finds looks can be deceiving. 

"You may do what you like since you are to be the mistress here. Though do not expect me to go easy on you. You may start by cleaning the dishes while the gurl there takes a rest. Then you can clean the floors. We have no mop here so it must be done with a bucket and brush. " the cook tells Aisling. Aisling rolls up her sleeves and begins to wash dishes while the young girl watches and snickers at her. It takes a while as the cook started taking things from the storage for her to re-wash. Aisling knew she was just giving her a hard time though not knowing why. When finally everything in the kitchen had been cleaned and put back away Aisling started cleaning the floor. She noticed while cleaning a symbol on the warming door of the stove. Smiling she finished scrubbing the floor. The cook grunted thinking Aisling would have given up when she saw she would need to get on her hands and knees to clean. Not knowing that Aisling doesn't use a mop at her home either she has always only scrub with a bucket and brush. Lucian walks in and sees the staff sitting around throwing things on the floor to impeade Aisling's progress. 

"What do you think you are doing? I will add another hundred years to your sentence fir this." He bellowed. Aisling's head snaps up at the sound of his voice. The cook stands and studders. 

"Mmmaster I'm sorry we were just having some fun . We didn't think it would upset you." She bows her head . 

"Why would you think it is ok for you to torment the mistress of this keep. She is not one of the punished sent here. I brought her here for my pleasure alone. You were sent here how many centuries ago for your punishment for murdering children?" Lucian asks the cook. 

"It has been three now. I arrived the day that the groundskeeper said that the one who made the stew disappeared." She replied. 

"Exactly if you ever want to make amends and be redeemed you need to learn your lesson. Do you plan to spend eternity serving me. For your insolent behavior you both will spend time in the dungeon. To be tormented by those you harmed. " Lucian nods to the men who came in with him they drag the two women away. They are begging not to be put in the dungeon. Lucian's face turns cold as he faces the others in the kitchen.

"I do not mind if you want to help but those who are here have done some bad things. When they died the father gave them a chance to make amends. He sentenced them here to do penitence for their deeds. If they make amends they will be called back by the father and someone else will arrive. Only those who showed remorse but did not as for forgiveness is sent here. If they do not show true remorse within a certain amount of time then the father will send them to an eternity of torment. That is my punishment for the rebellion against the father. To forever be the keeper of those who do evil. Though I do not mind it most times because I enjoy torturing humans whether it is while they are living or dead. I have been known to cause quite the ruckus every now and then. " Lucian gets a smile on his face at the thought of the chaos he causes. Aisling glares at him. 

"You do realize that when you cause a ruckus  you hurt millions of people who do not deserve to be hurt. In scripture it says you were the most handsome and beloved by the father. Why would you go against him?" Aisling asks Lucian. 

"The father made humans and forgot about us. We were delegated to be babysitters. So I got his attention back by causing a ruckus. One that lasted for several millennium. The war between us is still going on. It will go one for eternity or until humans are gone. It was his fault for giving the freedom to choose. If he had not done that then the female would not have been so easy to seduce. You would have thought that after the first one he would have gave up. No not father he has to have his way so he made another. So now here we are. " Lucian looks at Aisling wondering if his words have changed her in thinking anyway . 

"You know that because we have the freedom to choose, we can choose good or bad. We are taught what is right and wrong by the fathers commandments. It is up to us to choose. When someone sins it's their choice and the punishment they receive is their choice by the act of defiance. With your interference many choose to do bad things . Things they may not have ever thought to do. You enhance their greed and corrupt their souls to where they do not see the wrong they do anymore. That is your goal right. To try to get the father to turn his back on humans. It won't happen, you want to know why? It's because the father created us to accept his love and grace. To love him freely and unconditionally. As long as one person remembers that and loves him he will not give up. It is the way that I love my family." Aisling tells Lucian before entering her room. 

closing the door behind her she heads to the bathroom to bathe the dirt from cleaning the kitchen. Sighing she opens the wardrobe to get dressed. If she goes through again now she may not come back. Aisling knows she needs to resist the temptation of going back again so soon. She needs to finish what she started here. Though just peeking at home should be ok. Aisling goes to the bathroom and gets a basin. Taking her crystal from her neck she begins scrying. Seeing her children sleeping brings tears to her eyes knowing how worried they must be . Closing her eyes she reaches out to them with her thoughts using her Crystal to amplify them. 

" my babies I love you and am missing you. I will be home with you soon. Listen you your father and watch over your brother. I love you my precious girls." Aisling opens her eyes to see them smile in their sleep. She hears them whisper "I love you mama." As they hold the crystals around their necks in their sleep. Aisling begins to scry for Astila. She sees him working the night shift. He is in surgery. She watches him as he works. She starts to get a little jealous as the pretty nurse beside him gets to wipe his brow. As of sensing her in his mind Astila an smiles behind his masks and thinks to himself. 

"It would be nice if it was my beautiful wife wiping my brow. How I love my loving red head." Astila finishes up the surgery in a good mood. Thanks to feeling Aisling near. Aisling smiles knowing what he was thinking. Often times she was careful with what she thought because of their link. Now she is grateful for it. Luckily the bond that the two of them have is something that cannot be broken. It goes far beyond the bond of just husband and wife. It is the true bond of soulmates. One that surpasses time and space. She prays that her children will know this kind of love when they grow up. Though she thinks that Lilli may have already found hers in Shiro. Aisling whispers good night to the reflection in the basin. Standing she goes to bed smiling for tomorrow she goes treasure hunting. Aisling has decided that the chaos that Lucian has thrown her family into is about to end. Things need to go backto being balanced before Lucian sends the world back into a world war.  Understanding the role he plays in the scheme of things is one thing but his mischief needs to be reigned in. So starting tomorrow she plans on calming him down.

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