Magical ties

90 Aisling hands out punishments

They all turn to see her come out from behind the book case. She looks at them her face pale and tear washed . They know she is angry by the storm color of her eyes.

"Have Yona bring Aunt Charlie back please and ask both Sam and Astila to come with them. " she glares at the three people sitting there acting as if they have done nothing to be ashamed of. When the others come in she sits behind the desk. Astila rushes over to check on her . She raises her hand to stop him.

"Now for some reason everyone thinks I am not worthy to have love or money. Why is that? Auntie you say you hate because My uncle loves me. Well maybe if you were not such a materialistic bitch that thought only of her self and comfort . That wasn't envious of others he would pay more attention to you. Since you think I'm not worthy of what God gave me because you was not satisfied with what you had." Aisling pulls out an envelope from the desk. Looking at her aunt she hands the paper to Yona.

"Can you read that to my Aunt please?"

Yona begins to read.

" I Aisling Hawkins Wilson relieve my Uncle from all debt occurred. He and his wife will continue to relieve monies for living expenses as well for medical expenses until their death. They will be buried in the family plot at such time."

He looks at her.

"Now Auntie guess what happens instead of you being released of that debt you will now have to figure out how to pay me back would you like to know how much that is to date. " Aisling hands Yona a ledger from the desk.

"He looks through it and finds the current amount. Looking at the woman he smiles at her

"You owe Aisling four hundred fifty eight thousand dollars for the last five years of expenses. How would you like to pay that?"

John's wife begins to hyper ventilate looking at her husband for help. He just shrugs his shoulders at her.

Aisling hands him another ledger this one has her brothers name on it.

"You owe your sister a total of seven hundred ninety two thousand dollars. "

Loki g at Aisling in astonishment for someone so young how did she get so much money.

She hands him two more ledgers one has Debra's name and Charlie's.

"Debra you owe Aisling three hundred sixty two thousand and Charlie you owe two hundred twenty thousand."

They look at her and start to sputter

"How is that possible that was our inheritance from our parents?" Debra asks her dumbfounded. John answers her.

"Your parents left nothing but debts behind so did mine. Aisling was given an inheritance because of the circumstances of her birth. When Aisling was born she met the criteria to inherit our great great great grandmothers estate which included all that you see . With that inheritance she has been quietly taking care of everyone. Not asking for anyone to pay her back or for them to even know what she was doing. That is why she always seemed like a pushover. None of that excuses you four from hurting her and intentionally try to defraud her. You four committed a crime punishable by jail and fines. " the four of them start to beg for forgiveness. Aisling looks at them and coldly begins to tell them what their punishment will be.

"Aunt Charlie since you only answered their questions but did not actively try to hurt me you will need to sell your vacation home and pay me back. You will no longer receive money for extra expenses only the cost of running you house nothing else . If you want anything beyond food shelter and Utilies. You will need to figure out how to get it.

Dude you will have to work to pay every cent back and are no longer welcome home for a visit until you can learn some manners. I expect you out by tomorrow night. Also uncle Steve is in charge of any other punishment he sees fit.

Auntie you will have the same punishment as aunt Charlie except you will have to do twenty hours of community service until uncle feels you have learned some humility.

Debra truthfully I do not know how to punish you because I never expected you to go along with them.Since your home is actually in my name you will begin to pay me rent until such a time that I see fit. You will be required to come and clean my house twice a week until further notice. Sam can decide if he wishes me to take away any of the other items that your paychecks do not cover. Sam please think about it and let the accountant know exactly how much your stipend each month is to be cut. Does anyone have anything else they have to say . Please say it now while we are all here" Aisling kept it to herself that this would be the only time she would believe them. Aunt Norma spoke up.

" looking at the four of you, you should be ashamed . Even if she had never given you anything . You should have loved and protected her just because she is your family. You two siblings I always told you that you were to petty and jealous. We elders have always told you that your very lives depended on her since she was thirteen years old. This is how you repay her. She gave and never asked for anything . Now as punishment she is taking back what she gave. I hope you think about what you have lost. Not just a few material things but you lost your family's respect and trust. I'm disgusted and it will take me awhile to want to speak to you again. " with that she waves at Aisling and blows a kiss in her direction. The others just give then some disappointing looks at them as they walked out. John looks at the four of them

" so is it jail or are you going to take your punishment?" He is looking at his wife especially.

" I will take the punishment." She says quietly. John looks at her knowing she is going to try to get out of it.

" oh by the way my dear if you don't follow through you will be divorced and since everything we have actually belongs to Aisling you will not even have living expenses." With that he walks out leaving her to think about what he just said . She quickly gets up and follows her husband and Charlie out of the room. That leaves the siblings and their husbands along with Yona in the room. Astila looks at them and his wife.

"I have wanted to kill the both of you all day because of what you did. Not because of money but because you could have caused my wife and children harm. The only reason your not beaten to a pulp right now is because I made a promise to John months ago. I hope you really think about what you lost today . She will no longer be your atm or yours to bully. " he takes Aisling's hand and they go out he picks her up as she is about to faint and carries her upstairs. Moll is right behind them.

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