Magicraft Meister Part 1
601 - - 18-21 Innovation for the common people
"What are you guys doing?"
The voice made Jin and the others look at the entrance, and they saw Saki there.
"Where have you been? We were worried about you!
Toa rushed to her. Even though the old man had made sure that Saki was safe on Horai Island and knew where she was, it was still a parent's responsibility to worry.
"......Sorry, Dad."
Saki's head was roughly gouged, and she bowed her head to Toa.
"......Well, that's okay. You've shown me that you're fine. But you could at least call us on the way, couldn't you?"
Aaru now has a manacam, but it is not a manacam. But Aaru does not use it unless Saki orders him to. He does communicate with the old man, though.
"...... Yeah. ...... sorry."
"I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that. <
"Yeah. ...... yes."
Even if your body is fine, you don't know what's going on psychologically. That's why Toa told me not to worry alone, but to ask for help. And finally,
"I won't marry Leena if you don't agree."
He also said...
But Saki was the first to react.
"No! You raised me all these years without a mother,...... and to be honest, a third of my time was spent at my grandfather's and the other third was spent with the nanny. But ......, you have your own life to lead!"
"Saki ......"
"So, you should think about your happiness. Your family's happiness is your happiness. Otherwise it's not a family. Don't you agree?"
"...... Thank you."
Toa gently hugged Saki. Saki gently hugged back.
"Oh, ......, sweetie."
Reinhardt, seeing that the situation was under control, gave a deliberate cough. As if on cue, Saki and Toa pulled away in a slight panic.
"I'm glad you two are getting along so well. So, Saki, what did you bring?
Reinhardt asked looking at the box that Aalu, standing behind her, was carrying.
"Oh yeah, listen to this: ......."
"......," he said.
Saki, without getting drunk, explained that he had studied the geology of the area near the town of Trom, on the south shore of Lake Tosmo.
"These are ore samples."
Aal opened the box he had brought, and out of it came opals and .......
"...... soil?"
At first glance, the minerals looked like soil.
"Wait a minute, this is ......<>......I knew it!
"I knew it!" "You know what this is, don't you, Jin?"
"Yes. This is ......<>."
Bauxite is well known as a raw material for aluminum, but it is not the official name of the mineral. It is a mixture of several minerals, including Gibbsite.
However, since Jin is not a scholar but an engineer, he called it bauxite according to the customary name of metal workers on earth.
The main constituents are aluminum oxide and aluminum hydroxide.
"I don't know why there is so little aluminum on this world."
Compared to Earth, there is less aluminum, and instead titanium, called light silver, is mined in large quantities (on past Earths, aluminum was called light silver).
"But yeah, the other side of Lake Tosmo is ......!!!!"
Jin remembered a non-metallic use for aluminum.
All the members except Jin tilted their heads, not knowing what he was talking about.
"Oh, yes, alumina is a material that can be made from this bauxite, and it has high heat resistance.
Melting point 2,072 degrees Celsius. Jin came up with the idea of using it as a material for furnaces.
Jin thought of using it as a material for the furnace, and the location on the shore of Lake Tosmo would save him a lot of money and trouble.
Jin explained this to Reinhardt, who immediately arranged for the bauxite.
The area including the town of Trom is under the direct control of the emperor.
Normally it would be difficult to obtain permission to develop such land, but the name of the Magecraft Meister, Jin Nidor, was very important.
When the emperor was informed of this, he gave priority to processing the documents even though he had just returned from a tour of the city, and permission was granted the next day.
On October 16, exploratory digging began.
The difficult part was to avoid disturbing the fishing ground.
"<>......Yes, it's OK. There are enough deposits on the land side without digging on the lake side.
Jin, who had come to check the site, confirmed the underground condition and told the construction manager.
< is a rudimentary earth magic, but like , it is only recognizable if you know the object well.
The bauxite brought by Saki was not enough for the earth mage in charge of the construction.
We will also dig a pilot tunnel to make it easier to see where we are going, and at the same time, we will secure the bauxite needed for the prototype furnace.
That should give us a rough idea of where we are going.
"Oh, thank you, Sir Jin Nido."
The construction manager thanked him, and the site suddenly came alive.
"When you handle bauxite by human hands, be sure to wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust. If possible, have a golem do it.
Remembering that inhaling bauxite dust can cause dust lungs, Jin was very careful about handling the bauxite.
Jin stayed at the site for the rest of the day to check for any problems, but there was nothing to worry about, so he left the rest to the site manager and returned to Kaltz village.
Finally, the trial production of the desiccant plant was to begin.
Only alumina is separated from bauxite and hardened by <> to form a furnace.
Since this is a prototype, the furnace will not be very large, but rather large enough to produce about 40 kg of quicklime at one time.
"Put a in the bottom."
"Yes, this will heat the inside of the furnace."
Reinhard understood immediately, since he already had the structure in mind.
"Yes. Alumina is a good conductor of heat, so the heat is transferred immediately to the inside of the furnace, and the temperature rises to about 1100 degrees Celsius.
After considering the versatility of this temperature monitor, I decided to use metallic copper.
The melting point of copper is 1083 degrees Celsius. A pocket in the furnace was made to hold a piece of copper, which, when melted, would reach 1083 degrees Celsius.
The inside of the furnace will be a little hotter than that, so the idea is that it will be just right.
"All right, let's give it a test run.
In the two days it took to get the bauxite, they had prepared a sufficient amount of limestone.
About 30 kg of limestone was placed in the furnace and the lid was put on,
and heat the furnace. The heating is continued until the copper on the temperature monitor melts, and then stopped one minute later. Then let the furnace cool down.
"......Ah, this is a hassle."
The alumina furnace, which also has a high thermal insulation, was slow to cool down.
In the end, we could not open the lid of the furnace that day.
"...... really reminds me how convenient magic is, doesn't it?"
Toa muttered deeply as he looked sideways at the furnace that was still radiating heat.
"Dad is right. If we are going to do it this way, we need to make it so that the quicklime can be taken out of the furnace and cooled.
Saki also expressed her thoughts.
"Yes, that's right. That way, new material can be added and reheated before the furnace cools down, thus increasing the efficiency of the operation."
Reinhardt summarized how the plant would operate.
"Right. Then the structure would be ......."
Jin ponders.
"It would be a long cylindrical structure, with the material placed in from one side and heated. The quicklime is taken out from the other side. Can't we just put the materials in one after another ......?"
Elsa also described the structure she had devised in her own way.
"Hmmm, that would leave both ends open, so I think heat would escape."
"Oh, I see. ......"
Toa pointed out the drawbacks of this idea,
"Then, why don't we make the furnace rotate halfway so that the finished contents can be easily taken out of the furnace?"
Saki also offered his opinion.
"If we do that, the copper for the monitors will either flow out or fall in. ......"
"Well, why don't you make the furnace a double structure ......"
Opinions were expressed one after another, and the basic design of the furnace was finalized.
"We also need a production technology that doesn't rely on magic as much as possible, you know.
The technological innovation for the common people advocated by Toa has just begun.
The rotary furnace, which made it easier to work with, was completed two days later, on October 19.
On the same day, 200 kg of quicklime was produced.
These were placed in double-layered jute bags, each weighing 5 kilograms, and the desiccant was ready. The surface of the bags are labeled "Do not get wet.
The prototype is complete.
The bags are usually kept in an airtight warehouse.
"Each bag contains 500 tons. That's about 100 dollars a kilo."
Thor has set the price. Now it remains to be seen if they will sell.
The voice made Jin and the others look at the entrance, and they saw Saki there.
"Where have you been? We were worried about you!
Toa rushed to her. Even though the old man had made sure that Saki was safe on Horai Island and knew where she was, it was still a parent's responsibility to worry.
"......Sorry, Dad."
Saki's head was roughly gouged, and she bowed her head to Toa.
"......Well, that's okay. You've shown me that you're fine. But you could at least call us on the way, couldn't you?"
Aaru now has a manacam, but it is not a manacam. But Aaru does not use it unless Saki orders him to. He does communicate with the old man, though.
"...... Yeah. ...... sorry."
"I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that. <
"Yeah. ...... yes."
Even if your body is fine, you don't know what's going on psychologically. That's why Toa told me not to worry alone, but to ask for help. And finally,
"I won't marry Leena if you don't agree."
He also said...
But Saki was the first to react.
"No! You raised me all these years without a mother,...... and to be honest, a third of my time was spent at my grandfather's and the other third was spent with the nanny. But ......, you have your own life to lead!"
"Saki ......"
"So, you should think about your happiness. Your family's happiness is your happiness. Otherwise it's not a family. Don't you agree?"
"...... Thank you."
Toa gently hugged Saki. Saki gently hugged back.
"Oh, ......, sweetie."
Reinhardt, seeing that the situation was under control, gave a deliberate cough. As if on cue, Saki and Toa pulled away in a slight panic.
"I'm glad you two are getting along so well. So, Saki, what did you bring?
Reinhardt asked looking at the box that Aalu, standing behind her, was carrying.
"Oh yeah, listen to this: ......."
"......," he said.
Saki, without getting drunk, explained that he had studied the geology of the area near the town of Trom, on the south shore of Lake Tosmo.
"These are ore samples."
Aal opened the box he had brought, and out of it came opals and .......
"...... soil?"
At first glance, the minerals looked like soil.
"Wait a minute, this is ......<>......I knew it!
"I knew it!" "You know what this is, don't you, Jin?"
"Yes. This is ......<>."
Bauxite is well known as a raw material for aluminum, but it is not the official name of the mineral. It is a mixture of several minerals, including Gibbsite.
However, since Jin is not a scholar but an engineer, he called it bauxite according to the customary name of metal workers on earth.
The main constituents are aluminum oxide and aluminum hydroxide.
"I don't know why there is so little aluminum on this world."
Compared to Earth, there is less aluminum, and instead titanium, called light silver, is mined in large quantities (on past Earths, aluminum was called light silver).
"But yeah, the other side of Lake Tosmo is ......!!!!"
Jin remembered a non-metallic use for aluminum.
All the members except Jin tilted their heads, not knowing what he was talking about.
"Oh, yes, alumina is a material that can be made from this bauxite, and it has high heat resistance.
Melting point 2,072 degrees Celsius. Jin came up with the idea of using it as a material for furnaces.
Jin thought of using it as a material for the furnace, and the location on the shore of Lake Tosmo would save him a lot of money and trouble.
Jin explained this to Reinhardt, who immediately arranged for the bauxite.
The area including the town of Trom is under the direct control of the emperor.
Normally it would be difficult to obtain permission to develop such land, but the name of the Magecraft Meister, Jin Nidor, was very important.
When the emperor was informed of this, he gave priority to processing the documents even though he had just returned from a tour of the city, and permission was granted the next day.
On October 16, exploratory digging began.
The difficult part was to avoid disturbing the fishing ground.
"<>......Yes, it's OK. There are enough deposits on the land side without digging on the lake side.
Jin, who had come to check the site, confirmed the underground condition and told the construction manager.
< is a rudimentary earth magic, but like , it is only recognizable if you know the object well.
The bauxite brought by Saki was not enough for the earth mage in charge of the construction.
We will also dig a pilot tunnel to make it easier to see where we are going, and at the same time, we will secure the bauxite needed for the prototype furnace.
That should give us a rough idea of where we are going.
"Oh, thank you, Sir Jin Nido."
The construction manager thanked him, and the site suddenly came alive.
"When you handle bauxite by human hands, be sure to wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust. If possible, have a golem do it.
Remembering that inhaling bauxite dust can cause dust lungs, Jin was very careful about handling the bauxite.
Jin stayed at the site for the rest of the day to check for any problems, but there was nothing to worry about, so he left the rest to the site manager and returned to Kaltz village.
Finally, the trial production of the desiccant plant was to begin.
Only alumina is separated from bauxite and hardened by <> to form a furnace.
Since this is a prototype, the furnace will not be very large, but rather large enough to produce about 40 kg of quicklime at one time.
"Put a in the bottom."
"Yes, this will heat the inside of the furnace."
Reinhard understood immediately, since he already had the structure in mind.
"Yes. Alumina is a good conductor of heat, so the heat is transferred immediately to the inside of the furnace, and the temperature rises to about 1100 degrees Celsius.
After considering the versatility of this temperature monitor, I decided to use metallic copper.
The melting point of copper is 1083 degrees Celsius. A pocket in the furnace was made to hold a piece of copper, which, when melted, would reach 1083 degrees Celsius.
The inside of the furnace will be a little hotter than that, so the idea is that it will be just right.
"All right, let's give it a test run.
In the two days it took to get the bauxite, they had prepared a sufficient amount of limestone.
About 30 kg of limestone was placed in the furnace and the lid was put on,
and heat the furnace. The heating is continued until the copper on the temperature monitor melts, and then stopped one minute later. Then let the furnace cool down.
"......Ah, this is a hassle."
The alumina furnace, which also has a high thermal insulation, was slow to cool down.
In the end, we could not open the lid of the furnace that day.
"...... really reminds me how convenient magic is, doesn't it?"
Toa muttered deeply as he looked sideways at the furnace that was still radiating heat.
"Dad is right. If we are going to do it this way, we need to make it so that the quicklime can be taken out of the furnace and cooled.
Saki also expressed her thoughts.
"Yes, that's right. That way, new material can be added and reheated before the furnace cools down, thus increasing the efficiency of the operation."
Reinhardt summarized how the plant would operate.
"Right. Then the structure would be ......."
Jin ponders.
"It would be a long cylindrical structure, with the material placed in from one side and heated. The quicklime is taken out from the other side. Can't we just put the materials in one after another ......?"
Elsa also described the structure she had devised in her own way.
"Hmmm, that would leave both ends open, so I think heat would escape."
"Oh, I see. ......"
Toa pointed out the drawbacks of this idea,
"Then, why don't we make the furnace rotate halfway so that the finished contents can be easily taken out of the furnace?"
Saki also offered his opinion.
"If we do that, the copper for the monitors will either flow out or fall in. ......"
"Well, why don't you make the furnace a double structure ......"
Opinions were expressed one after another, and the basic design of the furnace was finalized.
"We also need a production technology that doesn't rely on magic as much as possible, you know.
The technological innovation for the common people advocated by Toa has just begun.
The rotary furnace, which made it easier to work with, was completed two days later, on October 19.
On the same day, 200 kg of quicklime was produced.
These were placed in double-layered jute bags, each weighing 5 kilograms, and the desiccant was ready. The surface of the bags are labeled "Do not get wet.
The prototype is complete.
The bags are usually kept in an airtight warehouse.
"Each bag contains 500 tons. That's about 100 dollars a kilo."
Thor has set the price. Now it remains to be seen if they will sell.
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