Magicraft Meister Part 2

1020 - - 12 adoptive daughters

"...... Adriana, huh?"

Shuki Tsetsi muttered, feeling the weight of the sleeping baby in his arms.

"The only survivor of this village of Barbora. ......"

A baby with the same name as the woman he once loved, a child entrusted to him by the mother he had cared for.

Unable to have children, Shuki decides to cherish this connection.

"Okay, from now on you are Adriana Barbora Tsezi.

With the name of his native village in his middle name, Shuki decided to raise the baby as his own.

To prevent the spread of dysentery, the village of Barbora and its inhabitants cremated the baby.

Shuki and his family also carefully sterilize their bodies, clothes, and belongings to prevent the spread of the infection.

"Well, then, let's go home."

* * * *

It was the 11th when Shuki and the others returned to the village of Shire.

When the disciples heard about the village of Barbora, they looked disappointed.

However, when they learned that Shuki, their master, would adopt the baby, the only survivor of the village,

"Leave it to me to take care of it!"

Kara, the only woman among the disciples, shouted. The other disciples offered to help in any way they could.

First, we need to find someone who can give us milk.

The woman had survived on fruit juice and sugar water all the way, but this was a newborn baby, after all.

I wanted to breastfeed him as much as possible.

Fortunately, a partner was soon found.

There were three mothers who had given birth about six months before, and they went out of their way to thank me for saving them from dysentery.

"Thank you, thank you ......."

Shuki was saved.

There was no such thing as powdered milk in the world, and there was no rice in this region to make hot water.

There was rice in the southern part of Mitsuho, but by the time they came to Leonard's kingdom, it was gone, including the seed rice.

Inevitably, Shuki's base of operations was in the village of Shire.

Shuki moves from Habione to this village and settles down to raise Adriana.


Some became his disciples, and spread throughout the land.

Meanwhile, Shuki strives to further perfect his engineering and healing magic.

Adriana did not cry at night, much to Shuki's relief.

She grows up with three <...... who share their milk and love with her, not in the generic sense, but literally .......

Needless to say, <> was a big help to clean up the dirty swaddling clothes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Adriana's head was ready at 4 months and she started crawling at 10 months.

Since Shuki has settled down, the room has been remodeled in a Japanese style, and although it is carpeted, no shoes are allowed, so we can let her crawl around with no worries.

Of course, the rooms are regularly < and sanitary measures are taken.

As a side note, there is a theory that if children are allowed to stand on their hands without being allowed to crawl, they will not be able to reach forward quickly when they fall and will hit their faces on the ground.

It was also proposed that because children do not develop a sense of touch, when they hold a hot cup, they suddenly bring it to their mouths and burn themselves.

In this respect, Adriana was relieved.

* * * *

At exactly one year, Adriana was able to stand on her haunches, and two months later she began to walk.

"Come here, Ad, come here!

Shuki would always come to Adriana's rescue between lectures to his students.


"Come on, Adriana, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here!

Waddling around, Adriana was especially cherished by the female disciples, who gave her lots of love and affection.

* * * * * * * * *

Adriana was weaned about 18 months later.

Before that time, Shuki had been going around to the orchards in the neighborhood to grind apple and peach-like fruits, namely april and persica, into a paste and feed them to Adriana as baby food.


Shuki forgets the hardships of child-rearing when he sees Adriana smiling with her mouth covered in the paste.

"Adriana, you will grow up to be a good girl."

The warmth in his arms that held him in his arms soothed Shuki's loneliness.

* * * *

"Adriana started talking a little later, when she was two years old.

Adriana began to speak a little later, when she was two years old.

"Oh! Ado is talking!

Shuki's joy was enormous.

He had gathered his students for a lecture that day and threw them out in the middle of the lecture.

The students, who knew how much their master cared for Adriana, laughed at him.

"Ad! Say it again! Say it again! Say it again, Dad!"

"Otto, ......-chan!"

"Whoa! Adriana!

Shuki was so happy that he picked up Adriana and bounced around in his arms.

He must have been so happy that he picked up Adriana and jumped up and down.

"Oh, you did it!

Shuki hurriedly puts Adriana down and changes her diaper. He has gotten used to this recently.

"There, doesn't it feel good?"

Adriana was in a good mood, laughing and giggling after having her diaper replaced with a freshly washed one.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

There were also rites of passage like measles and mumps in this world, but with Shuki and his pupils, Adriana got off lightly in each case.

Then Adriana turned four years old.

"Hey, Otou-saaa!"

On days off from lectures, Shuki takes Adriana outside to play.

The Shire village was surrounded by a rich natural environment of mountains, rivers, forests, and meadows, and Shuki taught Adriana many things while she played with him.

"I saw beautiful flowers!

"This one is called a lentil. This one is called a dandelion.

"Rengezou and dandelion, yes, I remember!"

Adriana was a bright girl who could remember most things after hearing them once.

Shuki felt as if he could see the image of his former beloved wife in Adriana playing in the flowery meadow.

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