Magicraft Meister Part 2

1052 - - 29-17 Bread and Variations

When the commotion of the Death Serpent had subsided, it was just time for lunch.

With light clouds in the sky, the sun was not too strong, and the sea breeze was light, Jin decided to have lunch in the front yard of the .

Tables and chairs are laid out, and parasols and tarps are erected by the golem maids to shade them from the sun.

"Well, it's a spectacular sight, isn't it?

"Yes, it is indeed."

Amidst such voices, the preparations for seating are completed.

Jin, Elsa, and Makina are sitting around the table.

This time, about 20 round tables for four are prepared, and each country has a seat at one of them.

And the important thing was lunch.

"...... Is this bread?

"Bread, yes."

The bread was cut into pieces and brought out in baskets.

Jin began to explain amidst the somewhat disappointed voices.

This bread is not just any bread. It has a unique twist. Please try it."

"Well, since Jin-dono says so, why don't we try it?

"Yes, I guess so."

Then he picked one up,

"Oh? This is .......

"It is soft, isn't it?

And he puts it in his mouth.

"Oh, this!

"What an indescribable aroma!"

"What is this?" and "It has an indescribable aroma!

"This bread has something in it...... sweet with a hint of sourness......".

Some of them said, "Why is it so sweet with a hint of sourness?

"Why does it taste so good without anything on it?

These voices seemed to speak for everyone's feelings.

"Well, we have three kinds of bread this time.

Jin began to explain.

Read at https://w w w . m t l r e a d e

"Basically, I think they are fluffy and baked with yeast, but they should taste good even without anything on them.

The people in the pew nodded silently.

"Based on such bread, I made bread flavored with maple syrup and dried bitis, or passa," he said.

"Oh, is that passa?"

"Is maple syrup the sweetener from maple ......?

Jin answers those questions as well.

Yes. So the method itself is not difficult.

"So each ...... is sophisticated, but the combination is new?"

That's right.

In order to make bread fluffy, bread bakers have devised a variety of methods.

One of them was to use water from a specific region for baking.

In fact, such water contained a small amount of baking soda, which acted as an expander.

Sodium bicarbonate ...... decomposes into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide gas, and water when heated, and the carbon dioxide gas makes the bread dough swell.

It is also known that the baking process differs depending on the type of flour used.

This is due to the difference in the amount of a protein called gluten in the flour, and the degree of fluffiness.

So far, bread baked with <> exists only in Penglai Island (including Kunlun Island), so it was understandable that he was surprised.

Also, although there was a bread made by mixing a nut similar to walnut called "ornut" to give a savory flavor, there was no bread with <> (dried grape), which is not so popular by itself, except for this place.

As for maple syrup, its production has just started in Randall's territory, where Reinhardt's parents live, and it is not generally distributed.

Against this background, the was also a sufficient delight to the palates of the guests.

"Now that you've enjoyed the bread, let's have some side dishes.

Jin instructed, and several bottles were brought to the table.

They were Citran and Ramon marmalade, Wylie (wild strawberries), Brule (blueberries), Flape (cocklebur), and Lambel (cranberry) jam, respectively. Brule and flape are found in the mountainous areas of the Kingdom of Elias. Wylie is often eaten in the northern part of the Kingdom of Klein.

"Oh, I've never tasted this before."

"It's kind of nostalgic, isn't it?"

"Hmm, I thought wylie was just sour and not tasty, but now I see that it is surprisingly tasty.

Jin is relieved to hear that the guests are enjoying both the tastes of their home country and foreign countries.

"Jam tastes better when the original fruit has a sour taste. The sweetness can be adjusted with sugar.

"I see, I see, sweet is not always better.

The bread we had prepared was 90% consumed, so you can imagine how well it was received.

A variety of fruit juices were prepared as beverages, which were also well received.

The most popular was the slightly carbonated Citran juice, and the second most popular was the Airebert (strawberry) juice.

"Well, now, I know some of you may not be satisfied, so for those of you who are, here you go.

Jin gave a signal, and the five-colored golem maids arrived with something on a tray.

"What is this?"

"There's something sandwiched inside the bread. Is it vegetables and ...... meat?"

"Please eat it as if you were biting into it."

The group bit into the bread, a bit bewildered by Jin's explanation.


What is this?

"This is not just meat! What tenderness and juices!"

Jin prepared a . It was a bite-sized hamburger.

Erza had advised him to make it a size that even a woman could eat in about two bites, as the aristocrats and royalty would say it was unbecoming for a burger of the size we are accustomed to in modern Japan.

"No, I enjoyed it."

"Really. Food is a profound thing, to be able to prepare such a variety of dishes with just bread.

I think I've seen a glimpse of your abilities.

"I'm sure you've seen a glimpse of <>'s ability. ...... food is an expression of culture, but that of <> is unfathomable."

The last line was from Prince Arthur of the Kingdom of Klein.

"What do you mean by that, brother?"

asked his sister, Princess Rieschen.

"Well, food is an aspect of life that is difficult to improve unless you can afford it. Considering this, I don't know where the Kunlun-kun is from, but I thought that the cultural civilization must have developed considerably from the diversity of its people.

"I see, I'm learning a lot."

Prince Arthur is very perceptive. The golem maid, Ruby 34, who was observing the conversation, passed the message on to the old man.

The old man thought that he should be more careful about Prince Arthur's words and actions than before.

The leaders of each country spend the afternoon leisurely.

Jin had further plans for the afternoon.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a little entertainment planned for you to enjoy the Kunlun Island after this.


"What kind of entertainment would that be?"

"Interesting, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is ......."

Jin then began to explain.

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