Magicraft Meister Part 2

1105 - - 30-15 Morning Results

Now, starting with number 41, we have our second trial.

The audience didn't seem to have high expectations for this one, since the last one was a disaster. But this time, he's doing something completely different.


(Oh? I knew it!)

The presenter sounded surprised, and the audience was also a little surprised.

Jin was satisfied that his guess was almost right.

Number 41 throws his spear with excellent form. .......

Amazing! Number 41, through the target at 60 meters! Sixty points!

(I knew you learned from watching the other golems' attempts.)

(Of course, it is a prerequisite that you have the physical ability to put what you have learned into practice.

Then, each golem throws spears one after another.

Generally, the results are better than the first one.

Altkrieger (#40) scored 60 points, and Iron Warrior (#35) scored 6 No. 35 Iron Warrior scored 60 points.

No.16 Blue Knight scored 40 points, but both No.2 Zerberer and No.1 Steel Knight (Stahlritter) scored 60 points. both scored 60 points.

Now it's time for the third and final test!

I can't wait to see what number 41 has to show us!

Number 41 slowly readied his spear and threw it at the target 100 meters away.

Oh, my God! This is great, great, great! It's going to fly! Fly! Fly! Now! It's in! 100 points!

(He's learned. It looks like she's got a lot of learning ability too.)

Take Reiko, for example. For example, Reiko is able to use magic that she couldn't use before, once she observes the process from chanting to activation up close.

This is a trick that can only be done with a very high processing power of the <>.

(When you think about it, that <> must have a considerably higher capability than the current golems.)

The question, Jin thinks, is how that man who calls himself "Jix" got it.

Did he get it on his own, or did he get it from some reference or .......

(There is no evidence that it was stolen by Zidane or some other researcher, right?)

) The case remains a mystery, partly because Zidane himself is hiding it.

While Jin is thinking about such things, the competition is going on.

And number 40 gets 100 points!

The old warrior (Altkrieger) also aimed at 100 meters and passed the target with flying colors.

Number 35, Iron Warrior, scores a solid 60!

A solid scorer,

Number 26, aiming at 80 meters, ......, unfortunately missed!

Some tried to get a high score and failed.

In the end,

That's the end of all the trials! Of the three attempts, the two with the higher scores were combined to determine the ranking, so the results were as follows: No. 40, Donald Callow's Altkrieger, and No. 4, Jix's Phantom, with the highest score of 4.5 points. The result was as follows: Donald Callow's "The Old Warrior" (Altkrieger) with 160 points and Jix's "The Phantom" with 4.1 points!

The third place went to No. 2 Yalu.

Third place went to Mr. Jarrydale's Zabelaar, 140 points! In fourth place, Erich Ziffro's Stahlritter and Bilford's Iron Warrior tied for first place with 1 They tied at 1 point and 20 points.

The next two are No. 29, Tarrabulba, with 100 points, No. 15, Roshinir, with 8 No. 15 Roshinir with 80 points, and No. 16 Tambaran Blue Knight with 60 points.

The first through the fifth place winners will receive additional points, so the ranking will change.

You can see how important it is to win a prize.

The total of the scores up to this point is as follows,

The first place is Phantom 41 with 460 points.

The second place is number 40, Altkrieger, with 420 points.

In third place with 320 points is No. 2 Zerberer.

Fourth place, with 240 points, went to No. 1 Steel Knight (Stahlritter).

The fifth place is No.35 Iron Warrior with 160 points.

The fifth place is number 35, Iron Warrior, with 160 points.

At this point, it was a little before noon and lunch break.

The afternoon session would start at 13:30.

* * * *

"...... and that's it."


Jin was in an empty corner of the waiting room, communicating with the old man.

"And that armor. What the hell is it made of? ......"


"I guess so. ......"

But it's not worth mentioning.

"And <> is probably going to continue to collect movement data this afternoon."


"Even you, old man? ......"


"Well, that's a little comforting."


"Yeah. I'll keep you posted."

Jin then went to the dining room with Reiko and Erza, who had been keeping watch to make sure no one came in.

It was a small reception room where Jin, Erza, and Reiko could eat slowly and in private.

"The food in the Kingdom of Selroa is often quite delicious.

"I guess so."

Erza said that perhaps because it is located next to the Shoro Kingdom, the flavors are more palatable.

On the other hand, the Shoro Kingdom borders the Franz Kingdom and the Egelea Kingdom, so a wide variety of dishes are served.

However, since it is lunch, there is not a large variety of dishes.

But this bread is delicious.

"But this bread is good. Maybe it's the water.

It's good to have a good palate.

Since they were in a room where they could eat in peace and quiet, Jin and Elsa ate their lunch in a clean and tidy manner.

"Now, what's the event for the afternoon?

"Target shooting, as I recall.

"Yes, that's right."

"I'm looking forward to seeing how that Phantom comes out, it's both fun and spooky."

"Maybe. ...... I'm very concerned that we don't know what that guy's armor is made of."

"......It's not metal, maybe?"

"What? ......Oh, I see. <. But I don't know. ......"

If there is an assumption that no biomaterials are used, that assumption will be broken, Jin said.

"......You're right. ......"

After all, without a sample, it was unlikely that any conclusions could be drawn.

Afterwards, Jin and his colleagues took their time to enjoy after-dinner tea (taeyeh), and 20 minutes before the start of the afternoon session, they met King Cesar, who was just returning to his seat.

"Your Majesty, I have something to tell you.

"Well, please be brief."

There was an empty room nearby, so we decided to talk in it. Kirk Atkinson, his bodyguard, took up a position in front of the door.

"<>, what is it?"

"Yes, actually, ......."

Jin told them about the <> in the Kingdom of Egelea, and concluded that this <> was very similar to it, but he had no proof.

With that, King Cesar seemed to understand what Jin meant.

"Okay. I'll be more careful than ever. ...... Kirk heard that too. Make the arrangements."

Yes, sir.

Jin and the others returned to their seats.

The time was 1:30 p.m., <> afternoon session was about to start.

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