Magicraft Meister Part 2

1305 - - 0008 Westward advance

Adriana settled in Mitsuho and was active here as well.

However, her activities were not focused on education, but on creating what she wanted to create.

This was largely due to the fact that there were few mages in Mitsuho, which was not conducive to the spread of magical engineering.

Adriana was thinking about the land to the west, which she had not yet seen.

"There seems to be a lot of land to the west, but what is there?

In the year 2390, Adriana, now 50 years old, has not lost her interest in the unknown.

However, she was also aware of the limits of what she could do in the flesh, and planned to make the most of what she could do to investigate.

"M-030,F-03 M-030,F-03,F-03,F-03,M-030,F-03,F-03,M-030,F-03

"Hi, Adriana."

Adriana sends two golems westward on her behalf.

The golems are moving at an average speed of 10 kilometers per hour. This speed is due to the fact that they are doing some light research.

Rocky terrain, wasteland, forest, river, marsh. The two bodies move across them.

They traveled about 200 km in one day, and set up a warp gate at the end of their journey.

Using the warp gate, they returned to Adriana and reported back.

He then returns with the parts for a new warp gate and continues west the next day.

In other words, the two golems continued westward and westward, installing warp gates every 200 km.

"Wow, that's the isthmus."

The distance was about 1,600 km from Mitskho, or 1,800 km by road.

The western edge of the Laurentian continent lay before Adriana's eyes. Beside her was the F-030.

"But it's true, I feel like I have less free magical element (ether) than I thought.

Compared to the town of Miyako in the center of Mitsuho, the concentration of free magical elements (ether) in this area seems to be about 30% less, Adriana felt.

"I wonder if the free magical element (ether) decreases as we go south."

She remembered that the free ether was thicker in the north and the magic was more effective in the demon territory.

"The north is thicker and the south is thinner. Is it the influence of geomagnetism?

Adriana's question was not answered.

* * * * * *

"Wow, that's how the ancestors went west!

Theon looked impressed.

"Well, let's go ahead and set up a warp gate. ....... I'm tempted to say, "What is exploration?

"Well, I know the feeling."

I don't want you to say that to me.

"Why not?"

"Why?" she said, "Because of ......?"

Zion looked at Marikka's face and said.

"What? What, uh, ......?"

Marikka was surprised to be suddenly asked to talk about something.

"Oh, forget it. I'll tell you the rest of the story."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Adriana, aware of the semi-foul nature of this expedition, did not name the places along the way.

Therefore, it is somewhat difficult to compare the names of the places with those of today, but she arrived at the western part of what is now called the . It was thought to be somewhere on the Tropic of Cancer.

"Well, it seems that no one really lives here. Is it because of the lack of free magical element (ether)?

No human beings had been seen on the western continent.

"If there are no people, there is nothing to refer to......... at the most there are some rare materials.........! What, this feeling!"

Adriana, who was walking slowly, shivered with a sensation she had never felt before.

"What? Was that an illusion? No, no way. And, then, a place?"

Adriana takes a step back. And then.

"Wow, wow,...... what's that feeling? I feel like I'm in a waterfall of free ether. ......We're in trouble!"

With a leap, Adriana left the place.

"I don't feel ...... anything anymore. ...... is there something wrong with the free ether in that small place?"

Just to be sure, she quietly walked forward and found that the concentration of free magical element (ether) was abnormally high.

It seems that such an anomaly is occurring on the ground about one meter in diameter and above it.

"Strange things happen, don't they? ...... could this possibly be the reason for the low concentration of free ether in the south?"

Adriana mutters to herself.

"I'd like to check it out, but ...... I have a feeling this place is dangerous. I have a feeling that it will hurt us if we are not well prepared.

Adriana trusted her instincts and left the place for the moment.

Of course, she set up a warp gate so that she could visit the place again.

However, the warp gate seemed to have been lost for some reason, and Adriana Barbora Zetsi never visited the place again.

Adriana Barbora Tsetsi never visited the place again.

"Well, that's weird, isn't it?

"That's what I thought when I read the diary of my predecessor."

But the location is unknown, and it was 1000 years ago, so it is almost impossible to verify.

So I left it as it was.

"Now I think that Onogoro Island might be the clue."

"I think so too."

Theon agreed with Jin.


Jin resumed his explanation.

"The warp gate that was set up on what is now called the has somehow been rendered unusable.

* * *

"Well, ......, there is definitely something going on."

Adriana Barbora Tsetsi folded her arms and looked at me with a difficult expression.

"The warp gates on this continent are fine, but the ones on the other continent have been wiped out. This smells like something man-made. ......"

But Adriana recognizes that she is not mature enough to verify this.

"I don't want to make weapons ......."

Is this a feeling that comes from Adriana's instinct as a woman, or from her desire not to make weapons for destruction as a person who is involved in making things?

Even Adriana herself did not know.

In the end, Adriana never solved this mystery.

* * * * * * * * * *

"From our point of view, I think that someone related to probably eliminated the warp gate.

Yes, I think so too.

"I'm sure of it."

Zion and Marikka agreed with Jin's opinion.

"I heard that the previous generation did not go westward after that, but explored the north. After that, he returned to Mitsuho and devoted himself to the development of magical tools and the study of golems."

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