Magicraft Meister Part 2

1955 - - 52-27 New system development

As Jin had expected, on April 27th, the of <> received a request from the Duke of Bruu to cooperate with Jin. It was April 27.

"Oh, ...... you didn't specify how to contact me, did you?"

The only contact with Jin was in <> or at his residence in Leuthart, the capital of the Shoro Empire.

"Well, it's not like there's anything urgent I need to know.

The contents of the report were the inspection of the place where the golem was found, which the bandits confessed to. Since it was a request from the Kingdom of Egelea to the Kingdom of Cerroa, it took about two days to receive permission.

The would have been able to do this more quickly. And of course, Jin, the Magecraft Meister.

"Old man, I'll let you handle this with Jin D."


Since he had already seen the place, he decided to use his doppelgänger to deal with it.

Instead, he wanted to pay his respects to the unknown magical engineer who had developed the <> and concentrate on perfecting the system.

Instead, Jin asked Reiko to accompany Jin D.

Reiko, I may have missed something the other day. So I would appreciate it if you could go with me.

Reiko could not say no to Jin's request, so she reluctantly went out.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jin then began to do what he wanted to do at the research institute on Horai Island.

"Jinsha, it's a mysterious structure, isn't it?

"Yes. I wonder how they came up with this way of doing things.

Marikka had refused to accompany them to the ruins of Fort Foothills, but she was happy to participate in the work of analyzing and establishing the system of the <> golem.

"Jin-sama, isn't this a choice of material?"

And with Rubina, the first Magecraft Queen,

"Master Jin, I think we can improve the circuitry of this Magi Circuit.

Gulina, a descendant of the Kuzma family, also joins in.

"Yes, I think so. The materials, the shape, the control. All of them are still in their infancy. That's why it's worthwhile, isn't it?

"Yes, thank you, Jin-sama, for asking me!"

"Yes, it is. It's fun.

Both Rubina and Gulina seem to be enjoying the work. And Marikka.

"I'd like to build on this one prototype I made," said Marikka.

"Well, the most important thing is to synchronize the skeletal and muscular ...... drive systems, isn't it?"

"Yes, I think so."

Rubina and Grina agreed.

"Yes, that's important.

Maricka agrees. And then..,

"And the control system. If the control system is not working, it's not worth talking about.

Marikka added her own opinion.

"Yes, that's true. Then there's the magi-machine, which should be called a that makes the <> rather than the main body.

Jin also spoke of the key points when viewed as an overall mass production system.

"Anyway, we need to solve the problems one by one. Let's start with materials.

Since all the excellent engineers were gathered here, they could have pursued their own separate themes, but Jin dared to pursue a single theme with everyone.

"First of all, we need materials for the skeleton. This was made of light silver, but if we want to make it stronger, we can use 64 light silver.

Originally, light silver is a material with good conductivity of magic power. Therefore, strengthening by magic power is also highly effective.

"That's right. ....... I'm sure there is a better material."

"Rubina, we also have to consider the cost."

"Oh, I see."

Rubina is 10 years old and Grina is 19. Despite the age difference, they are not bad friends, being of the Kuzma family.

"Yes, I know. The reason why I asked her is that people, including myself, tend to ignore the cost of materials and just chase performance, so I thought it would be a good lesson for me. In that respect, Marikka is capable of a more balanced design, and I'm sure she'll be a good advisor."

"Oh, no, you're right."

Marikka bites her lip in impatience at being suddenly lifted up.

"I think light silver is good. It's inexpensive and strong. We should consider alloys other than 64 light silver."

The light silver in this ars is titanium on earth.

"The rest is composites and internal structure."

The characteristics of titanium = light silver are that it is light and strong, but relatively weak against wear.

Therefore, measures are taken to apply adamantite coating to sliding parts such as joints.

Although the meaning of composite materials is slightly different, Jin's idea is to use complementary combinations to make the most of the advantages of each material.

As a side note, many titanium alloys have poor machinability, but this is not a problem for use in magical engineering.

"Internal Structure...... Oh, hollow or foam structure, you know..."

The hollow, foam, or truss structure inside the bone is a structure based on actual living creatures.

"Hollow would be the way to go for mass production," he said.

Otherwise, it would take too much time and thus be cost-prohibitive.

Incidentally, 64 light silver (= 64 titanium alloy) has a tensile strength 1.7 times greater than that of pure titanium.

It would be extremely difficult, even for Jin, to produce an alloy with a higher performance than 64LBG.

He made several prototype alloys, but they were all inferior to 64 light silver.

Jin decided to stop his search for light silver alloys.

"Okay, the material should be 64 light silver, and the part with a diameter of 20 mm or more should be hollow.

With this, the material for the skeleton was decided.

"The problem is the parts corresponding to the muscles. Jin-sama's prototype seems to use GSP, but it is too expensive.


The GSP produced in Horai Island that Jin used was nothing to talk about.

"Jin-sama, what did the golem used by that bandit use for the part corresponding to muscle?"


Rubina was surprised to hear this.

"Really? Then, even if it has good performance, it's not much ......."

"It's true, the power and speed of ordinary Magiresin are completely insufficient.


When Rubina was about to ask why ...... then, Jin explained.

"But the magi resin that was used was more powerful than most.

Jin's theory was that it was largely due to the place of production. Then, he added,

"Besides, it also makes sense to use <>."

"...... Is that so?"

< and grew up taking the technology around her for granted, seemed to have a bit of a hard time understanding it.

Jin has had that experience.

Four hundred years ago, when he had just been called here from Japan and had inherited the knowledge of his predecessors. In the villages of Kaina, Blueland, Potrock, and other places, he was keenly aware of the disparity between the skills of his predecessors and his own.

That is why I wanted Rubina and the others to know what the world is like.

"We want to make the world useful in the <>, so we don't want there to be too much disparity, do we?"

"Yes. We don't want to have too much disparity, do we?" "Yes, we don't want ownership to become a status.

Grina seemed to understand.

"Well, let's start by assuming that we can use for mass production. If it is high performance, that is even better.

Jin indicated one way forward.

"Besides, it's not a waste of time to consider high-performance materials.

"Yes, I understand."

Rubina seemed to agree.

"All right, let's start the study."

Jin and the others brought their own stools around the workbench and sat down.

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