Magi's Grandson

Each measure # 1

When Singh was preparing the magic for Strom, Augusto and the rest of the Ultimate Magicians were also working on various measures to counter the demon.

The other day, when I played against a genie under Strom, my attack and defense fell into a stalemate, and I couldn't break it.

Even though the public was saying that it was a group of heroes and a group of genius magicians, it was completely useless at the forefront.

Originally Augusts, who did not think they were geniuses and realized that they all gained strength thanks to Shin, That left a deep remorse in their hearts.

I don't think they were thinking they would save the world, but they did.

August's heart had that feeling.

So, he is working hard on his own for the final battle against the coming devils.

Thor and Julius came under Augusto, who practiced magic in the wilderness that day.

Even though he is a prince, no one can tell that he has no two guards.

In this country ... no man was already able to escort the second strongest person in the world.

"How is your condition, Your Highness?"

"Oh, Thor. I guess it's almost finished."

"Don't sit there, your Highness."

"What about those Julius? Are you working on a plan?"

Asked, Thor and Julius looked up at each other and answered August.

"We're not as dexterous as His Highness. We decided to work together."

"Hey, right?"

"Because of this period, one-to-many have said that they are cowardly.

August heard the words and laughed.

"I have to win the next battle."

August said that he had developed his magic.

"Oh ... brilliant, Your Highness"


"Oh, thank you"

August, who has never dated him to compliment him, has accepted the praise.

"Well, is everyone on track?"

"I'm more concerned about Shin Trump's trump card than that."

"I'm the same."

August, who knew that others were working on it, was concerned about everyone's progress, but says Thor and Julius are more worried about Shin's trump card.

She said, August thought for a while.

"Speaking of which, when Hughes proposed superpowered annihilation from a long distance, he said he couldn't do it ..."

"The terrain changes ..."

"I said that people would not be able to live."

Three people silently look at their faces when they say.

"I'm really worried ..."

"I think it's good to see that statement as well as learning your own weight ..."

"I'm sitting at Shin-dono ..."

Pashin remembered the butterfly.

I want to believe it, but Augustus were worried.

"I have a request, Dad."

"What? @ Tony. I want you to ask me now."

"That's right, neither earning nor standing above you."


"Ah, ah ... I don't mean extra money."

"So what happened?"

"I want me to ... practice"

Tony's home in the royal capital.

So Tony was offering a rehearsal to his father, an active knight.

"Rehearse? Sword rehearsal? Why now?"

"Oh, well, I think so. I chose Magic Academy ..."

"Oh, no. I didn't speak well. You're already wearing an extraordinary power as a witch. If you're so magical, I'll never say it anymore. Do you want to practice? "

"... that magic, there was someone who couldn't get through."

Looking at Tony muttering sorry, Tony's father noticed.

"... A new demon ...?"

"Yes. The demons that were first defeated were former people. Only those who did not know how to fight. However, the next time the demons came out ..."

"Are you a former soldier with battle experience?"

"That's right. At that time, everyone was at the mercy of the demon. If Shin didn't catch up, we would be in danger."

"Is that so……"

My father, who wasn't really interested in Tony who entered Magic Academy against his will, had less conversation with Tony at home.

As a result, we didn't talk about details during the past operations of the capture of the demon territory or during the current collision around the magic city.

Petney's father appears to have been somewhat shocked when she learned that his son was in danger.

"That's why it's no use as it is now, everyone is able to compete against the demon, and we'll hear from your Highness."

"And is it your Highness's command !?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's not such a big thing. It's like confirming that we have to do it."

"It's not a big thing ..."

Prince of the kingdom of Aalsheide.

Its clear mind and unmatched magical power.

August is said to be the highest talent in the long history of the royal family.

Son said that the story of August was not a big deal.

Tony's father wanted to hold his head.

"... I have a lot to say, but it's good now. Anyway, it's the command of your Highness. I'll do my best to train you. Come!"

While saying so, Tony's father went out to the backyard of his house.

"Huh ... I hate this hot weather ..."

Even though I offered myself, I didn't like anything that I didn't like.

And a few hours later ...

"Today is here!"

"Oh, thank you very much……"

A happy father who has been trained by his son for a long time, and a son who is tattered.

Tony's mother goes to help her.

"Are you okay? Tony"

"Oh, huh ... okay, mom."

"Even so ... I've been overwhelmed, Hero."

Looking at the ragged Tony, my mother is more happy than worried.

Looking at her mother, Tony smiles with a bitter smile.

"That's because of the magic. Recently, the sword has only wielded demon opponents."

"Yes, but I wonder what that tactic is ..."

Your mother, a former knight, appears to be dissatisfied with the tactics she showed in her practice with her father.

Tony senses this and speaks to her mother.

"Mom. This isn't the time to say that the fight is open, sneaky, royal or evil, or something like that ..." Will you win or lose? "

"It may be, but ..."

Tony's muttering was heard in her mother's ears, who seemed a little dissatisfied.

"It doesn't get any more ...

While being tattered, Tony mutters with determined eyes.

Looking at his profile, his mother, who knew Tony's resolve, stopped eating further and brought up another topic.

"Ah, yes. Tony, please bring Lilia this time."

"Well, mother? Why suddenly such a story !?"

"It's not good, because you're free for mom while you practice with your dad."

"That's why ..."

"I wonder if I can cook rice with Lilia. Or maybe Tony's old story ..."

Until now, the seriousness was Tony, whose atmosphere was scattered at once, and her mother, who was excited about what to do with her son, was hanging out.

"Yuri-chan, is this okay?"

"Thank you very much"

"What is it?"

A bean workshop, located in the kingdom of the kingdom of Aarsheid, boasting a huge popularity among hunters.

Recently, sales have rapidly increased as an exclusive workshop of the firm owned by Shin and Walford Shokai, and it is a workshop that has the momentum to drop flying birds.

In such a bean workshop, the employment of craftsmen and assigned mages has increased drastically, and many part-time workers have been hired in response to the large increase in production.

Yuri, one of the Ultimate Magicians, who specializes in grant magic next to Shin and was trained by Merida at the top of the grant mage, also worked part-time at Bean Studio.

The studio can hire Yuri, an excellent granting mage, which increases production.

Yuri can also practice the magic of giving practically by giving a large amount of giving.

It was just a win-win relationship.

Bean Kobo is mainly engaged in metalworking, so many craftsmen are grumpy.

Amidst such circumstances, Yuri, who has a sex appeal that is unlikely to be 16 years old, is very popular with the craftsmen of the workshop not only for the magical skill of its grant, but also for the healing and moisturizing of the workshop.

The artisans of the studio learned that Yuri wanted to create a new magical tool for anti-magical warfare, and made a large number of short wand-shaped tools for Yuri. I prepared it.

"Um, this is this grant, this is this."

"Yuri-chan, anyway? Is this necessary?"

"Yeah. I don't need this much ... because it doesn't work for that demon ..."

Yuri, who is better at giving magic than attacking magic, did not help much in the previous witch fight.

At that time, I regretted that there would be more variations of attack magic tools.

"I don't want to regret it anymore ..."

Although Yuri is usually in a relaxed atmosphere, she reminisces of the previous battle and has a slightly regrettable expression.

The younger craftsmen looked at Yuri with the feeling of watching over her daughter who worked hard without losing any difficulty.

"I'm done!"

While being watched by such craftsmen, Yuri, who had applied many short wand-type magic tools, finally finished giving all the magic tools.

"I want to test somewhere."

"If that's the case, you can use our experimental site."

"Eh, is that good?"

"Oh, Yuri has no problem"

"I guess I'd like to ask."

Yuri was granted permission to test a newly established test site by an elderly craftsman.

A lot of craftsmen came with the test shot, which you may be worried about.

"Why did you come here with all sorts of goosenecks?"

Harold, the owner of the studio, just at the test site, complains to the craftsmen who have appeared, but the craftsmen also have a point.

"Yuri-chan wants to test a weapon for attack, so I came over to supervise it."

"... what's the truth?"

"Isn't that annoying? Ultimate Magician's Yuri, who is said to be the heir to the Guru-sama? What kind of attack magic did you give?"

"Sure ..."

Whether Harold was worried in the end, the artisans tolerated the tour of Yuri.

"Well, let's go."

Yuri who activates the magic tools that she has given herself with the usual yelling spirit.

And the attack magic that hits one after another at the test site.

Everything from the magic of the flames to the wind, water, thunder, and the earth was released with tremendous power.

The artisans of the studio open their mouths gazing at the attack magic released from the magic tool.

They are producing magic tools one after another at Shin's request.

It is no exaggeration to say that his reputation is already the king of Ahlsheid.

Such craftsmen are the first to see Ultimate Magicians' attack magic directly.

The artisans who had spelled out for too powerful offensive magic ...

"Hmm. Is this okay?"

Yuri seemed a little unsatisfied.

"Yu, Yuri wasn't bad at attack magic ...?"

"Yeah. It's nothing compared to Walford."

That's right, Yuri checks the magic tools after firing the magic.

"Wow, the magical tools that the uncles make are amazing. I wonder if this can be managed."

Yuri is satisfied with seeing a magical tool that has no crack even after releasing powerful magic.

And the craftsmen who saw Yuri that the wand, which is a magic tool, was better than his own magic ...

"Yuri-chan is also an Ultimate Magician ..."

I realized again that Yuri was out of common sense.

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