Magi's Grandson

The day before the decisive battle

Former Imperial City.

It is now a base for the devils, and is called "the devil" by humans.

In the old Imperial Castle in the center, there is Strom, the groom of the evil spirits.

Strom, who created all the demon and monsters in and around the Demon City, looked very good.

Because ...

"Finally, tomorrow. The decisive battle with Walfords."

The other day, a struggle between the Strom faction's demon and humans broke out around the city.

A decisive battle between the demon and humans that he proposed himself.

The due date was approaching tomorrow.

If the demon wins, it will attack the human world as it is and destroy the entire human world.

If the human side wins, peace will return to the world.

Strom himself proposed such a condition, forcing him to promise.

In terms of conditions, it is a condition that is a little advantageous to humans.

Because, even if the human side loses here, the odds are very low, but they still do not perish at that point.

But the devil loses here, which means the destruction of the devils.

Humans can't leave a monster that is an unusual threat at all.

Despite the great differences in individual strengths, the number is overwhelmingly human.

While suggesting such a slightly worse battle, Strom was somewhat fun.

Some of the subordinate witches, while presenting the conditions of such a slightly disadvantaged battle themselves, somehow could not understand Strom in a good mood, but Strom is their chief.

I did not raise any particular questions until I followed the decision.

And so was Zest, Strom's foremost aide.

All his actions are for Strom.

I've been working a lot to benefit that.

It was such a zest, but came here and was worried.

It's not tomorrow's strategy.

"Are you like Strom?"

"What? Zest-kun. Is there any fun strategy for the battle tomorrow?"

"No ... it's all up to Strom. We're all up to Strom's will."

"Yes, then what?"

"Yes, that ..."


"... What is Milia going to do?"


A woman who followed Strom before Strom attacked and destroyed the Empire in earnest.

A loyal member who took care of Strom who was seriously injured in his first encounter with Shin and devoted himself to destroying the Empire after being transformed into a demon by the hands of Strom.

The Miría conducts an experiment that bets on the survival of the demon, and then ...


Since then, Milia has never appeared before everyone.

Milia, who saw Strom with special emotions, was blamed for the failure of the experiment and blocked it.

Zest, who had been concerned about Milia, a comrade who had been following Strom from the very beginning, asked what to do with Milia.

And Strom's answer to that question was simple.

"Do you like it?"


"It's Milia's freedom to go in and out of the fight. I won't force you separately."

"... Are you left?"

In some cases, it seems that he cares for Milia, who has failed the experiment and is depressed, but Zest accurately read Strom's chest.

(After all, Strom doesn't have any feelings about Miria.)

Unlike an artificial demon like ours, Strom who has reached the demon himself lacks human feelings already

I fully understand what is being done.

Even if you treat your subordinates without any insult, it is unavoidable.

So Zest has no distrust of Strom.

(It's a pity ...)

She just sympathized with Milia.

"Wow, Mr. Walford. What kind of magic will surprise me this time?"

It was like a child who had a fun event in front of him, like a recluse who gave up everything.


Aalthheide Royal Castle.

Before the decisive battle against the demon tomorrow, Diceum had a conversation between his son Augusto and his parents.

"Is it tomorrow ... what about the countermeasures? August"

"I've done everything I can. The rest is what the Ultimate Magicians members will do. I'm not worried."

Looking at Augusto to say so, Diceum spilled a grin.

"You don't mean that much ... you're the one who changed the most when you met Shin. August."

"……What so?"

"That's right. Originally, it was an advancement to the High School of Magic, which was originally proposed to teach the ignorant Shin to common sense, but it had an unexpected synergistic effect."

Diceum laughed so happily, but Augusto, who was told, seemed a little troubled and shy.

I understand that my relationship with people has changed before and after I met Shin.

However, it is not embarrassing to be pointed out by real parents.

So I was aware of what I was told, but when it was said in words, I couldn't help but feel terrible, as a result.

August tried to change the topic somehow, and as a result found a person who was perfect for such a topic.

"It seems that Shin is thinking of a trump card."

Listening to Augusto's words, Diceum frozen his warm smile to Augusto.

The trump card.

It is still abnormal enough.

Shin is the trump card.

Diseum returns from stiffness and drinks black tea on the table to calm down.

The hands are shaking, so they make a rattling sound.

And Diceum drinking a sip of tea asked August.

"Shi, Shin are thinking about a trump card?"

"Yes. In Claude's story ..."

August who separates words there.

A breathtaking Diceum.

And ...

"I felt that one country might be gone."

At that moment, the sound disappeared from around Deceum.

After a while, Disceum asked again.

"Huh? Did you make a mistake? I heard it was a country, not a city ..."

"It's not wrong to hear my father. The country said."

In August's words, Diceum put his hand on his forehead and exhaled deeply.

"Really ... Shin-kun didn't have any ambition and was saved ..."

August responds to Diceum, who talks about it.

"Well, Shin will be fine in the future."

from now on.

In short, Augusto is convinced that human history will continue.

Diceum heard the words and drank tea while laughing.

"Yes, it will continue ..."


The Aalthheid family had already turned their eyes to the post-war world.

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