We were just checking our strength, but at the end, Org asked me.

"By the way ... this is the trump card in the example."

The moment Ogre said that, everyone around me was nervous.

Olivia is hiding behind the mark and pulling.

Sicily remembered the time of the experiment, his expression was pale.

"... Is it okay? Isn't it possible to destroy the world on the contrary?"



If you make a mistake, the world will not die, but will leave serious claw marks.

Given that, I couldn't easily say “OK”.

In response to the silence, Org rushed in and rushed in.

"Oh, oh, bad. I can't answer this easily."

"... I mean, is that possible?"

"It will not perish, but ..."

"Does it cause some damage?"

"If you make a mistake ..."

We have succeeded in giving directivity to magic for the time being.

Still, if you shoot in the wrong direction, it will be catastrophic.

I really need to be careful ...

"It's absolutely ... you're talking crazy ..."

"Oh, grandma."

Maybe we were listening to our conversation, grannies came into the story.

"Hoch, it's a reliable thing. Noh Shin, if you like, I'll give you an overview of that magic later ..."

"I'll never teach you! I'll never use it if I tell this selfless grandfather!"

"No ... that's ..."

"Tell me because there is!"

The grandfather who made an inadvertent remark is confined to grandma.

What did you do ...?

When I was looking at my grandmother and grandma, I was told by another person.

"No way, it's coming to the battlefield with Shin."

"Oh, Uncle Michel"


Hmm? Master?

"Miranda? No way, you're going to participate."

Oh, I see.

Miranda is currently under the guidance of Michelle.

"It's not my intention ..."

"It's not like I've been abducted."

"I haven't been abducted, but I have no veto! I'm told that I need a fight to divide the world's fate ..."

"Huh? I was unexpectedly motivated."

"The reality is different from admiring such a fight ..."

Maria came in from the middle.

Well, Miranda will do what she asked me to the end.

He also taught the vibration sword.

"Why participate in such a fight can exalt yourself. I have been embroiled in subjugating the devil when I was young."

Yes, was Michelle involved in the defeat of the old witch in terms of age?

"How was it?"

Miranda may not have heard of it.

I have never heard of Michelle.

"At that time, I was a young man who had not yet joined the Knights. I was overwhelmed by the power of the witch ... I honestly thought I would die here. I was ... "

Hey ... can you say something that demoralizes everyone?

"Well, this time it's very different from the last time. We have Shin. You guys have Ultimate Magicians. It's very hopeful."

Michelle says that he cares about us who seemed uneasy for a moment.

Because it was said to the sword holy, everyone seems to be unlikely.

It's cash.

"That ... Michel, are you sure?"

"Hmm? Oh, isn't it a Dominique if you think anyone? It's been a long time."

"Michel-sama seems to be well."

Dominique, the Chief of Military Affairs, talked to Michelle to see if he was timing.

Michelle was true to the former Knights General.

Pia Dominic is super scared.

"So what happened?"

"No ... it's a demon battle, so I'm thinking of raising everyone's morale ..."

"Yes, that's important."

"Yes, so if you can avoid my private language ..."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Thank you. Then ..."

When I said that and turned to everyone, I could hear that I was grappling.

"I can't afford to fight the demon in the future ... and Michel, not a vibration sword ..."

Speaking of which, it's not Michelle's vibration sword.

Well, I guess you can afford it because you've fought against the demon in the past.

It seems he died.

Eventually, Dominic began speaking to soldiers from various countries gathering in front of the bulkhead.

By the way, the chief of the operation was Michels, Ahlsheid's Chief of Military Affairs.

"Are everyone ready? The time has finally come!

When Dominique spoke with a loudspeaker magic tool, everyone calmed down.

"This time our opponents are a lot of disaster class and a lot of evil spirits"

It's amazing to put it into words again.

Originally, a monster that has never been seen before in a disaster class monster that rarely appears.

It is said that it is occurring in large quantities.

It's just an abnormal situation.

"But don't be afraid! You guys have something to counter! There is a hero of salvation who provided it!

What is the hero of salvation?

It's too exaggerated.

"And more than anything else ... This Strategy has a Sage and a Guru!

With the words of Dominique, the soldiers are boiled at once.

After all, the popularity of grandfathers is greater than me.

Well, it's a living legend.

The generation that grew up after hearing the heroes of the grandfathers.

If you were to stand on the same battlefield as the hero, it would also increase morale.

"Be confident! There is no need to be afraid!

And Dominique said the last word.

"Save the world! !

"Woooooooooooooooo! !

This is amazing.

The air is shaking with the soldiers shouting.

You can see that the clothes are shaking.

At that moment, when everyone's morale was at its peak.

"Huh, it's brave."

The voice of Strom resounded as if she were watering.

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