Magi's Grandson

Each battle # 1

A single road that has been completed in a crowd of thousands of monsters of disaster grade.

The creator of the insane sight has just rushed down the street.

"Never! If Jijii is Jijii, grandchildren are also grandchildren!"

Merida screams, looking at where Shin, the creator of the scene, has progressed.

"If you cast that magic in front of a crowd like this, why don't you know that you might be on your guard!"

"Hahahaha. Merida-sama, please calm down. I don't think we need to worry about it this time."

Shin is paying attention to each time she casts a magic that is out of the standard, in order to prevent Shin from being regarded as dangerous after the threat of a genie has disappeared.

But he doesn't seem to know his grandmother's ancestry.

Merida lamented that, but Dominic, the general commander of the operation, said she didn't need to worry.


"The morale of the soldiers is culminating with Walford's blow just before. If you think you can count on him, don't be afraid."

According to Dominic's words, no one is angry with Shin's blow today.

Disaster-class monsters that can't win unless they gather the elites of the army and fight with dying spirit.

Many of them were killed by Shin's blow.

It's no wonder that soldiers who are ready to die rejoice.

And, as Dominique said, the morally-soldiers were fighting with monsters with a vibration sword provided by Shin.

"... I don't care because it's the extreme state of humanity's death right now, but isn't that the end of this battle?"

"Hahaha. As usual, Merida is cute about Shin."

Dominic says no problem, but Merida is worried about being a grandmother.

Michel has made Merida brown, as she overlooked.

"What are you talking about? I'm not just cute about her, but I'm just worried about not bothering people!"

"Hmm. Let's do that. By the way, Merida."

"What is it?"

"Will we join the battle soon?"

Tsundere, who responds to his grandmother's grandchildren, does not know who has the benefit.

Michel looks crazy at the reaction.

I'm frustrated with that attitude, but if you're just talking here, there's no point in visiting the battlefield.

"Huh ... the crybaby was really good. Okay, let's get rid of the demon."

"Me, Merida. That story is here ..."

Michel, who was very weak and crying when he met, has now begun to speak to Merida.

Merida misses that, but Michelle's story seems to be similar to Black History.

"What the crybaby?"



"... Forget that story.

"Ha, ha!"

Intrigued by Michel's past, but he didn't want to know much, he ordered with some killing.

Dominic, who commands the elite of the World Allied Forces, does not go against his ex-boss who kills himself, but trembles and approves the order.

"Is it your time now?"

Merlin, who was watching the three's exchanges beside, asked if it was finally over.

"It's unusual. Merlin doesn't strike first."

"You, what do you think of me?"

Michel, who knows the old Merlin, saw the rare Merlin waiting for his exchange to finish.

Merlin, who was reluctant to say that word, asked what kind of eyes he was looking at ...

"Huh? In a human-shaped demon?"

"Okay. Michel, remember when you're done?"

"Huh. Is it better to stay away from the Walford family for the time being?"

"Not at all ... I want to start."

Sometimes you may have known someone for decades.

Easy exchange with many disaster classes that you can not imagine before the battle.

To be honest, Dominic is not worried because demons are approaching right before his eyes.

However, Dominic's worries are overwhelming.

"That's a magic barrier !?"

"Hm. At best, can a disaster-class monster break the barrier to me?"

An approaching disaster-class monster has been stopped by a barrier created by Merida's magic tools.

Because the body of the demon itself is stopped, not only magic barriers but also physical barriers are being developed.

Dominique was amazed at the strength of the barrier, but some have taken it for granted.

"If you get so close, you can't avoid it anymore!"

Merlin, who believed that Merida had stopped the demon with barriers, was collecting as much magic power as Shin.

And the moment the monster hit the barrier, it released its magic at a stretch.

"Love! Blow off!"

The moment Merlin casts his magic, Merida cancels the barrier that was unfolding.

It is a perfect coordination without any momentary mess.

And when Merlin's magic landed in the middle of the swarm of monsters, it exploded with a tremendous roar.

It was a big explosion that involved the viewpoint, but Merida is deploying the barrier once released in line with the magical impact.

Thanks to friendly fire, I was spared.

"It's still a mess, you are"

"The other party is a disaster class.

Merlin, who is amazed, can play magic with all his abilities after a long absence, and is in a good mood.

"It's a wonderful collaboration as before."

Michelle is interested in seeing the collaboration between them, which is no different from the past.

Dominic saw Merlin and Merida fight for the first time.

"This is ... this is the power of a hero ..."

Dominique, who had longed for them like the other Ahlsheid people, could not control the excitement of his inner heart by seeing the power of the legendary hero up close.

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