Magi's Grandson

Saw the dragon

Things we saw.

It looks like a monster itself.

The reality is that the dragon came out to talk about the grandfather only once before.

It was a figure that turned into a demon and was spreading evil magical powers around.

"Su, it's amazing ..."

"I'm not impressed, Shin. This is the worst."


Perhaps because the fundamental powers of the creatures are different, the voice leaked involuntarily so powerfully that the monstrous monsters we saw so far seemed to be small fish.

But Ogre seemed to notice something.

"Oh, I can't say for sure because I've never seen a real dragon ..."

I told you after putting it in front.

"That would be a tyrant."


Oh, T. Rex.


"It's the strongest dragon ..."

"Yes, they say it's the worst."


In the first place, it is said that the dragon itself is as strong as a monstrous monster.

If it turns into a monster ...

"It's as bad as a demon ..."

"It's wrong ..."


While talking to the Org, the dragon monster suddenly roared.

We can see the dragon monster.

Means that we can be seen from the dragon monster.

They may have gathered far away and have been impatient to stay away.

I put magic into the roar and hit it here.

A roar that shakes the atmosphere and instills fear inside the heart.

We knew that the roar contained magic, so we set up a magic barrier reflexively.

But there was one child here who couldn't do that.



Miranda, who cannot use magic, eats a roar full of magic and trembles little by little.

It was completely swallowed by the dragon's intimidation.

"I'm sorry. Claude, do the healing magic."

"I understand!"

After seeing Miranda's trembling, Org asked Sicily to give healing magic.

Sicily ran up to Miranda, gently hugged him and gently pounded his back.

"I'm OK ... I'm OK"

"Huh ... huh ..."

"Calm down ... yes, breathe slowly ..."

"Huh ...... huh ..."

"All right?"

"Yeah ... thank you Sicily"

When Sicily took a healing magic and slowly took a deep breath, Miranda finally settled down.

Recently, it was a good sight to see that Sicily and Miranda got together and got along well.

Miranda listened to Sicily's words and embraced healing spells to gain full trust.

As a result, the rigidity of the body has melted and it seems that the mind has calmed down.

"Wallace, you can't use magic, so make sure you have the habit of setting up barriers with the magical tools you've given. Magic and physics double."

"Yes, yes. Sorry, Your Highness."

Watching Miranda calm down, Org warned.

This time, Miranda is participating as a valuable avant-garde.

I need to be able to move in case of emergency.


Org says and sees the dragon monster.

Then I saw a dragon stomping on the ground with huge feet and waving a long tail.

"Oh, it's rough ..."

As Maria says, she's excited and raging in front of the Imperial City gate.

To be honest, I feel a little scary just by her appearance.

But if you are afraid to fly over the sky with floating magic, there is a possibility that the Imperial City will be shot at by a demon.

In addition, if you leave it in the first place, you may go to everyone.

You can only fight against monsters of the disaster class, but there is no reason to fight against more monsters.

So we have no choice but to defeat the dragon monster.

"I can't beat it."

"Yes, that's it ..."

The org looking at the Imperial City suddenly cut off the conversation.


The dragon is not roaring?

With that in mind, when you look toward the Imperial City, ahead of Org's gaze ...

"……Are you serious"

"Strom's guy! Even though dragons are rare!"

I doubted the first moment, and I was angry at Org.

Because ... more dragons have emerged from the Imperial City.

In addition to the tyrant dragons, there are also the chief dragons, horned dragons, armored dragons, etc.

All are demon.

The dragon has been severely depleted due to overfishing in the past, and is now designated as an endangered species.

Org was angry that he had turned such a dragon into a monster and had it hit us.

And the dragons that have come out are also devastating around the tyrant dragon.

Even so….

"I'm not used to it."

"What is it?"

It seems that Sicily was listening to the muttered words.

I asked what I wasn't used to.

"No, is that new dragon a herbivore?"



"Herb eating ...?"

Emperor dragons are different from marine people, but those on land must have been grazing.

I heard that, but what came back from the Org was a surprising word.

"Is that so? I don't know that far."


"I mean, this is my first time seeing a dragon. Rather, why do you know that?"

"Huh? Well ..."

"Oh, Shin, did you look into the dragon?"

"Oh yeah.

Oh, I see.

Because it is a rare animal, I rarely have a chance to see it.

In addition, it was popular because of past romance because it can only be seen with fossils on the earth, but in this world that actually exists, is there any help if it is not so popular?

Since you misunderstood something well, let's talk about what you looked up.

"Oh, that's right."

Here she seems to have wondered why I said, “I'm not used to it.”

"It's a terrible discomfort for herbivorous animals to become monsters and turn into carnivores."

If an animal becomes a monster, it will be able to live only with magic power.

However, the most efficient way to ingest magical power is to take it in.

That is, predation.

In that case, even animals that had been grazing before will be carnivorous.

Every animal that was a herbivorous animal, who wants meat, feels awful evil, so many people are not good at it.

Maria seems to be one of them.

And herbivorous dragons are originally bigger than carnivorous dragons.

Result …….

"In addition to being a monster, this huge thing ..."

Due to the hugeness, the org utters a voice as if it were unintentional.

"After this, if there were no demon, it would be the final battle here."

As Alice says, if you defeat it, it's no wonder it ends.

It was such a monster.

"I don't want to partner ..."

"me too……"

Yuri and Olivia have blatantly disgusted faces.

"For the time being, if you shoot magic, it seems like it will work, but does it work?"

"Is it better to cut?"

Miranda answers Tony's question.

"The dragon skin is so strong that it can be made into the finest armor. It can't be broken with half-life magic.

Org said and saw me, Tony and Miranda.

"Stab the stop with a vibration sword."

""Roger that""


Unlike me and Tony, Miranda responded with tension.

"What happened? Miranda"

"... I was told to put a stop on the dragon, and I'm wondering if you're so calm."

Tony and I were told that way, and suddenly looked at each other.

"Speaking of which, I wasn't particularly nervous."

"Ah, you've gone a little too far through the shambles."

"I'm in the same age ... I'm already ..."

Miranda is so crying.

Apparently, I feel like I'm really good.

"Hey, what are you playing? We're ready."

The org is said to be ready for magical support.

Well, then ...

"Do you want to start the battle!"

The three of us started jet boots and rushed towards the dragon monster.

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