"Your opponent is this me!"

Augusto, who was named Shin, stood in front of Lawrence following Zest.

Lawrens sees August standing on his path and grinning his mouth.

"I'm gonna be great when the prince comes to you!"

Laurence shouts, and fires a fire spell on Augusto as well as a first strike.

"" Your Highness! "

Escorts Thor and Julius scream, but Augusto has prevented Lawrence's magic with a magic barrier.

"You guys don't come! I fight against Koitsu!"

"Yes, but!"

Thor still digs down, but Augusto deliberately ignored the word and fired a new one while preventing Lawrence's magic at the barrier.


"What !? While maintaining the barrier !?"

Lawrence, who had attempted to sneak around and attack while Augusto was preventing the spell, was forced to evade by an unexpected counterattack.

"Damn ... I understand, but I'm strong ... Is it really a prince?"

"Huh, it doesn't matter where you stand. What's here right now is ... do it or not!"

August says that, and begins to release magic with different attributes one after another from the left and right hands.

"What is Lawrence like, and what are the magnate executives?"

"Shit !!"

Augusto was struggling against Lawrence, who was desperately running away.

Why is that?

When Zest came in, Shin probably shouted Augusto's name reflexively.

In such a quick situation, the partner who shouts his name unintentionally.

It is nothing but a proof of trust from Shin.

Recognized by Shin.

August, who felt it, couldn't hide the exhilaration from the body.

"Shit !!"

Lawrence tries to fight back, avoiding the numerous magic that August releases.

However, unlike August, Lawrence's attack that cannot activate multiple magics at the same time becomes monotonous.

Then ...


August, who casts magic with one hand and sets up a barrier with another, is easily prevented.

"Hah! Oh!"

No matter how much you attack, you can easily be prevented by the magic barrier, and then you will launch an attack with a chance to release magic.

Lawrence began to breathe on his shoulders quickly, in a situation where he couldn't take his breath away.

August saw Lawrence, grinning his mouth, and showed a disgusting face that did not look like him.

"It's a terrible thing. Is a magician like this?"

Obviously an attitude looking down on yourself.

Combined with the position of the prince of the great power, Augusto's attitude easily touched Lawrence's scales.

"I'm sorry! There's a little boy who doesn't know any hardships!


The spell cast by Lawrence's enthusiasm was so powerful that Augusto doubled the magic barrier with both hands.

"I don't know any hardships! I've grown up so warmly! There is a qualification to look down on us!"

Lawrence, who had been running away just before, changed completely, and on the contrary, he began to fire high-powered magic one after another.


August continues to prevent it by making full use of his own magic barrier and the barrier of accessory-type defensive magic tools received from Shin.

However, Lawrence's offensive did not stop.

"A raid on the suede! A raid on Kurt!


August responded to Lawrence's shouting excitement.

"Are they the instructions of Strom?"

"It's not Strom! It's Zest!"

Laurence may be so excited.

Began talking to Augusta about the facts that Augusto did not know.

"Why did you turn your hand from the back so far, why did you challenge the frontal battle now !? What are you thinking !?"

"I don't know what Strom thought!"

August and Lawrence play a tongue battle while casting magic, preventing and avoiding each other.

Laurence's excitement doesn't seem to subside to August's relatively cool yet uplifting feeling.

In fact, it was on purpose that August took an attitude that looked down on Lawrence.

All the devils you defeated before were all civilians of the empire.

Speaking of the empire's commoners, they are the targets of exploitation by nobles.

That is why the emperors and aristocrats were all killed by the ordinary people who became demonized and gained power.

If so, August also stepped on Lawrence, who was still following Strom, probably a former commoner.

Therefore, Augusto decided to instigate Lawrence by playing their most abominable, arrogant and unpleasant prince.

As a result, Lawrence was just fit into Augusto's plan and became excited.

I was in a state of excitement and even talked about what Augusto didn't know.

It was a harvest to hear what we didn't know before, but it's unlikely we could hear about this headline battle.

August decided to change his way of attack.



August released the magic of water.

Lawrence, who saw Augusto's magic as though he wasn't converging to high pressures and was just trying to flush it out with a lot of water, did not avoid it, but instead prevented it with a magic barrier.

"With such magic, I don't think I can defeat the demon!"

"I don't think I'm going to defeat this."



August continuously released the thunder magic, which is synonymous with August.

But the magic was released to avoid Lawrence.

"Where are you aiming for ...!?"

The next moment August thought he missed his goal, Lawrence was struck by lightning.

"Baby, stupid ... the magic must have come off ..."

Augusto walked in to Lawrence, who had fallen from his knees and fell down because he was burned down by lightning without any protection.

"Did you not know? Thunder, it travels through the water."

"Well, what is that ... that's what I've heard ..."

"I didn't know, Shin told me."

"Damn ... Shin ... Walford ...... everywhere in the way ... I'm in the way ... I'm sorry ..."

August responded to Lawrence, who grumbled awkwardly.

"You said you were a hard-working boss who grew up warm?"

"Actually ... I guess ... I'm a prince ... Because ..."

"I don't know about the empire. In our country, if you're too mediocre you won't be able to take the throne."


In Aalsheide, the succession to the throne is not the successor to the firstborn.

Only the prince and princess who are recognized as talented can take the throne.

Therefore, Augusto could not claim the crown prince until the ceremony of the standing prince.

"That's why I spent my spare time studying and training in magic to bleed blood."

Toll and Julius looked so close to August's muttering and looked sad.

You probably remembered August at the time.

"That's what we've been doing. So is the magic you just defeated."

"To Walford ..."

"Yes. I met Shin and I was able to grow further. I will not stop studying in the future. I want to get closer to him."


"How do you compare to that? I'm dissatisfied with my position and accepting to be a devil ...… there's no reason I can do that."

"I don't hear the windy mouth I knew ..."

Lawrence, who was looked down on by Augusto, was dying, but struggled with his last power.

"Do you know ... no matter how much effort you make because you are just a commoner ... no regrets you can't afford even if you get the results ... just because you are a commoner and you are noble nobles The anger used for ...... is simply because he is a commoner ... "

Lawrence muttered as he spit out his hatred.

"Hate to take away everything ..."


"It's not an empire ... we're ordinary people ... not humans ... with livestock ..."

Lawrence's hatred was so much that August was pressured.

"It is Strom-sama who saved us ... He helped clear the hatred we had accumulated for many years ... He made us human ... … "

"It's stupid ... you're a demon ..."

"Huh ... I don't care about the process, but I don't care about that ... We're ... from Strom-sama ... we've gotten humans from livestock ..."

In Lawrence's words, Augusto realized.

The reason why the devils abandoned their lives and followed Strom's life.

They were recognized for the first time by Strom.

Strom needed them to destroy the Empire.

Even if it's ... as a Strom piece ...

They are not unreasonable responses until now, but as they are heading for the same goal.

They were needed for the first time.

"So ... I ... we'll ... obey Strom's orders ... if we were told to die ..."

While saying that, Lawrence raised his upper body ...

"I'm gonna die!"

When he shouted, he shook his last power and attacked Augusto.


August, who had been pressured by the hatred of Lawrence's expulsion, was delayed for a moment, and at the time he thought it would be decided to hit the rebirth.

"Your Highness !!"

Thor, who had been listening to Lawrence for a long time, released a blade of wind toward Lawrence.


Lawrence, who was trying to attack himself as a desperate, defeated Thor's wind blade and fell down again.

"Ha ... haha ... This is the last time ... I'm sorry ..."


"Strom ... sama ... before ... in hell ... wait ... well ..."

Lawrence muttered at the end, and he was cut off.

"Your Highness ..."

"... I'm sorry Thor, I was saved."

"No ... it's my role."

"Even so ..."

August looked down at Lawrence, who had scattered an unusual loyalty to Strom.

"It was horrible loyalty."

"Yes, I'm prepared to abandon my life to protect my Highness, but ..."

Toll, like Augusto, saw Lawrence.

"I can't bear dying for this pointless purpose."

"Is the darkness of the empire so deep?"


August and Thor felt impatient at the fact that the demons were shown off.

In addition, Augusto was worried.

"Wait in hell first ... then?"

August thought.

Then, as if Strom would follow Lawrence.

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