Magi's Grandson

I understand everything

"I can't help thinking about what I don't understand anyway. The rest is Strom alone. Let's move on."

"Oh, yeah."

Org called out to wipe out the dark, sunken atmosphere.

I feel a terrible aftertaste, but I am an enemy as long as I show hostility and launch an attack.

I thought so and switched my head.

After defeating Zest and Lawrence, the leaders of the evil spirits, only the leaders, Strom, remain.

This is the end of the process.

Now that you know the reason, you can't help.

If so, go ahead and defeat Strom and restore peace to the world.

After all, we decided to move on without knowing the true meaning of Strom.

Well, even if we know the true meaning of Strom, he will not stop attacking us.

If it was, there is no help thinking about it here.

We headed for the old Imperial Castle, where there will be Strom.

You are progressing through the magic city while deploying search enemy magic, but there is no reaction at all since you defeated the last remaining zests.

We went silently, but I couldn't stand the silence and I spoke to Org.

"Why were the imperial commoners so oppressed?"

"Oh, I want to know. I didn't teach that much in class."

Alice agreed with my question.

Looking around, everyone was watching the Org.

Hey, everyone doesn't know, not just me.

Is this not common sense?

"No matter why, ... I don't think we can answer clearly, even if the imperial nation is alive. But ... I have a guess that's probably the case."

"What guess?"

Maria urged the Org.

"Probably, I think there is a problem with the formation of the empire."

"Is it true?-The Empire was a small country at first, but it conquered the surrounding nations one after another and it became the current Empire, right?"

I know the story of Olivia.

Because I spoke before and I learned in class.

"Yes, so do you know how the conquered country reigned?"

"Isn't the resident troop dispatched?"

Org nodded back at Tony's words.

"Oh, it's a garrison dispatched from the country from which the empire originated, but he seems to have treated the defeated nations as slaves."

Sighly was astonished and shouted at the words of Org.

"That was how it was handled !?"

"That's so ... I didn't learn in class."

As Mark says, the history lessons he attended at the Academy of Higher Magic did not give much detail, as he was from another country.

At best, the Empire invaded surrounding nations one after another and expanded its territory.

Only Thor and Julius haven't responded surprisingly.

"Did they know?"

"Yes, because your Highness will eventually become king and interact with neighboring countries."

"It is naturally necessary to know the history of other countries in detail."

I have completely forgotten these days, but Thor and Julius are escorts and guards.

The relationship continues after Org is crowned king.

If so, is it necessary to know the information of neighboring countries to help the Org?

"And the commander of the occupied army became the nobleman who ruled the country, and his men became the nobles who ruled the provinces. They still treated humans in the country they ruled as slaves."

"So did the aristocrats treat the commoners as slaves?"

"That's right. Perhaps, after many generations of such treatment, the idea that the commoners are the property of the aristocracy and can be treated in any way is widespread. ... but as I said, it's speculation. "

got it…….

The people who lost the war probably accepted their slavery.

Because they lost the war.

However, the story is different when the generation takes over and becomes a generation ignorant of war.

We have no one to be treated unreasonably by the nobles.

Even if there is a difference in position, it is not very acceptable.

Is that depression finally exploding?

"Oh, you know that the commoners had a grudge against the aristocracy, so they turned into monsters and took revenge on the aristocracy. "

"It was the same with Lawrence. Well, the answer was that I wanted to rebel but I couldn't.

"I could not do it?"

"Oh, because the Empire didn't educate the commoners thoroughly."


"Oh, I don't get educated, so I can't turn my wisdom on what to do if I feel unreasonable.

That kind of thing ...

"It seems that there has been a rebellion itself, but the education we do not include includes combat skills. A combat-trained army and a group of amateurs. Do you think there is a victory?"

"... I guess you've been crushing that way ..."

"That's what it is. In our view, the consequences of being brute-forced ... the common people have lost their willingness to resist and have just been exploited by nobles."

The Org just said it was speculative, but there was something convinced in his statement.

Perhaps you were looking into the state of the empire.

That's what Laurens has confirmed this time.

But it's a bad story.

There is no war law in this world.

A victor in a war may treat a losing nation in any way.

But we usually do not treat the people of the losing country as slaves.

Even if the law is not written, such acts are against humanity.

But the old empire …… it acted against humanity.

That's why we treated the losing nation as a slave.

It's natural to be grudged.

, And there I had a certain question.

"Well, yes, when I told you earlier in the war against Ahlsheid, there were monster hunters in the empire, too? Did that noble do it?"

"No way. Such mud work is decided to be the work of ordinary people."

"Then, ordinary people can learn combat skills ..."

"The Hunter Association of the Empire is special. It is entirely state-owned."

"I mean ..."

"The hunters seem to have all the information in the country."

"That means my family ..."

"If the hunters used their fighting techniques to plot a rebellion ... they would kill the entire Clan Party."

"Is it so thorough ...?"

"But it seems that there were many things to be hunters because they could live better than other ordinary people."

It's a really bad country! Blue Sphere Empire!

"Honestly, I think that this country was destroyed, it's my own business ... but I've arrived. The symbol of that vanity, the Imperial Castle,"

We finally arrived at a large castle that was visible from a distance in the past.

After hearing the story of the Org, it appears as a fool's castle, destroyed by their vanity.

And the gate of the castle was open, as if to invite us.

The inside of the gate is dark and looks like a gate to another world.

"Let's go!"

Ogre called out to go down the gate.

Probably ... I couldn't have stepped on unless I decided.

There was so eerie.

We dived through the gate, and each of them started using the magic of light to walk through the castle because there was no light in the castle.

"Uh ... dark ...."

"A little Maria, don't get stuck, it's hard to walk."

"Because ..."

"I can't use magic, because if Maria doesn't do it, I can't walk alone."

"I know ..."

Maria, who is not good at such atmosphere in the event of the above-mentioned magic city, is walking while sticking to Miranda.

I'm really not good ...

Looking at Mary, who was unusually scared, and looking at what everyone else was doing, they all looked anxious, though not as much as Maria.

"It's okay because there is no reaction to search magic."

"Yes, Messina is too scared."

"Unlike Shin and His Highness, I can't use multiple magics at the same time! I can't use search magic when using magic for lighting!"

Speaking of which?

Everybody is using the magic of light for lighting, so they can't use search magic.

Is that the reason for your worried face?

"It's okay. For now, the only reaction except Strom ..."

It was when I said that.

"Shin ..."

"Oh ... what do you mean? There are no other demon except Strom ..."

"Cho, a little Shin! What happened?"

It seems that the Org also noticed.

Now, Maria who can't use search magic has raised an uneasy voice.

Because everyone else thought so, let me explain.

"Now ... there was a magical reaction of a demon other than Strom."

"Lie !?"

August responded to Maria, who shouted involuntarily.

"It's true, but ... is this ... alone?"

"No, it's small, but it has other magical powers.

"I don't know ... judging from the size of the magic, this is not Strom ... what do you do?"

"Yes ..."

I was questioned by the Org and said after thinking a bit.

"First, let's go to the witch you have just found. It would be troublesome to break in during the battle with Strom."


With the ogre's consent, we headed to the magical powers felt outside of Strom.

Even so… It is different from the story I heard from the devil at the entrance of the magic city.

The executives of the devils are definitely Zest.

After all, they were originally their captains.

However, there is actually one other demon left.

Did that magician lie?

However, the reaction of the demon has no sign that we will obviously know we are approaching it.

what? Is it so skillful?

"Ogre ..."

"Oh, everyone can be in battle as soon as they are encountered. Don't be afraid."


It seems that Org felt the same as me.

Re-armed everyone and walked again towards the demon.

And ...

"This room"

"Oh no doubt"

The reaction of the demon was felt from one of the rooms in the castle.

There is no sign of moving even if you come to the door.

"I can open it ..."


After looking over everyone, I opened the door vigorously.

And immediately take the battle position.

But the demon inside wasn't attacking us as he jumped in, he was solidifying himself to cover something he had in his arms.

We felt that fighting wasn't going to take place right away, and we released the fighting posture.

And when you look at the devil ...

"Woman ... a magician?"

What was in the room was a female demon.

She was an adult woman with long hair, probably in her mid-twenties.

The woman's genie did not attack when she saw us, and glared at us while protecting something in his arms.

Even though there is clear hostility in his eyes, there is no sign of attacking at all.

I wonder if she is protecting something so important, and take a closer look at what is in the arm of the woman's demon ...

"Oh, you! It's not a baby!"

The woman's witch was holding a baby, who seems to have been born soon.

"Thank you! Have you taken the baby?"

Ogre who saw the baby like me rang out, but ...


Did the woman witch think she could take her baby up?

"What's wrong?"

I said that, but I had a certain feeling about the shout of the demon.

The baby who did not get away.

No way ...

Such ...

The female demon uttered words to me who felt incredible.

"This girl ... this girl is with me ..."

With a female demon ...

"... Stroem-like child"


The words of the woman's demon proved that everyone took a breath.

"It's an idiot ... a demon ... a monster could be a child ..."

Always in a calm org in such a situation, it seems that this situation is incredible, and there is no sense of language.

I have the same feeling.

No way, a genie can have a child ...

It was when I thought so.


The baby held by the female witch awakes and looks at this.

"... I see ... I mean ..."

I understood everything.

The desperate situation that happened to the demon.

Zest said that the devil has no future.

I understood the meaning.

Even ... the baby ...


It's not the magical red eyes.

Because he had the same eyes as ordinary humans.

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