"Do you want doom ...?"

I was shocked by Milia's words, and I thought back.

"Stroum lost his interest in everything when he became a demon, except to destroy the empire. Now that his purpose has been fulfilled and lost to the future Is ... "

With those words, I understood the meaning of the words that Strom said at that time.

"I see ... so ... I lost my sense of existence in this world that has lost its significance."

You can leave a child this way

However, the child is not a demon.

You cannot leave a demon as a seed.

Such a thing is meaningless for the world….

"And ..."

I, Milia, said with a frowning face and a sad face.

"I mean the existence of myself ... I lost sight ..."

In a world where it doesn't make sense to exist, I'll try to lose it.

We are heading for ruin.

So Milia wished that Strom be stopped and released.

But, that is ...

"... Is that OK for you?"

Will not respond to persuasion.

To stop and release the destruction that Strom wants ... that means we will defeat Strom.

Milia, who loved Strom and had a baby, did she really want it?

"I really want you to miss it ... but ..."

"It's impossible. Strom declares war on mankind with clear hostility. Strom is no longer an enemy of mankind. He will be the target of subjugation anywhere in the world."

Org rejected Milia's intention.

"I think so too……"

Milia, who was rejected by the Org, muttered as if she gave up.

Yes ... everything is slow now.

If Strom didn't offer such a game for the world, we wouldn't stimulate Strom and leave it alone.

But Strom proposed this game.

We declared that the world would be destroyed while humans from allied countries were gathering.

Already ... There are only two options, whether Strom is defeated or the world is destroyed.

"So ... I want you to stop Strom. I want you to release Strom, who has lost meaning in all parts of the world ..."

This wish must be a wish that can be cut off for Milia.

So ...

"I see ... I always stop Strom."


I said so and turned my heels.

Listening to the weak Milia's voice over her back.

"Ogre, let's go"


Talk to the Aug and leave Milia's room.

Everyone's faces as they left the room were dark and sinking.

"Why did this happen ...?"

Among them, Sicily, who is sinking the least, said so.

"Miria-san ... I really valued her. Even if she wasn't a demon, wouldn't she be fine if she had a child ..."

Sicily is a particularly maternal mother of Ultimate Magicians.

If you have a child with me in the future, what kind of name will you choose? I often talk about what kind of child I want to bring up.

Sicily has been sorry for seeing too merciful mother and child.

"I think so, but I guess it wasn't from Strom."

"Is my child but not a demon child ...?"

"We don't have to worry about that ... I'm happy."

"Olivia ..."

Holded by Olivia's shoulder in response to Aug's words, Marc cared for her.

The bean workshop, home of Mark, is to be inherited by a child born by Olivia.

I wonder if there is a story about a child between them.

I have a great feeling for sympathy with the miria who do not see the future.

"But ... Is it really nice to miss it ..."


"I think he's a pity! I'm a genie? How do you explain to everyone if you missed it?"

"Oh, that's ..."

Sicily said to Mary and looked at the Org.

Not only Sicily, everyone was watching.

The org that caught everyone's attention thought a bit.

"Well, what I saw and heard here is useless. This is ..."

After looking over everyone, Org said.

"Don't see"

"Your Highness ..."

Sicily leaked his words to thank the Org for making that decision.

"Once we entered the castle, we headed straight for Strom and fought against Strom ..."

"So ... no, that's it."

"Originally ... it's a serious act as a person who governs the country in the future ..."

"... I'm sorry ... myself ..."

I apologized for letting the Prince, Org, make such a decision, and Org smiled at him.

"What's more now. I think I've been swayed so far."

"Ugu ..."

"Well, this time it's a breakthrough ... Shin, if you happened to happen ..."

"Oh, I am always responsible"

It was me who decided to miss Miria's parents.

We are not going to escape that responsibility.

While walking around the castle while talking about such a story, I noticed that noisy people were always quiet.

"What's wrong with Alice? Isn't she quite mature?"

Alice who always causes a disturbance has not opened her mouth since she entered Milia's room.

Alice who is always Noh can't say anything in that atmosphere.

However, if a bright human is always sinking in the dark, it is likely to affect the surroundings, so he called out to restore the usual atmosphere ...

"... that child"

"Yeah? What happened to that baby?"

"... I was going to be a super handsome guy in the future ..."

Alice looked serious and said so.

... Is it so adult because I was thinking about that? ...


"That's right! Even though it's a baby, you have such a pretty face !? I'll be a good-looking guy in the future!"

"Sure, it was cute"

"Lin ?!"

"Oh, good. I'm like that cute child."

"No partner"

"It was……"

…… this, these guys …….

When we were seriously worried, did you think about that?

"Hey, it's Alice!"


"Is the sunken atmosphere a little lighter?"

"That's true ... but certainly."

"Surprisingly, he may be a sensitive child."

"To Tony"

"It looks like Noh Weather, so maybe you're thinking a lot?"

"Oh, I see?"

I saw Alice annoying her head.

I don't think it's just an element ...

"Shin, Shin!"

When I was thinking about Alice, she came here.

"what is it?"

"Once this fight is over, please introduce someone!"

I was wrapped up in a feeling of weakness in that line.

"Huh ... my friend is the only person here ..."

"Oh, that was it."

"If it's in this ... Tony or Mark?"

"Tony's friends are so good!

: Alice's that, of course.

Next to me, so convinced, Tony rejected by Alice was hurt soberly.

-------------------------------------------------- ----

I was honestly shocked by what the magician said in that room.

I can't imagine because I've never dated a boy ...

What kind of feeling did you ask for killing your favorite person?

At that time, when I looked at everyone's faces, they all looked painful.

Because many of my friends have a lover, I guess they could immediately imagine it unlike me.

After leaving the room, everyone had a dark face, dragging the atmosphere.

So, I spontaneously played on Shin's question.

I thought it was unscrupulous, but this is my role.

It is the role of Your Highness to think about difficult things, and it is Maria's role to scold Shin.

It's the role of Sicily to flirt with Shin-kun.

I brighten everyone up.

Otherwise ... I'm sorry for Strom and I can't fight properly.

Puyo! I'll do it!

But ...

I really want a boyfriend!

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