Magi's Grandson

Graduation ceremony

"Well, you guys ..."

When you are making noise in the classroom. An unusually dressed Alfred-sensei came in.

As we come in, we are sighing looking at us who are still noisy.

"I'm still a kid, even if I'm lifted up as a hero. Is it okay now?"

"Okay, sir. I'll hold Shin's reins."

"Well, if your Highness says so, okay?"

Well, there is only Alfred-sensei who has been in charge of us for three years, and trust in us is low.

I'm sorry for Alfred-sensei.

"By the way, is it already time for the teacher to come?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm going to the auditorium soon."

We are now at the graduation ceremony.

This is the last event at Magic Academy that changed my life.

As we entered the class in order, the students, parents and guests gathered in the auditorium applauded.

And finally, when we entered the S class, the applause grew even bigger.

Cheers are also rising.

Are you already used to this kind of treatment? Everyone is calm and not particularly shy.

I looked at the parents 'seat and glanced at the parents' seat.

Silver notices me and Sicily coming in, and is waving hard at him.

Hah ... Silver cute waving hard ...

While the cute gesture, she smiles as much as she knows and shakes her hand over silver.

At first glance, Sicily was waving at Silver with a squeezed face like me.

that's true.

After all, my child is cute to Saikyo!

"Hey, you guys have a bad face?"

"Don't say anything outrageous !?"

"I feel bad!"

I was very surprised by Maria when she was enjoying her cute little gesture.

Me and Sicily protested against Maria who was outrageous, but she ignored her and pursued our gaze.

"What are you looking at ... oh, silver."

"Wow!" I'm getting down hard! "Cho is cute!"

"That's right! Isn't it cute?"

Like Mary, Alice finds her appearance and cheers on her cute gesture.

Sicily praised for Silver looks very happy.

"Since there are always older brothers and sisters playing, the silver tension is also exploding."

Silver sitting on Grandma's lap, she is already tensing up as if she could swing her around and run here.

Looking at the figure, everybody is delicate.

I told us that Org was ridiculous.

"Is your brother your sister ... I'm a friend's kid, so aren't there your uncle and your aunt?"

In response to the words, the women's eyes widened open.

"Your Highness! What do you do to the 18-year-old maiden!"


"Don't say aunt!"

"Everything is outrageous"

Protesters were Maria, Yuri, Alice, and Lynn.

Sicily and Olivia, and the men, have not joined the protest.

Because ...

"I'm a mom"

"Ah, yes. If I have a child, I'm Silver Aunt."

"Oh, Olivia ..."

Sicily is a silver mom and Olivia is expected to have a successor for Bean Studio, so she will be married to Mark after this graduation ceremony.

"Sure, my child's friends call him Uncle."

"Well, that's natural."

"In the case of Thor, be careful not to be called Aunt."

"Now !? That wouldn't be called!"

Petney, Thor and Julius will also be married after the graduation ceremony.

In other words, there was no opponent who raised the protest….

"Shin ... You're not thinking about anything extra?"


"... Is it true?"

"Ho. Really, really!"

If you are trying to escape Maria's pursuit of something that has been caught ...

"You guys, let's take it easy! Take a quick seat!"

"Yes! !

Mr. Alfred, who was walking in front of us, shouted at the limits of patience and we took a hurry to take a seat.

"It's absolutely ... to be abusive at the end ..."

"No! It's a fuss, because of the extra words of the Org !?"

The sigh sighs like another person, so I was amazed by Alfred-sensei as I could almost hear the onomatopoeic "Girori!"

If you get angry any more, a hole is likely to open in Dr. Alfred's stomach.

Mr. Alfred looks scared from the teacher's seat and stares at this place, but his evaluation is very high.

As I said, Ultimate Magicians are said to be the world's best magicians and heroes.

Then, some teachers can say nothing to us.

Nevertheless, Mr. Alfred will guide us as strictly as we did when he entered school.

It is said that even the hero opponent has no clue to the teacher.

Students at the institute say that they are going to be the next president.

Such a teacher is staring at us.

…… From here on, let's be quiet.

While doing so, the ceremony proceeded, and the resignation by the current student was completed.

After this ...

"Then continue, graduate greetings. Alumni representative, Shin-Walford


Finally, my graduate greeting.

Greetings from the new students at the entrance ceremony were super-tense, but I rejected the current students at the graduation ceremony last year.

Nothing is scary anymore!

I think so and the top is on the stage ...


I inadvertently slipped on the stage.


I wonder why she shouts at this timing Silver! ?

The venue where you can see the loudness of a child rising during a solemn ceremony and the fall of me and be surrounded by laughter.

Punuoo ... embarrassing! This is embarrassing! ?



When he looked at Silver from the stage, Silver put his hands on his mouth.

Puyu is cute ...

A venue that is immediately wrapped in a laugh.

I got confused and acted as usual on the stage where everyone is watching!

Oh, already ... I was thinking of tightening the end, but I'm ruined ...

Oh, it ’s already good.

The damp is not a gala, let's say a light greeting as usual.

“I ’m sorry to all the guests, Teachers, I'm sorry for this condition until the end. I'm sorry for the current students, seniors like this?

Laughter again with the first grab.

"I still can't believe I entered this High School of Magic three years ago. That's why the three years at this institute were rich and fun every day. "

From here, I'll talk a little seriously.

"The main purpose of entering this institution is to know common sense. I think that purpose has been achieved enough. "

A laugh that happens immediately.

Why! ?

“At the same time, I also wanted to make friends of the same age. That objective was achieved shortly after enrollment. There is no exaggeration to say that this is the biggest thing I got at this institute. '

Everyone in the S class is grinning and shy at my words.

Well, I'm shy if a friend tells me that.

I wouldn't be able to say it, if not in such a place.

"In addition, I met a lifelong companion. And as you saw earlier, I was able to get a child, albeit adopted. '

Silver is Aalsheide… No, people all over the world know.

However, it is not as a child between witches, but as a miraculous child who lives miraculously in a city occupied by the demon, a lucky child raised by a demon king and a saint.

"I have never had such a dense time in my life. I think that's because of the parents who watched me warmly, the teachers who gave me strict guidance, my seniors and my juniors. "

This is the true intention.

I was able to live such a happy student life thanks to everyone who accepted me, who had the power of isolation from everyone around me, without removing it as a foreign molecule.

"Today we graduate from this institution, but we will never forget the three years here. Thank you very much, everyone. Alumni representative, Shin-Walford

When I said that, I bowed deeply, and suddenly applause of thunder came.

"Sempai !!"

"Senior devil, wonderful!"

"Make me a concubine!"

Hey! Who is the last!

Don't say that here! The highlights will disappear from Sicily's eyes again! !

When he returned to his terrifying seat, Org was holding his laughter.

The upcoming turmoil is fun and can't be helped.

Damn, my hobby is still bad!

I ignored the org and gently turned my gaze to the side, and Sicily smiled normally.

"Isn't it still hot, right?"

"That's not it. It's just a bad joke."

"Huh, I know. Shin can't make a concubine, right?"

"Of course"


Since she got married, she was no longer jealous of small things like in the past.

Rather, it appears to have strange dignity.

"What is it?"

"Ogre, you ..."

Did you end up expecting an uproar?

Well, that's what org is.

"Even so, I'm calm down, Sicily."


"Yes, I wonder if the Sicily until last year was frozen around?"

"That's not true"

No no ...

I also, for a moment, the sight crossed my head.

"After all, are you married?"

"It's great to have silver"

Alice and Lin seemed to feel the same way, citing the reason Sicily calmed down.

Sicily grinned with a bit of a grin, supposed to be something other than what everyone thought so.

"Maybe. Shin also really cares for Silver, and he puts a lot of affection on me. I can't doubt Shin."

Sicily said she seemed really happy, and I was really glad I did my best.

But Maria's faces are red.


"Oh, I'm pouring love ..."

"Wow, meaningful ~"

"Ahhhh, Sicily's etch!"

"It's close to seeing the faces of two children."

"Pouring love doesn't mean that!"

It means you take care of Sicily!

When she looked at Sicily while being amazed by Maria, Yuri, Alice, and Rin who said ridiculous things ... she turned red and covered her face with both hands.


The action here is a misunderstanding ... Because it takes a strange meaning!

"Well, yes. Will the Walford family have children from tonight?"

"You don't say that in front of everyone! That's what it means to say" Ogu "or" Ogu ".

"I'm a royal family. It's half duty to be a child."

"This, this guy ...?"

The Org guy has cut himself off to make fun of me!

When you're trembling with the dreadfulness of such an org …….

"You guys ... get out of there !!"

The screams of Professor Alfred resounded in the auditorium where the people still remain, and once again became laughable.

Pua ...

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