Magi's Grandson

Another request

"Is Shaolin's sister ...?"

"Yes, it is"

I thought that it was a treatment system because I asked Sicily, but that was not wrong.

And I asked why I wanted to be treated, and why I was Sicily instead of me.

Sister is a woman.

And to ask a woman's healing magician to heal a woman ...

"My sister has a sickness where she has a child ..."

Is it a woman-specific disease?

Gynecological diseases such as the uterus and female genitalia tend to avoid male healing magicians, no matter how good their healing magic skills are.

Even if the other person is a healing magician, a doctor, you don't want to see the delicate parts of women.

I was guessing at the time that Sicily, not me, was asked for treatment, but I found that a disease was found in the womb ...

"I'm sorry Shaolin. Can I ask a little?"

"Oh, yes"

"How did you find the disease?"

"that is……"

Mr. Shaolin started talking about the details after getting a little lost.

"My sister is married, so I had a child some time after marriage ..."

"Did you find the disease during the examination?"

"Yes ... and that ..."

Mr. Shaolin was so hard to say after that, I said more.

"Kids are useless ... what about that?"


"Such ..."

Seeing Shaolin affirming painfully, Sicily made a painful voice.

We were trying to make our own children ... I guess they would have sympathized with the shock when it failed.

Even so….

"It's annoying ..."

Mr. Shaolin responded sensitively to my words.

"Ah! Is Walford aware of her sister's illness?"

I came to me in a desperate form.

"Yeah, yeah, but I'm just guessing ..."

"But it's okay! We couldn't help but only slow the progress of the disease ..."

Mr. Shaolin turned down with a sad face.

"Wolford, so what's the disease in Sri Lanka?"

On behalf of Shaolin who was silent, Lee Fan asked me.

"Suiran? Is that the name of Shaolin's sister?"


"Ah, yeah. Well, um, I didn't have a proper consultation, so I don't have any confirmation ..."

This is courage to say.

Understand the pain of doctors who report illness.

"Perhaps ... uterine cancer ...?"

I haven't seen you, but I have a uterine disease.

When I heard that a child had flown after treatment, I could only imagine that I wasn't a medical expert.

Well, I hear there are a lot of gynecological illnesses and they may be wrong, but you should think in the worst case.

I thought so, and when I told her the name of the illness, the neighborhood calmed down.

That's right.

Speaking of cancer, there is something near death sentence even in the past life.

When I was alive, I heard that the survival rate had increased, but cancer was still the leading cause of death.

In this world, medical knowledge is lagging because it can be treated with magic.

The reason Sicily's healing magic is said to be the best in the world is because I taught and explained the mechanism of living things while dismantling the hunted animals.

In such a situation, cancer is just an incurable disease.

After all, shouldn't we say it as expected?

I was starting to regret it.

"Um, Shin-kun. What's that?"


I suddenly made a silly voice in Sicily's words.

e? Do you know cancer?

"Oh, hey, hey. He's a stomach and lungs."

"Even so ..."

that? Is this really serious about cancer?

"Seriously ..."


"Ah, no. It's a disease that occurs outside of the uterus, which usually kills you ..."

"You lose your life !? Then your sister! Is your sister no longer helping?"


I told you something careless.

I have to manage to keep my story.

"No! That! Is it possible to slow down the progress of the disease? By the way, what is it?"

"I used the tag I used when I got sick. Thanks to that, the progress of the disease stopped, but my child instead ..."

"Oh, so ... or a bill?"

"Yes, this is it."

That's why Shaolin took out a bill that had something on it.

"Um, what is this?"

"I'm not familiar with this person, but it's called a spell. We use it to use magic."

"Hey ..."

"By the way, the word" healing the disease "is written in Kwanlong's words."

"I see"

Was it a character if you thought it was a pattern?

From Shaolin's words, this is a character that has the same meaning as a single kanji.

The number of characters is much less than the characters we use everyday.

I thought so and looked at the bill.

"Similar to the letter used by Shin ..."


I noticed that the Aug was strange.

I have to keep talking.

"The fact that you exercised magic in this way means that the magic itself works for the disease."

"Yes, but ... just because I could slow it down, the treatment itself ..."

She said that, but Shaolin fell down again, but hopes came out in her words.

"Mr. Shaolin. It's a difficult disease, but if magic works, it's not without hope."


Mr. Shaolin raised her face in response to my words to cheer me up.

"Is it true?"

"It's just a possibility. It's not absolute, and maybe another illness, so don't expect too much."

"But ... even if there is a possibility ..."

Mr. Shaolin said, she began to cry.

Liefang gently holds Shaolin's shoulders.

Oops, this is ...

"Well, are you finished talking? And then, we're going to discuss the design. Shin-kun, go!"

"Eh ?!

While thinking about the relationship between Shaolin and Lee Fan, he was forced out by Aaron, who had interrupted him.

Hey, already!

You can read the air! Brothers!

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