Magi's Grandson

Merida concerns

I made a U-turn when I reached over Aalsheide, where I took control of Aaron.

What I found out was that it was not possible to apply magic to the control lever and also apply magic to the propulsion lever while gaining buoyancy.

Mr. Aaron says that if you apply magical power to either side, either will break.

I was sorry to say that this could only be done by a very skilled wizard.

Even though we look like this, we have graduated from the Earls Hyde Top Magic Academy, so everyone can activate multiple magic tools.

We had the pilot who was riding with us also pilot the ship, but they alternated between floating and predecessor, and went on like a wave, so everyone who drove was drunk.

In the end, it was concluded that two pilots were needed, and he would call out to those who were second in the pilot selection.

I returned to Ells, landed where I was, and after hearing Aaron and the pilot talk, I called for an offer.

"That's okay!"

"Mag-Foo? What are you talking about, Shin-kun?"


When I tried to make a proposal, I was beaten on my side.

Isn't that a funny guy?

When I stared at the direction where the shock came, my grandma was glaring with more power than me.

I looked away immediately.

Then, my grandmother pulled my ears and was taken out of the crowd.

"Fat! Pouch, grandma hurts!"

Grandma ignoring my protest and moving on.

She was so far away that she couldn't hear the conversation, and she finally listened.

"What are you doing, grandma ..."

"Shut up! You didn't try to use magic stones right now?"

"that's right, but……"

"After all. Well, you've discovered a way to create magic stones, and it has certainly increased the distribution of magic stones, but it must still be rare."

"I know it ..."

"No, I don't know. Sure, as you say, using magic stones will allow you to control that flying boat alone. But what if you lose the magic stones?"

"If you use a spare magic stone,"

"What do you do if you can't get enough magic stones?"

"... Eh, is that still enough?"

I said so, and she sighed deeply.

"You don't know because you can make magic stones yourself, but they only sell more frequently than before, and they'll sell as soon as they come to market."

"Is that so?"

"That magician is waiting for a gemstone, and that would fly in the sky. I got a spare gemstone, but I had to fly it for trade. What if the effect of the magic stone has expired? "

"... crash"

"If you fall from such an altitude, there is no single thing. All crew are killed."

Listening to those words, my back was frozen.

Yes, that's a trade vehicle.

If power is supplied by magic stones, it is possible that the stone will be dispatched before the stones are ready.

For profit.

In that case, it is quite possible that the worst thing grandma says will happen.

… Yes, no matter how long, I ’m not enough.

I could only think of clearing the immediate problem.

"For the time being, it's better to fly that flying boat by hand, even if it takes a lot of people. It's a quick start, and we need to improve it in the future."

"... Yeah, I understand. Thank you, Grandma."

"It's the role of my grandmother to correct my grandchild's mistakes."

If I thank grandma, I'm shy.

Speaking of which, the grandfather had said before, but she doesn't take her honestly even if she is praised, grandma.


Grandmother's tsundere ...

Where is the demand?

Well, aside, my grandmother's preaching is over, so I decided to return to everyone.

At that time, I heard that Grandma was worried.

"Hey, Grandma, aren't you opposed to making a flying boat?"

"That's right. It's an official document that I will use it only for trading with Kwanlon and Yara, and I will not disagree with that."

"Then why did you follow me? Because you wanted to see a flying boat?"

"I have it, but ..."

Grandma said Aaron.

"A word, think about sticking a nail."


"I'm talking about this. Look, Silver looks here with a mysterious face. I'm gonna go quickly."

"Ah, yeah"

Thus, I was released from my grandma and returned to Sicily and Silver.

Then, Silver is reaching for me.

When I received the silver from Sicily, an available Sicily spoke.

"What was your grandmother talking about?"

"Oh, yeah, I was stopped trying to suggest using magic stones to power a flying boat, and I was told why."

"Is that so"

"Grandmother is amazing. Look ahead of me at all!

Speaking with Sicily, my ears suddenly ran into pain.

The silver you are holding is pulling my ears.

"Ah! No silver! No daddy's ear must be pulled!"


Sicily hastily tears off Silver from me, but Silver points at a strange face.


There was a grandma talking with Aaron.

Is it a grandmother!

I'm just a grandmother.

"It's already. I don't want silver, if you pull my ears?"

While Sicily says, gently pull the silver ears.

However, Silver, who thought it was a skinship because it was light, was unexpectedly pleased.

"That's a naughty girl!"

Silver rejoiced, but also reached out to Sicily's ears.

Sicily, who seemed to have tickled it, screamed shortly and was angry at the eyes of Silver.

It's peaceful.

A certain person called out.

"Ah, that, Shin-dono"

"Hmm? What? Shaolin-san?"

"I'm sorry for the family harmony. Actually ... I just wanted to ask a little bit ..."

"what do you want?"

"It's the magical addition I mentioned earlier ..."

"Oh ... I'm sorry, but it's supposed to be a secret, so for details ..."

"Ah, that's right. Then there's no way ..."

"I'm sorry"


Mr. Shaolin said that she was downright.

"I wondered if he would make a magic tool ..."

"It was easy to pull it down."

"Yeah, what was it?"

"here we go……"

Silver tilted with Sicily, Silver protested.

"Mama, I'm sorry"

Pia, it's already lunch.

Hungry silver wants rice.

I'm hungry too, so do you open your first flight around here?

Since the operation itself is easy, increase the number of pilots and repeat the test flight.

I thought so and went out to everyone.


"Aaron, are you a little good?"

"Yes? What is your teacher?"

Merida, who was separated from Shin, talked to Aaron, who was discussing with pilots from the country about pilot re-election and test driving.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm okay because it's over.

"Hey, come here."

"Hahhh ..."

Aaron is called by Merida and follows behind with a flutter.

Before they were often called for preaching in this way, their memories come back even if they don't want to.

Then, after a short walk, he stops his feet and faces Aaron.

Aaron looked at him and corrected his posture.

Merida smiles at Aaron's nervous appearance.

"I don't have to be nervous. I didn't come to complain about this."

"That's right ..."

Too much relief leaked from Aaron's mouth.

"I guess it was in the interests of you guys to make the flying boat, which in turn led to that shaolin helping her daughter. I can't complain."

"Oh, thank you very much"

Aaron was slightly moved by tears because she had never been praised by Merida.

"And did you reach out to Sicily to treat that girl's sister's illness? I guess it would be to improve my relationship in the future, but I was able to make the decision to save that person. Hey! "

"Well ... I've been president for a long time, so I can't do that much ..."

"As a person who knows the old bonkras, it's just emotional."

"Bo, Bonkura ..."

"But, I didn't come to say that today."


Aaron was impressed and impressed, and the tears he had rushed in pulled back.

"I came to stab a nail."

"Nail ... big"

"In this case, if I was talking only about Els's interests, I would disagree. But I can't do it if it involves human help."

"That's OK ... I thought if I did it, I would say that."

"You've been with me for a long time, so you know it well."


"But other guys?"


Aaron could not answer Merida's question.

`` This time, Shin has made a flying vehicle with Assari that would only appear in a fantasy story. ''

"Yes, that's right."

"If you can reproduce such a fancy vehicle, do you think there will be more people ...? Especially for you and Els merchants seeking profits."

"I can't say that ...

"Yeah, so I came to pierce my nails. There's no help for what Shin has developed on my own. I've given up half of me."

"... Are you a teacher?"

"I finally knew what he was saying to him was useless. He just makes what he wants, before he thinks how out of common sense."

"I don't know Honma ..."

"I don't know ... I just want to ask the institute what the school life is. There's nothing in Zara that I made but couldn't get to the world."


Aaron bites into Merida's words, but she is grossly stared and grows mature.

"I can't say it to the world. I can't say it. It's a lot of confusion."

"Sora ... The teacher is also having trouble ..."

"It's absolutely ..."

Merida responded to Aaron's efforts with a deep sigh.

"She is such a child. If you ask me to make such a thing, it will be easy to make it. And when it is over, it will be next."

"The future is easy to imagine."

"That's why I went on a business trip. This time, after discussing a lot with you and Shaolin and your Highness, did you decide to ask Shin?"

"That's right"

"In the future, when you ask Singh, you must take that step. I won't allow merchants to approach Singh."


"Well, though, I'm just Shin's grandmother. I know I'm not in a position to force that. I'm still Shin's grandson.

"Hahhh ..."

"If you are dissatisfied, you can just let go of the assassin.

Merida smiled at Aaron.

"I'll give you a return."

A terrible smile is floating on Merida's face.

Aaron looked at her face and trembled.

Now, the heroes in the world are the Shin and Ultimate Magicians.

But, despite being an old hero, Merida is still active.

Aaron realized that from the bottom of his heart.

"Or, I'll make sure it's thorough ..."

It was all I could do to answer it.

I was satisfied with Aaron's reply, and Merida smiled ordinary.

"I asked you."

Looking at her face, Aaron finally exhaled.

And a light mouth came out of relief.

"Even so, it's still a stupid grandson."



Aaron immediately regretted.

Pia, it wasn't the right time to say.

Aaron was prepared to know what kind of swearing he could get, but no other words came from Merida.

"Hm. The one I'm talking about today is" The Great Fool ". That child ... Silver is obedient and cute ... I'm a treasure of me."

On the contrary, she had a gentle face while watching Silver playing with the Shin and Sicily couples.

Aaron who saw the expression could not forbid the unexpected thought.

"I've never seen such a master's face for the first time, because Shin-san and I ... Slein showed only a tough face."

In the words of Aaron, Merida showed a sad expression for a moment, but immediately tightened her expression.

"Even though she was a baby, she and she had a gentle face. You just don't know."

"Well, that's right."

"So I want to raise silver normally, not a commonplace child like Shin. But I want to have a means of self-defense so that I don't look like that child. That's my main goal now Sa "

"... I see."

Aaron and Merida watched side-by-side the silver that was squeezed by Sicily, pulling Sin's ears, with a complex feeling.

Merlin was by the side, but always in the air.


"Lee fan, did you notice?

"Yes. Lady"

Shaolin spoke to Lee Fan in the words of Kwan Long away from everyone.

Lee Fan immediately realizes that he does not want to be heard around and returns with the same words.

As expected by Lee Fan, Shaolin's speech was a bit crazy when asked around.

"Grant letter used by Shin. That is……"

The character used when Shin gave magic to the flying boat earlier.

Shaolin and Lifan who saw it opened their eyes.

Why do you know the character?

I really wanted to hear it, but once the magic magic is said to be secret, I can't hear more.

Still, I wanted to hear it somehow.

Because ...

"It was like an ancient letter that no one else used in our country anymore. Why can this be used by Shin-dono of this western country ... "

"I don't know, but magical tools with ancient characters still perform much better than today."

"Yes. Anyway, I want to hear that secret ...

Shaolin then saw Shin playing with Silver.

"I wonder if I can tell you my secrets ..."

"……How about that?

The mutter did not reach anyone except Lee Fan.

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