Magi's Grandson

Unexpected companion

Such a way, I was always talking stupid stories and chatting with people on the mission.

Because there are almost no flying monsters in this world.

A monster is a phenomenon in which animals take in magical power too much and fall out of control.

Magical power is normally present in the atmosphere of this world, but it also tends to accumulate in places that are not popular or where the air is stagnant.

If you stay in such a place for a long time, you may take in too much magical power.

However, there are many monsters in the depths of forests where humans do not have much access.

Based on this, birds that can fly freely in the sky rarely stay in one place for a long time.

So there aren't many monsters flying in the sky.

There is no dragon, this world.

So, even if the flying boat is flying in the sky, it does not encounter monsters, so the flight is really going smoothly.

On the other hand, there is nothing more than a small talk without doing anything.

Some people are sleeping too much.

I've been in the desert for a while, but I can't see the end.

I left Els in the morning, but the sun is almost gone.

"I'm sorry. Night flight is dangerous, so I'd like to land somewhere ..."

When the sun was about to set over the horizon, one of the pilots said so.

Although the course itself is flying according to the compass, it may be possible in the darkness.

There was a proposal to land somewhere and camping.

There was no objection to that, and the flying boat landed in the middle of the desert.

"Hmm! Pooh ... I've stepped on the solid ground after a long time."

About eight hours?

Being in the vehicle all the time and flying in the sky, there is no sense of security on the ground.

I suppose you're used to flying in the sky, but this kind of feeling can't be helped.

"Oh, oh?"

"It's a strange feeling."

Naval and other members of the mission are also confused by their first feelings.

"I'll set up a tent now, so please wait a moment."

Everybody was nervous, and the guards prepared by Els began preparing for the camp.

Of the escorts, a magician who can use different space storage takes out camp tents one after another.

Assemble it skillfully.

We basically do not camp, so it is said to be the time of the strategy to capture the territory of the demon, which is completely useless in these aspects.

You can go home at the gate.

We were just staring at the escort people who were professionals on the road preparing us.

But Sicily shouted at that time.

"Silver, I leave it to my grandmother!"

"That's right. Would you go home once?"


"August, bad, but I'm going home a bit and see just the silver."

"I see. What about dinner?"

"It's also worth deepening fellowship. I'll eat here."


After having such a conversation, I opened the gate at home.

Speaking of which, it was my first time opening a gate in front of Shaolin.

Liefang and his mouth were open to the gate that suddenly appeared.

The Els mission members were not very surprised.

Have you seen the Aug gate?

Aside from that, when I was worried about the appearance of Silver, I and Sicily immediately went under the gate ...

"Wow !!!!!!!"

What I heard as soon as I dived was Silver's fierce cry.

"Good evening, silver, stop crying"

"Oh, what should I do ..."

Grandmother and grandfather are desperately cried, but they do not stop crying as they seem to be ineffective.

I thought you had more grandma than we did, but what happened?

"Cho, a little. What's wrong with Grandma?"

"What happened !?"

"Oh! I'm back in a good place! Hello silver, dad and mom!"


When I talked to Grandma, she was unusually impatient and talked to Silver with an open face.

Silver, crying a while ago, saw me and Sicily.



I said so and reached out here.

Sicily was called by Silver and rushed to Silver.

"Yes, mom. What happened?"

She received silver from her grandmother and Silver clung to Sicily.

"Uh ..."

"What happened? Silver"


Finally we stopped crying, but Silver groaned with his face buried in Sicily's chest.

"What happened to Grandma?"

"Huh ... I've never been ..."

I asked so, but she muttered with a tired face that she had never seen before.

Instead of such a tired grandmother, the grandfather answered.

"Look, it's usually time for both of us to be at home, but I'm still home and I'm lonely and I miss Silver."

"No matter how much I calm down, I won't stop crying.

"Oh, that's it."

Isn't that silver relentless?

"Hey, silver"

For the time being, he asks Silver held by Sicily to ask him how he feels.

Then I see my face once ...


He said and buried his face in Sicily's chest again.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


When I forcibly lifted up Silver from Sicily's arm, she was bulging like I had never seen.

The situation was strange, and it burst out.

I didn't like it, and when I hugged it in my arm, it pounded my chest.

"Oh, what's wrong? Silver, it hurts?"


"Well, if you hit dad, you shouldn't."


Sicily calms down, but Silver's mood does not go away.

When I looked at Sicily's face to see what to do, Grandma made a suggestion.

"Are you guys bad, would you please take me with Silver?"


"I'm not going to fight this time. Can I take one of my kids?"

"Well, that's okay in that sense ... but it's an official national mission, isn't it a bit like going with children ..."

"When I come to talks or whatever, I just want to come back here. I might not even eat rice if I leave this way ..."

"" ... ""

Sicily and I looked off at the words of Grandma.

"……what will you do?"

"How do you say ......"

As expected, it is a party to go to an international conference, so to speak.

Take it away because your child doesn't stop crying ...

"... Let's just ask once."

"I agree"


I heard this unusually bearish voice.

I heard it for the first time.

Silver, terrible child to make grandma make such a voice…!

So I went down the gate again, which was left open, and returned to everyone.

"Oh ... right now"

"Hmm? I'm back ... silver?"


When I called out, the org who noticed it promptly called out, but looked at the silver I had and raised a suspicious voice.

She probably answered that she knew her brother, and she replied cheerfully.

"Um ... Silver cried when I returned ... I was told that the cause was ... we weren't there ..."

"... so did you bring it?"

"That grandmother is here ... I'll tell you to take care of that ..."

"Did you bring Merida !? That's great ..."

"It's a mission for diplomatic relations and trade, this. I told you I couldn't take me, but I just asked you to listen."

"Muh ... Originally, it would not be possible to participate with children, but ... Merida's request ..."

I'm in trouble with an org who always makes cool decisions.

I wonder if grandma is so scary ...

"Let's ask the Els mission for the time being."

He then walked towards the Els mission, relaxing until dinner was ready.

Naturally, we, who are in a position to ask, will go with us.

And I spoke to Mr. Nabal, the leader of the mission.

"Nabal diplomat, are you all right?"

"Hmm? What's wrong with you? Your Highness. Oh? The Demon King and the Saint, too."

"No, actually ..."

"Oh! Is that child the rumored" miracle child "?"

Silver is also famous for Els.

Mr. Navarre's words also attracted other members of the mission.

"Hoo, this is cute again."

"To Homma. This will make her cry in the future."

"Well, what is the story?"

"... Actually"

When the Els people were a little sick as they praised Silver, the orgs began explaining the situation.

I was surprised that the answer was unexpected.

"That's the request of the guru !? I have decided to accept it!"


Do you accept two replies?

e? why?

"Speaking of the guru, you are, of course, one of the heroes. And I'm with the teacher of our president. Can you make that person's request safe?"

Is that so.

But grandma's influence is amazing.

Well, is it natural for Els?

It's a person who has spread the daily life tool to the people, and maybe he is also worshiped as a hero of business.

I thought so ...

"... The President will tell you the story .... If only the guru is against him, he will say Akan ..."

... I wasn't worshiped, I was afraid ...

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