Magi's Grandson

Negotiations, second round

"To be precise, a device for refining magic stones ...

I said so while watching Els talk in the corner of the room with the outspoken talks.

"You shouldn't tell this story not only to Els but also to the Shaolins. It could be a terrible fire."


Olivia asked me with fear.

"It's OK if a war occurs over the device."

"Well, war ..."

"For the time being, I don't think the Quang Long side knows the conditions for refining gemstones. It's probably a recognition that there is a mine where a lot of gemstones can be produced. Otherwise, during the previous talks, It's no wonder that the case is on the terms of trade, for us it's such a card. "


In the previous talk, Kwan-Long's consciousness was only for dragon leather and flying boats.

Perhaps for Kwanlong, magic stones are a common source of any number of mines.

So I didn't mind.

And that fact is a very lucrative story for us.

Make a contract directly with the magic stone mine without Kwanlon noticing, and purchase the magic stone at a low price.

When you realize, it's too late.


"It feels like a vicious merchant ..."

"It's such a bargaining business. How can you buy what you want at a cheap price.

"I guess so, but I feel like I'm cheating ..."

"I just didn't say it, I didn't notice the other side, I didn't lie. I wasn't deceiving."



"I'm afraid I know and say."

"Well, don't praise me."

"Please praise me ..."


I'm scared, merchants and royalty.

I can't do such negotiations.

Somehow, you're just refraining from the other party ...

Even at my Walford firm, all such negotiations are thrown out to professionals.

I just do product development.

The right person in the right place.

Mr. Nabal also seemed to agree that they would not talk about the magic stone at the negotiations, and they immediately agreed.

During the meeting, the door of the reception room was knocked.

"here you are"

My answer was Shaolin and Lee Fan, and Suiran and Yunha.

Seeing Suiran who came in, Sicily got up from the sofa in a hurry.

"No, it's not Suiran! You have to be quiet!"

Sicily said and immediately sat Suiran on the sofa.

Maria and Alice, sitting on the sofa, stood up and stood behind the facing sofa.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to hear that your sister wants to talk to you ..."

"Sug, Owarimas"

Suilan told Shaolin what he said.

What is the content?

"I want to talk about business."

It is.

"Is it about business, and then let's talk about the price of the dragon's leather and the amount we're going to trade."

Nabal says so, but Suiran unexpectedly shook his head.

"It's not about dragon leather"

Suiran looked at us and raised his mouth.

"I'm talking about magic stones"

At that moment, tension ran between us.

No way ... Suiran knows that magic stones are traded at high prices in western countries ...

When I looked at Mr. Shaolin, he returned a bitter smile.

I guess, Leefan said earlier.

You saw a magic stone in Els.

It is hard to imagine that Lee Fan was shaking Shaolin alone in a foreign country.

That means Shaolin was with you at that time.

Means that it is not strange to think the same thing as us.

When you look at Lee Fan with that in mind ...

You have a blue face.

What happened?

"Shin-dono, I would like to ask you one thing. What do you hear about the purchase amount of magic stones at Quang Long?"

"Eh? Yeah, I don't know the exact amount, but it's pretty cheap."

"Huh ... after all."


Pia, is this something you really wanted to keep secret?

Liefang inadvertently talked about it, so we got information.

So why is Lifan blue?

After that, Shaolin, who was bitterly smiling, opened her mouth, as she felt sorry for what kind of punishment she would receive.

"Liefang is a very good escort, but he wasn't involved in talking about business. Well, I didn't hold back and I couldn't blame him because there was something wrong."

Did you not keep your mouth shut?

Well, I can't say anything.

Isn't Shaolin offended by Suiran, right?

Maybe you brought the story of the magic stone so soon after you were already angry with Kotteli?

"Originally, you could have sprayed without telling us how much you purchased the magic stone, but you are a lifesaver. I will not imitate such an enemy. So I'm not going to blame Shaolin and Lifan. ''

Pia, Shaolin and Lee Fan seemed relieved.

I didn't get angry at all.

"Now, maybe you're considering buying magic stones from Kwanlong and selling them at a high price in that country."

"Well, that's exactly what we discussed."

Nabal said, and Suiran nodded, convinced.

"But do you have a mentor to buy magic stones?

"that is……"

"It would be hard to find from scratch. Which magic stones are cheaper and who can trust them? I guess it would be hard just to examine it. "

There, said Suiran, taking a break.

"Would you let us mediate?

"Intermediary ..."

"Yes. I heard you came to buy dragon leather. But isn't that negotiation difficult?

"It's a difficult situation, the situation is that the opponent will not say"

"That's right, anyway, Hao has a plan."


"Yes, that's ..."

The first thing that surprised me after hearing Suilan's words was Shaolin and Lee Fan.

Is it something you didn't even know?

And, while surprised, she interpreted us.

"Hao's aim is to abolish laws and regulations and to monopolize the profits of dragon leather in anticipation of the time when dragon leather contractors were wiped out due to lack of funds."

Hearing those words, we craped.

I heard that dragon leather is also a luxury item.

If you can monopolize that profit, you will get a tremendous wealth.

But it's just as bad as trying to change the law for your own personal interests.

"Hao began to pay attention to the dragon leather as I started creating a dragon leather union and making profits. Until then, I didn't care about the dragon. "

Both Suiran and Shaolin, the interpreter, are regrettable.

"He was looking forward to the opportunity. Then I fell ill ...

If you give me a chance to get in….

"It was too late when I noticed. It was just a time when the union was rattling, and no one could stop Hao. ''

"Sometimes I'm scumming, guys"

Mr. Nabal of Els, who gives priority to profits, seems to be unable to agree with Hao's approach.

I'm angry.

"It's such a hao. I don't think it's easy to shake your head. Maybe you can't trade dragon leather this time. Already, some contractors are crushed. '

Mr. Suiran leaked while biting her lips.

"There is a magic stone. Magic stones are a common resource in this country. Hao has no magic stone in his eyes. This time we want to push that gap!

Mr. Suiran said, and got up from the sofa.


Sicily reaches out in a hurry, but Suilan takes the hand of Navar and Oug.

"Please! This magic stone trade is a fortune that has fallen for us! You can't miss this!

Suiran pleaded with Nabal and the Org regardless of what they were doing.

"Please! Please!

In a story I heard from Shaolin, she said that Suiran was a brilliant mistress.

I don't usually ask for this.

It has been so desperate.

I saw Chirari, Org and Nabal.

Aug and Nabal are also looking at each other.

And we all smiled at each other.

"Suiran, please raise your head."

"I wouldn't say that if you asked me that much,"

Suiran heard the words and raised his head.

"And then!

"Yes, with Earlshide ..."

"I will ask Suiran's firm for mediation of Els' magic stone."

Both of you seem to have given up directly from the magic stone mine.

Suiran heard the words and began to tears.

And put a forehead on the two hands.

"Thank you! Thank you……"

I said so and cried.

Looking at Suiran, Sicily immediately cast a healing magic.

While he was desperately begging while his physical strength was falling, he would have used considerable physical strength.

When he got a healing magic, he was a little sick when he returned to the sofa.

"Is it okay? Not too much ..."

"I'm alright Tenno. There is no problem thanks to the heavenly lady "

"Is that so……"

I felt a little weak, but smiled, so Sicily was relieved.

That tears have come to our eyes whether Shaolin, Lee Fan and Yun Ha are relieved or relieved of the prospects ahead.

Because you can't sell things and it's a glimpse in the obstruction.

You'll be glad.

"But, anyway, I was tied to emotion ..."

"Well, that's okay. Certainly, the hassle is gone."

"Well, yes."


During the conversation between Org and Nabal, Suiran came in again.

What ’s next?

"Are there other countries?

"Yes, we're going to be with Els ..."

"We only have two Aalsheid countries, but I think other countries will come out for diplomacy."

"in that case……"

Suiran said with a stunning smile that didn't make her feel like tears.

`` I would like the brokerage of the country's magic stone at my firm. ''

Nabal and Org are stunned to see the smile.

And ...

"Here, I got one."

Nabal-san laughed.

We saw Suiran, who was strong in business, and laughed unintentionally.

Mr. Shaolin, an interpreter, was very shy.

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