Magi's Grandson

Chaolin's Agony

"Wow... I quickly lost sight of it..."

After the Sins flew off, the chaoline left on the spot leaked so much potpourri and words.

"Well, I've been flying around the sky for about three years now. You can do a lot of speeding."

"It hurts my breath to fly too fast, but the magic of the wind that prevents it is also better."

That's what Mark and Olivia say to Shaolin, who sees the Sins fly away.

"Then... if only the airship could fly at about that speed..."

I thought you might have arrived earlier, that's what I almost said Shaolin, but the word was denied by Mark.

"If you fly at the same speed as us, the ship will fall apart."

"Oh, really?

"Yes, sss. If you're going to fly at the same speed as us, you're going to have to make the hull out of metal."

"Metal... means..."

"It's going to be a hell of a weight, and it's going to be a lot more magic than it needs to float in the first place. Then there won't be enough pilots."

"... everything is not going so well..."

Explained by Mark, Shaolin immediately changed her mind.

"Well, it's the show of the artisans' arms that do something about it. It's just... Walford, the demonic props you make deviate too much from common sense and you don't know what to improve on."

"So much..."

"You said it in the desert camp, didn't you, Sz? Honestly, Walford, I believe you have a memory of civilization."

"of the previous civilization..."

Shaolin silenced herself when she said so.

Mark interpreted it as something he still didn't believe from that attitude of Shaolin and never cared about it in particular.

So I put down the chaolin to shut up and spoke to Mr. Naval.

"Is it time to go, suss?

"I don't know. Booty, yeah. Time's up. Really, Mr. Shaolin, shall we go?

"Huh? Oh, yes!

Speaking to Naval, Shaolin raised her face bah.

And I boarded the carriage I had prepared at the Ming family with the mission.

Mark and Olivia are walking because they are escorts.

Thus a line of the mission walked out towards the palace of the Emperor Yu, but the state of the capital on the road was on the verge of panic and so on.

We could also see what people were talking about and how the story itself was complicated by the fact that the villages Marks had heard had been attacked, which had already spread throughout Kwanlong.

"It feels like mayhem."

"Right. In this situation, are we really going to have a meeting?

"I don't know. Because such a difficult story is in the realm of His Highness and Mr. Naval. Let's do our job."


Mark and Olivia once again expand their enemy magic and check the area.

As a result, there was no suspicious magic as in the last few days.

"Really, you're so quiet about what your first day was"

"Well, it's a mission, and this is normal,"

Even as we talked about it, we kept walking toward His Highness, and eventually we arrived.

"You had nothing at all."

"On the road. But..."

Olivia looks inside the building, saying so.

There, too, a large number of people were seen running around, just like the mayhem.

Shaolin, coming out of the carriage, caught one of its running bureaucrats and talked to him somehow.

Then the bureaucrat ran away yelling at something.

"What did they say?

Mark's doubts were quickly dispelled by the returning Shaolin.

"I asked where today's meeting would take place, but I was told that I couldn't afford to do that in this emergency, and that Hao wasn't at the meeting because he was being held accountable for this mess"

Everyone was convinced of Shaolin's words, including Mark as well as Naval.

"Oh, my God. It's important for my country to have a conversation with another country."

"But then we were wasted."

To Mark's words, Naval shook his head with a small laugh.

"Not really. At least I know there's no way this country is rotten."

"What do you mean?

To Naval's words, Olivia also tilts her neck.

"Honestly, I thought Hao's power in this country was immense, but he doesn't. This happened because of Hao's pushed bill. It's good to know that there are forces that can pursue it."

Mark and Olivia were convinced by Naval's words.

Indeed, earlier, Shaolin said that Hao was being held accountable for this mess.

That would mean that there are also decent non-Hao powerful people in this country.

From Kwanlong's response so far, I honestly thought the country itself might be rotten, but apparently some decent people are.

"I can't help staying here any longer. If you keep track of our arrival, we'll go home."

Naval said so looking at Shaolin.

"Okay. I'll let you know."

Saying so, Shaolin left evidence with a proper record of the time spent visiting the person managing the entry and exit of His Highness Yu, and the line left His Highness Yu.

Nabal, riding in the carriage, muttered to himself as he watched His Royal Highness move away.

"Now if Hao loses his leg, he'll make money..."

The grunt also sounded like Chaolin sitting across the street and got back to me.

"I'm careless in this emergency, but I'd be glad to see that happen..."

Naval says with a bitter smile as he looks at Shaolin who replied.

"Well, the more he survives, the better."

Shaolin also laughs bitterly at Naval's words, but the expression is dark.

Because there is a concern in Shaolin's chest.

The concern lies in the rumors surrounding Hao.

If that was true, it's such a rumor that maybe Hao's position will be protected.

The rumor of Hao was that Hao had unearthed a more powerful ancient weapon by excavating his own ruins.

If Hao had gotten a powerful weapon as rumored, he might put this thing away.

So powerful is an ancient weapon.

Shaolin regretted that we should still have told the Sins about this.

For this short period of time, I couldn't grasp Shin's, so I avoided dangerous topics.

But I should have told you when I found out Singh was a trustworthy person.

Shaolin was much more anxiously annoyed in the carriage back home that this thing might roll in some bad direction.

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