Magi's Grandson

A weapon that someone didn't weigh themselves in.

With the general's guidance, we came to the courtyard of His Majesty the King Yu.

There was something like a cannon with a cloth on it, guarded by soldiers around it.

I thought you were pretty tough, but that could be helpless too.

In the first place, weapons exhumed from the ruins are obliged to declare to the State.

It was Hao, the head of the politics bureaucracy, who ignored it and possessed it.

Perhaps it is natural to take the view that it is powerful enough to plot the overthrow of the state and to tighten security.

As the general approached him, the guarded soldier salutely greeted him.

I told him something, and the soldier nodded and took away the cloth that was on his weapon.

That's how it showed up was a long, big chunk of iron.

'This is it. At first glance, it doesn't look like a weapon...'

"That's true."

Hao's possession of the weapon, which appeared in front of him, was lined up in parallel with two square and straight iron bars, which were fixed with surrounding armor.


'I thought it was a cannon at first when they said it was a weapon, but I don't think it would jump straight off firing a bullet in this shape. We don't know what kind of weapon this is. "


I saw this weapon and had some certainty as to who it was.

In support of that, I decided to ask a few more questions.

"Do you know what kind of weapon this is?

It was Hao's former deputy who answered that question of mine.

'Yes. Hao inadvertently activated it when it was excavated...'

"Inadvertently... without a safety check?

'Yes, as the general just said, it didn't look like a weapon at first sight, so what kind of magic prop tried to confirm immediately'

The former deputy looked dark when he said so.

'When Hao activated Colle, there was an uninterrupted roar. That's like hearing the cannon fire up close.'

That's what I said, I saw the tip of this weapon.

'I think something probably fired from between this stick and the stick. Because the human upper body that was on that ray has disappeared...'

You must have remembered that time, it's a sinking face.

'I saw it then. The flash of light flies towards the horizon. And... where you shatter the big rock that was on that path.'

Where the former deputy said so, the area was surrounded by silence.

It was the general who broke it.

"I'm pretty sure that's what those who actually saw say... I don't even know what the hell that is, the one that fired the bullet out in the first place, or the one that fired the magic"

When the general said so, he sighed a long time.

"Does that mean you haven't experimented again?

'If this man is right, this is a weapon of outrageous power. You can't do experiments in this place. "

Indeed, this is the emperor's residence and political centre.

There's no way you can experiment with a powerful weapon in a place like that.

Then, turning his gaze to wonder what about the former deputy who was actually at the excavation site, he shook his neck sideways too.

"This was powerful, but also quite loud. Hao forbade me to re-experiment because if I do any more tests, someone might notice me. '

When the former deputy said so, the general snorted hun.

'If anyone finds me, I'll have to report it to the state. Then you can't make it your own. This alone is suspected of national treason!

I guess the general hates Hao so much.

He doesn't even seem to intend to hide his anger in Hao's business.

'That's why I didn't do the re-examination.'

That's what the former deputy said and closed the conversation.

'That's why we have no idea what the hell this is. I was wondering if I could give you any hints. "

"You did, didn't you"

Though a request from a member of the mission, I thought you'd make it look easy. Is that what you mean?

Kwanlong and the Western world have very different ways of developing magic.

So he wondered if our knowledge would tell us anything.

Honestly, the General's thoughts are right.

I realized who this was.

But this is not a good story to say lightly.

That's what I thought. I saw everyone.

Among all those with strange faces, two humans with imaginary faces entered their eyes.

It's Mark and Yuri.

"What the fuck? Physics or magic?

"Isn't that magic? You can't shoot a bullet out of a gap in a stick like that, can you?

"But then why are you shaping it like that, S?

"That's what they say. I specialize in granting, so I specialize in markings when it comes to shaping?

"I'm sorry, but we've never built cannons or anything."

"Neither am I."

"What the fuck?

"I wonder what it is?

... That's a lot of friendship.

Was it that intimate? Those two.

That's fine, because I don't know the original trace of the bean factory and Grandma's successor.

It's not unnatural to say that people in the Western world don't understand.

"Excuse me. You have no idea."

When I said that, the general looked sorry.

'Well... I thought maybe you'd find out something...'

I'm saying maybe, but I guess I was expecting quite a bit.

When I see the general's dismay, I feel something guilty.

But this isn't something we can talk about.

Because if my predictions aren't wrong, it's going to be a powerful weapon for everyone.

So I won't tell you the truth.

But should I check it out for once?

"Um, excuse me"

"What is it?

"Can you show me the letters that are granted to this weapon?

When I said that, Mr. Shaolin's eyes sharpened when he was an interpreter.

"Grant? I don't mind that, but this is an ancient relic. Nobody can read the letters that are granted, unlike the modern ones... '

"Yeah, I heard that. Simply interested."


When the general said so, he looked at me like he was going to explore me.

I did that for a while, but the general softened his expression.

'Fair enough. Even if you know the shape of a letter, you can't grant it unless you know its effect. "

"Excuse me. You said everything I could."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Anyway, I had the general's permission, so I floated up the letters that were being granted, taking care not to activate Koitz, the demon prop.

And the moment I saw that letter, it proved my imagination wasn't wrong.

I would have accidentally put it out in my mouth if I hadn't been pre-minded.

The letters that came up were written like this:

[Electromagnetic Induction]

I mean, this is...

(Rail gun……)

In previous life's memory, rail guns were weapons as if they were a single building.

That's because I still couldn't miniaturize the power generating devices needed for the rail guns in the time I lived.

So for use, I think it was going to be adopted as a shipboard weapon.

But there is magic in this world.

If you look closely, the magic that is granted is granted [electromagnetic induction] as well as [magic gathering].

In other words, if you activate it, this weapon will gather magic on its own from around.

And when enough magic builds up, it causes an electromagnetic induction to eject the bullet.

There is no need for a large number of capacitors that generate large amounts of power.

Grants cover everything.

Nevertheless I think...

You didn't really weigh yourself in on the memory of your previous life in civilization.

I can't believe I created such a powerful magic item that could be used by anyone...

When I finished checking the grant, I peered between the two sticks at the end.

"What's up, Sin? What do you got?

As I was making the final confirmation, the aug called.

"No... you just don't get it"

That's what I said to Aug.

If I told you I found out here, Mr. Shaolin would see me with suspicion again.

"... right"

Aug's reply also felt unconvinced somewhere.

Those eyes are like, 'You really figured that out, didn't you?' I feel like I'm saying.

If you look at Mr. Shaolin... Wow, I knew I was looking at you with suspicion.

In the meantime, I spoke to the General because I had also made my last confirmation.

"Sorry, thank you"

"Uhm. What do you got?

"No, especially. I just thought the world had some rare weapons."

'Right. This is particularly bizarre among the excavations I've ever made. "

"I'm sorry I said I couldn't. Then we'll do it."

'Oh. Thank you for coming. Thanks to you, I think I can punish Hao as a traitor who wants to overthrow the country. "

"Really? So, if you're negotiating..."

'I'm sorry, but will you stop until this one calms down? We'll have to pick a new negotiator. "

When I looked at the aug, I nodded so I responded as I did.

"Okay. Please contact the Ming family when you have another negotiation date."

Copy that.

This is how we left the Emperor Yu behind.

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