Magi's Grandson

Make it this sister. I have this sister.

"Really, after all, Hao's reversal eyes were picked by the Demon King."

In the meantime, as I think about the weapons of previous civilisations later, I have to deal with the situation in front of me first.

So when I told Mr. Naval about my interaction with His Highness the Emperor Yu, he replied that way.

"Well, it just turned out that way. I didn't know what Hao was up to."

"Really? Still, is it enough weapon to target a one-shot reversal... Demon King, can you reproduce that weapon or something?

"You can't. Everything seems to be a weapon excavated from ancient ruins. It's a weapon we don't know about."

"Really? Ah..."

Why would I be sorry?

"What, Naval diplomat, are you going to do with that powerful weapon?

Aug towed it on Mr. Naval as if he were saying he wanted to get a powerful weapon.

"Yes, no! I was simply interested! There's nothing like getting a weapon..."

"For that matter, I was asking if I could reproduce it?

Right. That's like saying you want it too.

Mr. Naval, who was pointed out there, scratched his head like a bum looked bad.

"Hey... if I saw or heard something unusual, I wouldn't even think about selling this... it's a bad habit."

That's certainly a bad habit.

Especially with regard to weapons.

"Ha... weigh yourself a little. The demons were gone, as were the empires who were at war everywhere. What to do with bringing in a new spark, even though it's finally peaceful"

"Haha, I'll reflect"

A new spark.

That weapon is as powerful as that.

Whether or not you hold that one is enough to decide whether you win or lose.

I can't imagine bringing such a weapon into the Western world.

It's best if it's still in the courtyard of the Imperial Palace or in the armory.

There's no reason to tell that more and more detailed story.

"And more than that, it's about the talks first. Didn't you ask me when or what?

"It seems that the Kwanlong side has also chosen to replace Hao and repeal the example bill. I only hear you'll contact me when the time is right."

"If you're a hon., do you think you'll be free for a while?"

That's what I'm talking about.

That's why all of a sudden our plans are so empty.

I should have...


Mr. Suilan, who was listening to Mr. Naval and Aug, came into the conversation.

"What's up? Lord Suilan."

When Aug heard that, Mr. Suilan bowed his head deeply toward us.

'How can I thank you for saying that the example bill is going to be repealed... thank you so much'

When Mr. Suilan said that, he has even bowed his head to Mr. Shaolin, Mr. Leefan and the others.

Originally, they were going to work to repeal the bill on their own when their bodies healed.

If that is going to become obsolete even if I don't move, do I also want to thank you?


"Give me your head, Lord Suilan. Originally, establishing it was a strange bill in itself. This is the natural result of this. It won't be enough to be bothered to thank you."

Org is right, but Mr. Suilan shook his head small to the side.

'No. I hear Hao had the help to be able to cut through that. I think that didn't work because Your Highness was there. It must have been an unexpected thing for Hao. In that sense, I would like to thank His Highness. "

Everyone in the Minh family is also snorting at Mr. Suilan's words.

It's a complete coincidence around here.

I didn't move to crush Hao's plan.

Even if they appreciate that......

Were we all feeling the same way, and I am confused by the words of gratitude of the Suilans.

Mr Suilan, who saw it, laughed small.

'Now take it as a thank you for minimizing dragon damage. Because many people from our Chamber of Commerce were also present in the village that His Highness saved. Thank you so much.'

Was it?

I mean, it's a village near a dragon habitat.

It's not strange to have a Chamber of Commerce person to purchase dragon leather.

Well, I don't know if he's the one to tailor the dragon, or just to buy the tailored dragon leather.

Anyway, if that's the case, we're the ones who saved the village crisis.

"If that's the case, receive your thanks"

Org also accepted the appreciation because it is certainly not strange to be appreciated if that is the case.

'If you decide to, you have to thank me quickly. Let's have a thank-you for saving the village and a feast to celebrate the loss of Hao's legs and the repeal of the bill!

When Ms. Suilan said so, she quickly started giving instructions to the servants and left the living room.

Speaking of which, you had a banquet on your first day here.

Do you like banquets?

"No. You seemed happy, Mr. Suilan."

"Troubles are being solved all at once, and I know you want to shake it."

As Mr. Naval and Aug said that looking at Mr. Suilan's exited living room door, the door opened and Mr. Suilan turned up.

'Ah, let's discuss the Demon Stone deal tomorrow!

That said, he disappeared again.

We accidentally spilled a bitter laugh at Mr. Swilan's actions.

Mr. Shaolin looks embarrassed.

"Oh, boy, even if it floats, don't forget his position at the Chamber of Commerce."

They all snorted at Mr. Naval's words.

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