Magi's Grandson

Bad feeling hits me a lot.

There is a fire around the area where Hao's house is located.

Aware of that fact, we were cutting up a banquet and headed to the fire scene.

Mr. Shaolin and Mr. Leefan have also been escorted for guidance.

As always, Mr. Leefan doesn't seem to like flying in the sky.

Even though Mr. Shaolin seems to be fine.


"Wow, Mr. Shaolin! Are you ok!?

"Su, excuse me, Lord Sicily. I haven't lost a bit of alcohol yet..."

Oh, I gave Mr. Suilan a foreign body elimination pendant, but I didn't give it to Mr. Shaolin and Mr. Leefan at the banquet.

I had it with me at a dinner party at the Yu Royal Palace on the first day I arrived in this country, but I reclaimed it after that.

I totally forgot.

"Duh, what do we do? Do you want to come down and rest?

"Yes, no! Maybe it's going to be a big deal for this country. Let's keep going. Because I will be patient!

"Really...? Ok. But if you can't stand it, tell me, right? Because it's going to be a big deal."

Are you coming down from the sky...

That is catastrophic.

We rushed to the scene, praying that you would declare yourself before that happened.

Upon arrival at the fire scene, there were many wild horses and soldiers.

"Why are there soldiers, not firefighters?

When I asked the question, Aug looked around and said:

"I guess that's what I mean. Lord Shaolin, are we still here?

As Aug inquired, Mr. Shaolin nodded with a strange face.

"Yes, this is Hao's house."


Did you get Mr. Shaolin's guess?

Still, why is Hao's home under house arrest on fire?

Hao, who would have been caught and would have lost his leg, set fire to his home by abandoning himself?

No, speaking of which, you sounded so loud that you could even hear the Ming family before the fire broke out.

Is that what's causing this?

"In the meantime, I can't help but be boisterous here. Ask the soldiers what happened."

When Aug said so, he walked with Mr. Shaolin to the soldier.

We'll go after it too.

The soldier talked to was surprised at first about the aug, but when Mr. Shaolin explained, he looked out and saluted.

"I'm sorry. Can you let me know what's going on here?

'Ha! We were on guard against Hao being held under house arrest in case he ever escaped, but his home exploded suddenly earlier and quickly the house was engulfed in flames'

"In a moment? Speaking of which, you do get around the fire fast"

It wasn't that long since we heard the sound... the explosion.

Despite this, the fire momentum is considerable, and the whole house is already in flames.

If it fired naturally, the fire shouldn't spin at this rate.

That means......

"Magic, huh?

When I said that, the soldier nodded.

"Does that mean someone released magic from the outside to help Hao?

'No, the magic has been unleashed from the inside out of the house'


From inside the house?

"Um, was there anyone else in the house besides Hao?

"No, I'm Hao alone"

Huh? That means......

"Does this mean Hao caused this?

"Yes... Hao, who unleashed magic and came out of the house, kicked us in trying to contain it"

"" Ha!?

Unexpectedly, I was screaming in an org with me.

I mean, if Hao ran away, why are you making it so long?

"Don't you have to go after Hao!?

'We've already decided to track it down. I have to give instructions to the firefighters who are coming after me, so I'm staying.'

"Oh, well. I'm sorry I screamed."

'No, I'm fine. Oh, the firefighters are here.'

As I traced the end of the soldier's gaze, people dressed in thick clothes appeared.

I have something cylindrical in my hand.

I guess that's the firefighter.

So what you have in that hand is a demon prop for extinguishing fire?

With that in mind, the soldier turned toward the firefighter, and when he gave some instructions, the firefighter nodded and put his magic through the cylindrical thing in his hand.

Then a large amount of water was fired from the tip of the magic prop.

Was it an exorcism for extinguishing the fire?

All the time, it wasn't the other way around.

"Excuse me! Do you know which way Hao went!?

When I asked the earlier soldier who was still busily moving so loudly, the soldier also gave it back aloud.

Hao would have gone that way!

A soldier pointing in that direction.

Moving her gaze toward that indication, Ms. Shaolin said in a trembling voice.

"Over there...... in that direction there is His Royal Highness Yu!!

With Mr. Shaolin's words, I was certain.

Hao went to the Imperial Palace.

I don't know if that's to get my excavated weapon, or to kill the emperor, or both, but it's not a busy thing anyway.

"Let's hurry up and chase them too!

Firefighters rushed here, and Hao's house is huge and unlikely to burn into his neighbor's house.

You won't have to help us.

We need to go after Hao more than that!

That's how I restarted the floating magic and headed for the Yu Emperor's Palace.

On the road, I asked Mr. Shaolin what I was concerned about.

"Nevertheless, Hao could have used magic"

With that said, Mr. Shaolin frowned.

"Mr. Shaolin?

"Oh, excuse me. But Hao... he shouldn't have been able to use magic..."

"Can't use magic? But the soldier said Hao used his magic to get out of the house?

"That's why it's weird. I thought maybe you used magic props, but that soldier said Hao used magic. Props, not magic."

"Does that mean Hao definitely uses magic... but Hao said he shouldn't be able to use magic"

"It should be."

"Wait, that's crazy"

Lynn came into the conversation when me and Aug were attacking Mr. Shaolin with questions.

"Those who cannot use magic, they cannot use it for the rest of their lives. I won't be able to use it later."

"That's the perception I have, too. Hao didn't he hide that magic could be used?

"No, it's strange that Hao, who was obsessed with exaggerating his power, doesn't inspire the special power of magic"

Mr. Shaolin's assessment of Hao is outrageous.

But then...

"... maybe"

Mr. Shaolin, too, must have come to that possibility.

There was a darkness between the eyebrows.

"What, Lord Shaolin, is there something you can think of?

The org, anxious to see how Mr. Shaolin was doing, prompted him to go ahead.

Mr. Shaolin opened his mouth after a little confusion as to whether to speak or not.

"... maybe Hao got his hands on contraindications"

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