Magi's Grandson
Royal Investigation Network
A section where noble houses are lined up. The lot with many large houses is a quiet street with few people. A security officer, Ort-Rickermann, was visiting the Rittsburgh mansion in a quiet corner. It was for hearing Rittsburgh's circumstances.
Ort and Russell were facing each other in the reception room of the Ritzberg House.
"How was your wife?"
"Oh ... that's sleeping because of my heart, because my son became a witch and was killed in a whisper. If I can sleep, I'd like to sleep."
"... I'm sorry."
"No, take care, it's our responsibility that the cart is gone."
"That's the thing ... Is your son always arrogant?"
"Don't say stupid things!"
Involuntarily Russell roars. I was afraid of that and apologized for making a loud voice.
"Su, Suman ... I just got excited ..."
"No, it's not surprising, and I'll ask you again with rudeness. Did your son have an arrogant personality for a long time?"
"No, as you know, our country is the first country of the people. The aristocracy is for the people, the royal family is for all the people including the aristocrats, and the people are the treasure of the country and the object to be protected first. Kart has been teaching this teaching since he was a child, and although he was a little bit high, the people would have been conscious of protecting it. "
"Isn't there such a behavior so far?"
"... I don't mean I'm always watching the cart all the time .... If you ask your wife or servant, you may know ..."
"I'll confirm that later. So what did he do?"
"I'm new for the other day"
"Is that so……"
Completely different from the reputation at the High School of Magic. However, it is consistent with reputation in secondary school.
At the Institute of Higher Magic, “Fools with an arrogant attitude”.
At the secondary school, “Nobles who are high but think about the people”.
Is this different reputation between secondary school and higher magic school? It's like a different person.
In the middle school, nobles seemed to be kings.
And, in the period of the higher magic school….
"Imperial nobility ..."
"No ... the son of middle school seems to be a nobleman of the kingdom aristocratic, but the son after entering the higher magic school ..."
"... Is it like an imperial noble?"
"I'm just impressed."
"... Surely, imperial nobles see the people as targets for exploitation, and those who are not nobles are not humans because they are liar ..."
The aristocrats are completely different in the Ahlsheid Kingdom and the Blue Sphere Empire.
In the Aalsheide kingdom, it is common to believe that nobles exist to protect the people and that they can prosper only when they are there. This is what the king Diceum told Merlin of the aristocracy.
After several generations of reform and finally taking root, in fact, after the change in attitudes, the lives of the people of Ahlsheid have improved, their productivity has increased, and as a result tax revenue has increased and their territories and nations have prospered.
Unusually, in the Blue Sphere Empire, it is common to think that the commoners exist for the nobility. They suffer from very heavy taxes, are not productive, and their lives are considerably lower than in the kingdom.
In the Kingdom, children under the age of 15 are equally entitled to education and are half compulsory. So the literacy rate is high and the calculations are fast.
In the empire, however, schools are for the aristocracy, or for some wealthy merchants, to attend. Without being given extra knowledge, those born on the exploited side cannot escape from the exploited position.
Because they don't have that knowledge.
People exist for the nobles and bring benefits.
Kurt's words were exactly the words of the imperial nobleman.
"Is it possible that this might have been imprisoned by imperial officials?"
"It's an imperial brainwash !?"
"Isn't it funny that Earl Rittsburgh?-Until the other day, those who seemed to be kings and nobles who were thinking of protecting their people one day were suddenly chosen to be nobles, and would be on par with ordinary people. If you can't stand it, would you say that? "
"So both my wife and my wife are confused ..."
"Have your son ever been in contact with an empire or former empire?"
"... Oh, by the way ..."
"Is there?"
"I was a teacher at a secondary school where the cart was passing. A former Empire man with eyepatch on both eyes. It is said that he was a fairly magician and had some trouble in the Empire and came to the kingdom. shelf"
"Is the teacher and son in contact?"
"Oh, Kurt was participating in a workshop that the teacher had open. I was a temporary tutor when I was attending High School."
"Teachers from the Empire ..."
Suspicious. Anyone who asks is suspicious.
So Ort also talked to the servant.
"Dr. Strom? I'm a good person. I heard you're from the Empire, so if you're conscious of discrimination against ordinary people, there's no such thing at all. "
Testimonials from the servants generally showed such a result.
Is there no problem? No, but the teacher became a teacher at a secondary school for a year. And the cart that he was responsible for became a demon.
one year ago.
The time just coincides with what was recently announced. In addition, his own student became a demon.
There is no suspicious place in the testimony. But everything is suspicious. And ...
"Please come on the day when the young man became that thing."
"What time is that?"
"Sure ... I think it was in the morning."
Morning is before becoming a demon. After visiting, the cart ran out of the room.
There is no evidence. But obviously suspicious.
Ort had a cart on his feet, and decided to go to a secondary school where Strom still teaches.
In case of emergency, he returned to the guard post and brought a young member with him.
The school that they visited was a more luxurious building than the other schools because there was only a school where nobles and wealthy merchants attended. Oliver-Strom had a laboratory in one room of the institute.
"I'm sorry I'm busy, Dr. Strom"
"Excuse me"
"No, it's good. Do you drink tea?"
"No, no problem"
Ort inspected Strom without hesitation. Even though both eyes are covered with eye patches, there is no hesitation in the movement. Probably using the magic of the sensing system, I have no idea what it is doing.
Orto decided to ask a question if it was not enough to just inspect.
"Mr. Strom is from the Empire. I'm sorry for the discouraged question. Can you tell me how you came to Japan?"
"Why did I come to the kingdom ... it's an embarrassing story. I was born in an imperial aristocrat's house ..."
Imperial aristocracy ... The words of Orto's body strengthen for a moment.
"Lost in the battle over the ruins of my parents' house ... I ran away from my relatives who tried to make me a deceased, so I couldn't be in the empire. I was in exile to the kingdom. Was wounded by the raid at that time ... "
"I see. I'm sorry to hear something rude."
"No, that's your job. Don't worry."
Interesting communication. But what Strom says is not always true. How far is true and how far is a lie? The young member is taking notes next to the story. The record was left to him and the questions continued.
"Speaking of which, Dr. Strom has invited a talented magical child to participate in a study group at this institute and nurture a very good magician. Why is this like? Is it a return to the empire? "
"It's reasonable to think so, but I don't mean that, for a simpler reason."
"I'm a former imperial nobleman and a new teacher. I'm pretty savvy.
"That is your study group."
"That's right. Thanks to that, all the children who belonged to my study group have improved their magical skills. Some children have passed the higher magic school, and I have established my position at this school. Yeah. "
It is not a special sublime reason, but an action for the protection of oneself. The most natural reason for human behavior.
There is no strange point in the conversation now. He looks at his face, but his facial expression makes it difficult to understand his facial expression. Orto continued his desire to tongue and continued.
"But then, this was a shame."
"Yes, Kurt said earlier, a student I taught and passed the High School. That would be like this ..."
"If Dr. Strom's career is hurt?"
Strom then argued that he was a little stuffy.
"I'm not saying that! Kart is my cute student! I'm sad that such a kart has turned into something like this!"
"I'm sorry, this was bad."
"I hope you understand ..."
Strom seems to be excited for a moment, but quickly recovers. Is this also true or acting? ... and then ...
"Mr. Strom, can you ask me a request?"
"What'll we do?"
"Actually, there is something I want you to check about his dead body."
"What do you want to check?"
"Yes, I'm just gathering experts from the various places involved and conducting an inspection, but Dr. Strom is a fairly high magician as far as I can tell his story. I would also like to hear Mr. Strom's opinion."
"I don't want to inspect the student's body ...
"Please do it somehow. This is for humanity."
"... Huh, I understand. Let's visit."
"Thank you. Immediately, is it okay to have time after this?"
"It's really quick ... it's okay. There are no study groups today."
"Thank you. Let's go."
Ort then signaled a younger member and stood up.
"I hope you can hear a useful story."
"I'm in trouble if I can expect it without permission."
While saying so, we headed for the guards.
Meanwhile, at that time, the Grasslands and Forests around the Imperial City were being investigated by the military service.
"Director, I will report."
"Tell me"
"Yes, the number of demons has increased considerably. From small animals such as rabbits and squirrels to medium-sized animals such as wild dogs, wild dogs, wolves and boars, and large animals such as bears."
"Why don't you think you didn't notice?"
"Perhaps there were so many small animals, so they didn't feel so threatening. Even medium- and large-sized monsters did not increase dramatically or appeared in multiples, so they formed a column and worked with the Magic Division It's a lot easier to defeat, partly because there were no disaster grade monsters like tigers and lions. "
"Hey, Dominic"
"... I'm the director here, the looper."
"Huh! I guess the director is just doing it in order. I'm the previous director and the next director is me."
The man who spoke to Dominic, the chief of the military, was Looper-Orglan. He is the chief of the Magic Division and his former military director.
He has brown eyes and hair, and slightly wears off his robe for the commander of the magician. The man who fits the word "choi evil father".
"The lower one will have an indication."
"In other words, I can't even tell you that the former director bowed besides His Majesty."
"Oh, say this ... uh, it's alright.
"I was trying to guess the reason why the number of monsters increased from a magical point of view ..."
"Did you know anything?"
"That is ..."
"I don't understand!"
"Huh ... I was stupid as I expected."
"Well, that's why it's a naturally occurring reason."
"Naturally occurring?"
"Oh, aren't monsters being said to be animals that have long been in places with strong magic?"
"Oh, yeah."
"However, there is no place where the magic is particularly strong here."
"When I say ..."
"Oh, what you're saying is that the" artificial occurrence of monsters "has become more likely."
"What is the possibility that you have moved from another?"
"Hey. That's going to be even harder. I don't think it's going to increase in small increments, and there are no reports of demons increasing in other cities."
"This is finally ..."
"Oh, it smells like kina."
That's why the top two members of the Military Affairs Office saw a strange face.
In another place, a room in a certain castle. There was a man with a report in front of the Lord of this castle.
"What?-The number of demons in the Ahlsheid kingdom is increasing?"
"Yes. The Military Affairs Bureau appears to be taking action to find out the cause."
"Yes. What is the situation of the demons in our country?"
"There is a report that it is decreasing unlike the kingdom."
"So that's it……"
"Isn't this Majesty an opportunity?"
"Yes, the number of demons in our country is decreasing, and the number of demons in the kingdom is increasing. Perhaps our demons have moved to the kingdom. If so, the kingdom should be full of monster responses. Don't worry about it. ''
Then he told the people who were there.
"This must be the heavens telling me to unify the world. It is stupid to miss this, so I will attack the kingdom of Ahlsheid. I will come out too.
A man who has decided to invade the kingdom of Aarsheid.
The Emperor of the Blue Sphere, Herald-Von-Blue Sphere.
The story also returns to the Royal Capital of Ahlsheid.
Ort, who arrived at the guard post with Strom, was at the training ground.
"I'm sorry, teacher. Forcibly taken me out."
"Do you want to say it now? Alright."
While saying so, they enter the training ground.
"Oh, it's the guard's training ground. I'm going to do an inspection here."
"In such a place?"
I told you so.
A knight, a soldier, and a wizard appeared around the training ground.
"Your inspection"
"My? Why?"
"Yoorto. I came back from the investigation and called me, what was this?"
Upon leaving Strom's lab, Ort signaled a younger member to recruit his military.
"I'll explain from now on, Looper"
Speaking of that, look at Strom.
"Why am I getting this kind of treatment? Mr. Ort. Again, a former imperial noble would like this kind of treatment ..."
"That's not the reason, Dr. Strom. Your testimony was truly wonderful. There is no reason to doubt if it is testimony alone, but you have made only one mistake."
"Is it a mistake?"
"Yes, Dominic, who was the demon?"
"Kurt-von-Rittsburgh. What happened?"
"Yes, everyone here knows it."
"What happened?"
"Everyone here knows, but he knows nothing else."
"... Huh?"
"The Majesty, who heard from Sin-Walford, who defeated the genie, was laid a gag decree immediately. We must remove the humanized person. Don't let his family get unjustified because of that, before we met you, I visited the Rittsburgh mansion, but it was quiet? Given the threatening nationality, it would be flooded if we knew that Kurt-Von-Rittsburgh had become a demon. This is evidence that the gag decree works. "
The knights around him also noticed that and prepared to look out for Strom.
"What is widespread in this royal capital is the story that 'the demon has appeared at the High School of Magic, and the grandson of the hero who happened to be there, Shin-Walford, has defeated the demon.' I know, but I don't know who turned it into a demon, only the military here, part of the guards, and the officials of the High School of Magic, now you know where Kurt-von- Could you tell me if you knew that Ritzberg had become a demon? I would have to be punished for leaking information. "
Olt said Oliver suddenly laughed out loud.
"Cook, Ahaha, Ahahahahahaha !!"
"Did you touch?"
Oliver speaks out, embarrassed by soldiers and guards.
"I didn't think there was a gag order. Is it only Walford? "
"That's right. Everyone is upset about the birth of a new hero. And it's no surprise that the uproar will get bigger because it's already a grandson of a hero. There was no real harm even if I felt threatened. It would be no wonder if the people looked closer to the hero than the identity of the demon? "
"Well, do we all look closer to the hero than the demon?"
Speaking, Strom began to wear magic.
"I'm not licking!"
The looper immediately fires the magic of the fire arrow without chanting. The fire arrow, which appeared to have landed on Strom, was blocked by a magic barrier.
"Chill! Do you want to prevent this?
"Huh, there's no obligation to answer it."
Ström said, blasting the magic of the blast and breaking the walls of the training ground. Then he tries to get out of the suspended and broken wall.
"Don't let it go! If you let him go, you'll be killed again!"
A military person fires magic and a bow all at once on Dominic's words. But all that too is hindered by magic barriers.
"Now we've done all the experiments here, and we'll be rude soon."
"Experiment ... then ...!"
Ort shows intense resentment in the words.
"Did you use the cart for the experiment? The life of a future boy! Did you use it for selfish purposes ?!"
"That's right, I'm sorry. Well, please think that I was unlucky when I saw my eyes."
"Luck ... bad? I don't know how much his family is hurt and suffering!"
Ort pulls out the saber distributed to the guards and cuts into Strom.
"Hah, justice Han is depressing ..."
Strom avoids the slashing alt and tries to release magic from behind.
"Ortho !!"
Dominic rolls along with the fluttering Orto, receiving a hit from the side of Dominic who has jumped in.
And magic passed by and hit the fence of the guard's premises and exploded.
"Oh? Did you avoid it?"
In a place where everyone stood around Strom who said such a thing easily and was wondering how to suppress it.
"What! What is it!
I heard the boy's voice.
Where was everyone turning around?
"Oh !? What a fuss !?"
There was Shin-Walford.
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