Magi's Grandson

Battle in the courtyard

It was in the courtyard of His Majesty's house that the fierce battle was taking place.

We got down there and doubted the sight.

There, a large number of soldiers surrounded Hao with magic all over his body.

But Hao was not prepared to attack such a large number of soldiers.

Cursed attacks are prevented by barriers and spells remain overflowing.

Soldiers were blocking it again with defensive spells.

A whole crowd of soldiers is under pressure from Hao.

"Huhahahaha!! Excellent! Excellent!! With this power and its weapons, this country will be mine!!

Dammit! I knew Hao was after the railgun.

Besides, I'm sure you're immersed in the sense of all-powerfulness that has allowed you to use magic, even to seize this country.

Those who have never had power become intoxicated when they have power.

It's the same situation we were talking about in the carriage.

Until now, Hao had the power, but not the force at all.

You must be intoxicated by the power of magic that you have acquired.

"Shit! When I look at that guy, I don't remember the civilian magicians who attacked Sweet."

They also grew up suddenly powerful, leaving Strome behind and attacking Sweed.

He smells the same as the Magus back then.

This was when I thought we should join the fight.

Ha!? Augusto!?

It was the general I met during the day who shouted so loudly.

When the general found us, he hurried towards us.

Why is Lord Augusto here!?

"What, I saw Hao's house on fire. I went to the scene, but I came because Hao had fled and headed for the Emperor Yu."

"Well, even if I were told to go shopping a little bit..."

I bet you never dreamed you'd come to the right battlefield with such a light glitter.

The general had a very confused face.

"Even if it looks like this, we are passing through a considerable cul-de-sac. I'm not worried."

Is that so?

"Oh, by the way, you seem to be struggling a lot, but should we join forces?

When Aug said so, the general shook his head sideways after a little trouble.

'No, it doesn't matter. This is our country's problem. I can't ask His Majesty, a messenger from another country and a royal family, to help me. "

The general looked straight at the aug and said so.

I see. You said something unbearable. Forgive me. "

Thank you for your kindness. Please don't make me sick. "

"I know. But if you're in danger, I'll do it."

Let's try not to do that.

When the general said so, he rushed back to the battlefield.

You guys! You want to expose yourself to the ugliness of His Majesty Augusto, the messenger of another country!? As it stands, what does His Highness think? A Quanron soldier would be fooled by a man from the Western world if he only had a low alcohol level!!

When the general said so, the morale of the soldiers rose visibly.

It would be nothing but shame to be a soldier in the National Army, such as exposing an indecency in front of a messenger from another country.


"No, I wouldn't listen to that...."

Aug was puzzled that he was being used to inspire soldiers.

I don't think I would say that because the relationship between countries would be bad if I thought about it normally.

Well, that's fine. The soldiers seem to be gaining morale. "

In fact, the soldiers who had been under pressure before are now hunting Hao down.

Ugh! From behind!? Cowardly!!

It's embarrassing! Tie it down!!

Don't you hold back as soldiers defending your country!! Call me from the front!!

What do the bandits say!!

The General's words must have touched Hao's scales.

The quality of Hao's magic has changed.

Bandit? You think I'm a bandit!? Fuck off!! I will soon be the emperor of this country!! How dare you say that to me!!

Become Emperor!? You even wanted to take the throne! Guys! He's a traitor to the throne!! Life or death! Defeat for sure!!


The General's words increased the intensity of the soldiers' attacks.

Until now, the focus had been on keeping him alive, so I guess he couldn't have attacked with all his heart.

The soldiers lost their doubts when the order was given, whether it was life or death.

Before that, you said you'd take the throne.

You're no longer a criminal, you're definitely a traitor.

But it seemed like an unacceptable outrage to Hao.

I'm a traitor...... I'm a traitor!!??

The quality of Hao's magic changed again.

Somehow, it contains something as black as possible.

This is....

"Aug, maybe a little bad."

"Oh, that's a bad sign. Hey, just in case something happens. Everybody get ready."

"" "Yes!!

After Aug's words, he moved from a bystander position to a combat readiness system.

Now we can deal with it as soon as it happens.

As we prepare for battle, Hao's magic swells.

I am the emperor of this country!! You who defy me are the rebels!!

Poor thing, you're finally starting to talk to me every time I go astray!

Ggigigigigigigigi...... aahh!!!!


Hao, who had been incited by the general, seemed to have finally reached the limit of patience, suddenly releasing a large amount of magic and flying over the surrounding soldiers.

The general has also fallen at the instigation.


Of course, Hao didn't miss the gap.

After breaking through the soldier's siege net, he reached the railgun in the courtyard.

"Fuhihihi... as long as I have this... this is my country..."

... my tone is getting more and more suspicious.

Is this... really bad?

"Hey! Mr. Wolford! What are you doing so long?! He has reached that weapon!!

"Your Highness! Why are you so calm!?

Mark and Yuri called out to us in a hurry when I noticed something was wrong with Hao.

"No, I don't think it's a problem because Singh is calm."

"Mr. Wolford?

"What do you mean?

When Aug told me why he wasn't in a hurry, Mark and Yuri looked at me.

Speaking of which, I didn't say anything about it after all.

Would it be strange if it calmed down?

"Oh, no. Maybe that weapon won't activate."

"How do you know that!?

"Huh? Guess?


Yuri looked stunned.

Well, I told you, I know for sure it won't start.

No, do you want to start it?

Fuhihi! Die... die!!

While doing so, Hao turned the railgun's muzzle towards the soldiers and activated it with magic.

Kh!! Defend them all!!

Fuhaha, Mou, it's too late!!

Soldiers who spread defensive spells at once on the orders of the General.

Hao, let those soldiers activate their magic equipment.

The soldiers circled their bodies in preparation for the upcoming shock and hid behind the defensive spell.


After a while, the confusion spread to the soldiers' faces.

I didn't think it would come, so that's natural.

Kyrokyoro and the soldiers around him are looking at each other.

And when I turned to Hao in front of my eyes, I was even more confused.

The railgun is activated with a boom, but nothing else happens.

The Hao that activated it is also confused.

Well, of course.

Because that...

It's not loaded.

Nah, why!? Why not attack like before!!

Hao was confused that the weapon he thought was a trump card would not work, and suddenly kept exerting magic.

I don't know, but now!! Get Hao!

And the general wasn't the kind of man to miss this plane.

The General's orders have led to the killing of the soldiers who were confused just now.

I quickly took Hao into custody.

Let go! Let go! Ehhh!!

Hao is shouting out loud, but there's no way the soldiers can loosen Hao's captivity.

I suppressed Hao with just a few people and held him in my back.

Fu, let me mess with you.

The general finally felt relieved, but immediately tightened his face and stood in front of Hao.

"Hao, I have confirmed to the Emperor that I have rebelled against him and that I have only tried to seize his throne. As a result, you will be executed for treason."

With a quiet voice, the general said so to Hao.

And finally, he said with a mockery.

It feels good.

Perhaps the word triggered it.

The quality of magic surrounding Hao's body changed dramatically.

Until now, there was a feeling of black cloudiness, but now it is completely black.

You... Kisama! Kisama! Kisama! Kisamaa!!

Hao said so, releasing all the dark magic around him.

Oh... I remember this sight.

This is....

"Something... reminds me of when Kurt became a Magus..."

Perhaps they all felt the same way.

No one denied Maria's words.


Nuoo!? What!!??



The soldiers who were suppressing Hao were blown away again.

The general is on his feet for the second time, but he is confused because he doesn't know what happened to Hao.

It's the same with the soldiers around, and they all look at each other.

But we know what happened to Hao.

Everything we've been dealing with so far.

I mean....

"After all, you've turned into a Magus...."

Yes. Hao has become a Magus.

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