Magi's Grandson

[]/(n) twister/

After Tony's proposal for a ruins survey was decided, Auguste invited Thor and Julius into his room.

"What's the matter, Your Highness?

Thor has always been close to Augusto, but he realized that Augusto's condition was different.

I had a very serious face that was different from the previous one.

Asked by Thor, Augusto gave them an order.

"No, I was going to ask you for a job."

"Do you want to sit down on a mission...?

Likewise, Julius, who was always with Augusto, leaned his neck against Augusto's words.

"Ah, is this the surveillance of Lord Shin? If we destroy the ruins, it could become an international problem as soon as national transportation is established."

Don't sit tight on Lord Singh.

For Thor, who has a territory with a lot of craftsmen, a human named Singh is reluctant to watch.

This is because the craftsmen's jobs could be robbed of what Singh made at his own expense.

Julius smiled unintentionally at the words of Thor.

Um, originally I wanted to do it in the mountains, but this time it's something else.

"Something else?

"If it wasn't for Lord Shin's surveillance... why should I sit down?

Julius was laughing bitterly at Thor's words earlier, but he was actually quite outrageous.

"Surveillance is definitely surveillance. It's just that it's not about Singh."

"If not Sin... Shaolin?

Auguste affirmed Thor's reasoning by agreeing.

"However, I had some trouble before I came here, but since I arrived in Quanron, Lord Shaolin has not acted particularly suspiciously...."

"Sure. But I do care."

"What do you want?

"The sight of Lord Shaolin seeing Singh."

"Are you looking at Shin...?

Thor, who was told by Augusto, recalled Shaolin's behavior so far.

Speaking of which, when I saw Hao's weapon in his courtyard, the Shaolin's eyes were very harsh when he was checking the letters that Singh was given.

"Sure... but I don't think it's hostile?

You really don't know that gaze? Aren't you lying? It was a suspicion.

Honestly, Thor didn't think Sin would understand.

Because I knew I'd find out who that weapon was as well as ever.

However, the reply returned is unknown.

Thor thought the same thing about Shaolin.

Don't you really understand? and.

And I'm sure that's true.

Because when Hao tried to activate the weapon, Singh knew for some reason that it would not be attacked.

Nevertheless, Thor is not going to question Singh.

It's Sin, who is always told by everyone that they don't have common sense, but I know what really can't be made and what shouldn't be put out in the world.

Thor said this to Singh for some reason, but he also enjoyed the exchange.

That thin didn't say.

Thor thought it was something he shouldn't let out.

"Well, you're probably right. Sin didn't talk even though he knew. Maybe you're not sure about that. The general's confession of consuming magic stones also showed a slight expression of disgust. I don't think the general would talk about it because he pressured me to say nothing else....."

Augusto said so, Thor exhaled.

"You want to know the truth...? It may sound good as a word, but sometimes it's better not to reveal the truth."

Julius smiled bitterly at Thor.

Thor is twisting. Don't sit down.

Thor frowned at the words.

"I've been by your side for a long time."

"Hey, why am I out there?

When they saw Augusto protesting, Thor and Julius looked at each other.

"Why, isn't His Highness the representative of the twister?"

"Yes, sit down."

"Oh, you guys...."

As both of them put it, Augusto pulled and pulled his blues, and Thor chased him.

"Wouldn't it be an order to keep an eye on Shaolin so that he doesn't act strangely against him? If Lord Shin was worried, I should have said so from the beginning."


Augusto, told by Thor, couldn't say anything.

Because it was a picture star.

Julius laughed as he watched.

"I knew you'd sit with a twister."

"Shut up! That's all I need, get out of here!

"Yes, sir."

Roger that, sir.

The two shouted at Augusto and left Augusto's room with a smile on their face.

It goes without saying that Augusto, who was left behind, had a head, even though he didn't think his thoughts could be seen through.

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