Magi's Grandson

The prince is Tundele.

"Did it happen by chance...?"

Thor laughed away from Thing and said that.

Augusto sees such a tall with his own eyes.

"What? What do you want me to say?

"Your Highness must not sit honestly."

Julius answered the words against Thor.

It seems that they were both thinking the same thing.

"I only reported that Lord Shaolin had joined Lord Shin, and he immediately joined us."

Thor and Julius were watching Shaolin on Augusto's orders.

Augusto, contacted by radio from the Thor that the Shaolin had rendezvoused with Sin, immediately returned to Sin and the others.

And when the three of them met, they heard a conversation between Sin and Shaolin from behind the building.

I was concerned that Shaolin wouldn't do anything to Sin, but I didn't think Shaolin would spit out his mood on the spot.

"Still, the murder of Singh was on the horizon."

Auguste was right about what Thor said, so he decided to force a change of direction.

Thor and Julius, who smiled at the august, decided to ride the august's thoughts.

"That's right. However, it seems that I was very worried about that."

"From time to time I have watched Shin once in a while, but I was worried about what to do, so I should sit down."

Augusto, who felt that the conversation had changed the subject, continued the conversation with ease.

"It's natural to be afraid of great power as a human being. I don't know what to do anymore, because he was a benefactor."

"That's right. It must have been hard."

"But thanks to His Majesty, it would be much better, wouldn't it?

"I hope so."

Augusto turned to the ruins.

I stopped thinking about it because I couldn't say anything more unless I actually moved it out.

I was able to change the subject.

But things betrayed Augusto's expectations.

"Nevertheless, Your Highness is kind."

"... hmm?

"I didn't only care about Lord Shin, but I didn't expect him to be saved by Shaolin. No, I'm impressed."

"... it's not like that. I'm just saying that Lord Shaolin was the right man."

Augusto said that and threw a line of sight at them not to steam any more.

The two people who received a line of sight that was likely to atrophy in the average person did not move at all.

"Well, let's explore."

"Don't sit down."

Thor and Julius began to peek inside the building.

Looking at those two, Augusto sighed and scratched his head tired.

"Damn, I didn't know I was going to die....."

Augusto looked around the ruins, believing it would be difficult to rely on the growth of his closest associates.

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