Magi's Grandson

Past children and future children

The fact that the former civilization was more developed than it is now means that magic technology was also more developed than it is now.

Healing magic must have progressed even more.

Perhaps it wasn't that difficult to bring a young child back from the abyss of death.


To do it artificially had a stage before that.

In other words, the act of driving a young child into the abyss of death...

The people of the previous civilization might have thought it was okay because of the advanced healing magic.

Perhaps the presence of advanced healing magic raised people's chances of survival and overpopulated them.

In that case, if morality is gradually lacking...

It's all my imagination, but it's not entirely impossible.

I'm scared...

I'm not sure yet, but I need to make sure no one knows how to remember my previous life...


With that in mind, Sicily called me.

Speaking of which, I haven't said a word since.

"Hmm? What's wrong?

"Ah, no. I was looking at the ruins with a kind of spicy face, so I thought maybe something happened."

Looks like a spicy face...

I was thinking about a murder that might have been committed in the past.

Besides, I'm the father of a child now.

If Silver were to see you like that...

I thought about that too.

"Oh, no. I was wondering how the aug vote would come down."

I made such an excuse aggressively.

That's not a mistake.

When I said that, Sicily looked in trouble.

"Already. I was afraid something happened."

"Ahahah, I'm sorry. Now that we've collected it, let's get back to the ruins."

That's right.

So we started walking around the ruins again.

On the way out, I saw Alice and Lynn coming out of the building, so they said they could come in.

Me and Sicily went into the unbroken building nearby.

There were many shelf-like things in the building, and there was some wreckage on top of them.

This is....

"Was this some kind of shop?

Sicily murmured as she looked inside the building.

Sicily is right, this is definitely a store.

And this...

I took the wreckage that was on the shelf and was convinced.

This is a consumer electronics store!

No, exactly. A magic mass merchant?

At first glance, I don't know what to use, but I think this feeling is definitely correct.

It's like displaying something, and it's like a counter.

The wreckage I just took, I don't know what it is, could be a communicator.

The communication machine I know... that means it's quite different from a smartphone.

Speaking of communication machines, smartphones were the mainstream in the days I lived, but if there were a lot of technicians who remembered the memories of the previous life, it wouldn't be surprising if space displays and the like were developed.

Perhaps it is a communication machine that uses such technology.

Well, I don't know if that's personal.

Individual communicators are a privacy chunk.

If you turn it into a space display, it's a waste of privacy, right?

Maybe there's something you can't see from others.

I answered Sicily's question as I looked inside the store thinking about it.

Well, maybe it's a magic shop.

When I said so, Sicily looked at the store again.

"A magic shop?

Sicily doesn't seem to be coming with the pin.

Well, it's not impossible.

I mean, maybe a few hundred to a thousand years have passed since the collapse of the previous civilization.

The car was almost made of metal, so it remained, but other materials such as seats were almost untouched, and only the part using metal remained.

"There are a lot of shapes that I don't know what to use. Then I thought it would be a magic tool."

When I said that, Sicily looked strange.

"Sin-kun, don't you understand?

"I don't know."

Besides, we can't make such a ruin without a significant number of technicians.

Without so many technicians, we can't communicate.

I can communicate, but I can't create content.

In such a world, technology would have advanced day by day.

Even in my previous life, I just looked away and said, "Huh? Is this what's going on? There were so many tools.

Given that, it is no surprise that this prototype has not been retained and that tools that cannot be imagined in any form have been used unexpectedly.

I'm just saying that as a matter of course...

"No... I was surprised that Shin-kun didn't understand anything either."

"No, no, you don't know everything."

What does Sicily think of me?

I don't know everything.

I know... just stop.

"Because it was made by people who built this civilization. I can't imagine."


When I said that, Sicily looked a little relieved.

... I wonder.

Maybe you thought I'd look at the magic tools here and get inspired?

Well, there's nothing useful here, so let's go next.


Sicily and I went out of the building together.

So I ran into Mark, Olivia, and Yuri.

"Ah, Mr. Wolford. What was that building? Was there anything interesting?

You've already looked around, and there was Olivia with a tired face compared to the vibrant Mark and Yuri.

"Ah, this is like a mass retailer of magic equipment....."

"" Magic equipment mass retailer!?

"Ah, ah. But I don't have anything to help you with... oh no... I'm gone."

Mark and Yuri jumped into the building even though we were still in the middle of a conversation.

When I saw Olivia left behind, I smiled bitterly.

"We were both looking for this shop. That's why I couldn't stand it."

I see. But it's quite an old ruin, isn't it? I didn't have anything to hold onto the prototype.... "

"That's right...."

Olivia sighed and went to the store.

"I'll escort you anyway. Don't worry about the two of you. Please go."

I see. Keep an eye out for the two of you. "

When I said that, Olivia and Sicily stopped moving and opened their eyes.


"Wolford, I can't believe you said that...."

"Sin-kun, are you okay!? Do you have a fever?!

"Wait a minute!

You're surprised I said that, Olivia!

And Sicily!

"Hah... I know that well."

So don't look surprised, both of you.

"This is a relic of another country, and I know that you can't damage it or take it out on your own. That's why you went to get permission to bring it up, right?

"Speaking of which, yes."

Sicily seems to have remembered earlier.

"Er... that's it?

Olivia, who wasn't here just now, came to me anxiously.

And for some reason, Sicily answered.

"I'm sorry, Olivia. It seems that Shin-kun has come up with it again....."

"What? Huh?

"I apologize for any inconvenience I may cause you when I get home."

"Huh? Ah... the system that will be marked together again..."

"Yes, I'm sorry to bother Mark and everyone in the workshop. I'm sorry."

Sicily lowered her head as she said so.

It's a conversation between wives.

Did Olivia think so too? I began to blush my face.

"Ah, you know! Mark's time is going to be taken up, but I don't care about the workshop!


Is that it?

"Wasn't Olivia the wife of Bean Workshop?

"It's still different!

Oh, I see. Haven't you had a wedding yet?

"But that's how it's done in the Bean Workshop, isn't it?


Well then, I'll tell Olivia, so there's no problem, right?

When Sicily leaned her neck, Olivia sighed as if she had given up.

"Already... I see. I'll tell everyone in the workshop....."

"Please. I'll go say hello when I get home."

"I understand."

Olivia said that and walked almost inside the store where there were two people.

"You completely forgot. Mark and Olivia weren't married yet."

"Me too. I was usually a couple, so I didn't feel uncomfortable treating my wife."

That's right.

Even though our perception is true, it is illuminating that the person in question is treated as his wife.

Why would you do that?

"Why are you so embarrassed?

"Fufu, I understand somehow."


"Yes, it's kind of embarrassing to be treated like a wife until we get married and become a married couple."

"Yes, it is."

"Yes, after the wedding, I'll be happy on the contrary."

"Oh, I know."

I was embarrassed to be told my wife about Sicily before the wedding, but I was glad to be admitted to being told after I got married.

Olivia must be in such a situation right now.

"Speaking of which, I've suddenly decided to go to Quanlon, but are Marks ready for the wedding?

"It's almost over, so it's okay."

Speaking of which, are all the ladies ready?

"When we were there, the country did most of it. All Ellie and I did was pick a dress. This time it's fun because we can get ready for the wedding."

Olivia's dress seems to be handmade by everyone.

Not only Sicily, but also Maria, Yuri, Alice and Lynn went to Olivia's house to help them prepare.

It was impressive that everyone was getting ready for fun.

Mark didn't do anything.

Preparing a man with a tuxedo is over.

If you look at this, don't think of the wedding as a ceremony for women.

The place of the ceremony is said to be the church that has jurisdiction over the area, as Mark's house and Olivia's house are next to each other.

After that, I plan to rent out a stone kiln pavilion, which is Olivia's parents' home, and have a party.

... civilian weddings are like this, right?

Well, it was a good memory because I didn't want to be able to do a ceremony at Arthur Suheid Cathedral to celebrate the Divine Pope.

Sicily seemed happy, too.

"Olivia is getting married soon, so don't swing Mark around too much.

"... will I be the cause of family discord?

"That's right. I'm not a student anymore, so please take care of yourself.

Oh, you can't tell me I'm going to play with a student?

It's kind of lonely, but maybe it means having a family.

I didn't get married in my previous life, so I didn't get that feeling at all.

I have to remember that again.

"Since Ellie has graduated from the academy and is going to be on official business with Her Royal Highness as Princess of the King, I miss seeing her as never before."

Apparently, it's not just us men who change our relationship after graduation.

Ellie married Aug and became the Crown Princess, but she was still a student.

So I didn't really go out in public, so Sicily and the Ultimate Magicians played a lot with the women.

However, if you graduate from the Academy, you will take your official duties as Princess Wang seriously.

Speaking of which, things changed every time I graduated from school in my previous life.

Seventeen years since I was reincarnated in this world.

I completely forgot that feeling.

After only three years, I had too much fun studying at the High School of Magic.

"I miss you a little, but this means you're going to grow up."

Sicily also remembered her college days, and she murmured with a slightly distressing expression.

Well, I do miss you, but...

"We'll be fine."


Sicily looked jittery at my words.

"I mean, even after graduation, they all work at the same place, and I think there's going to be another connection between Sicily, Olivia and Ellie."

"Another connection?

Sicily leans her neck unexpectedly.

But as far as I'm concerned, I think this connection will last a lifetime.

"Yeah, Mom, my friend."

"Mom, mom...!

In my words, Sicily blushed her face.

"I'm not saying I have to have a baby because I'm a couple. But Ellie and Olivia especially want to have a baby, and you want to have one, don't you?

"Yes, that's right. Both of you are from the same standpoint, but you want it."

As Princess of the King and Queen of the Future, it is her duty to have children.

Olivia also hopes to produce a legacy of Mark's Bean Workshop.

And Sicily is a child-rearing senpai who has not yet had a baby but has been raising silver since she was a baby.

I think it will continue to be connected with a lot of things.

"That's right. Mommy friend... mommy friend..."

So far, there is only one child in the female side of the group, Sicily.

Although there is a grandmother in the house who is a parenting senpai, there are no friends who are said to be more casual mom friends.

Some mothers face each other in the park, but Sicily is called the Virgin.

Mothers around me have some leeway while smiling and laughing.

Said he was afraid of the Virgin and her friends.

So it's Ellie and Olivia who can be friends in the same position.

You think of the three of you laughing about raising a child, and Sicily smiles with a happy face.

Sounds like fun.

Sicily gladly said so.

"That's right. But I'm also going to take part in raising a child.

"Fufu. Yes, I'm counting on you, Dad."

Sicily put it that way and put her arms together.

I just thought I might have done something inhumane to my children in the past, or I want to make sure that there is no misfortune in Silver or in the future of the children who will be born.

Speaking of which...

"Who will be the first?


Sicily looks strange in my words.

Oh, I didn't have a subject.

"No, I can have kids."


As soon as I said that, Sicily's face turned bright red.

"This is all a gift. I can't help competing."

"That's right...."

After Sicily said that, she clutched my arm.

"Ah, um..."


"When this is over...."


Sicily stares at me with her bright red face and moist eyes.

The way I looked, I took a breath.

Then Sicily opened her mouth.

"Well... I want Aka-chan..."

My heart was shot through by his appearance and words.


I couldn't bear to hug Sicily.

"I'll do it as soon as I get back."


Mutual feelings are on the verge of explosion.

Nature, me and Sicily's faces are getting closer...


All of a sudden, Sicily and I were shocked.

"The shadow of the ruins of other countries... are you going to cause international problems?

The aug came out with a quiet tone but a vascular aug on his forehead.

Next to that, Mr. Shaolin looks at us from the gap between his fingers, covering his bright red face with both hands.

Uh... how long have they been watching you?

"Oh, my God... you guys are in a slightly distracted spot again, this time?"

"Ah, um... well, should I do that in my room so that no one can see it..."

Aug shocked.

Ms. Shaolin turns bright red and says what she is serious about.

"What, both of you. You want stimulation?


Soon, Alice and Lynn were there.

"Outdoors...!? That's even advanced technology....!

Hey, Maria.

I don't call it advanced technology.

"I mean, don't get me wrong! That's exactly what you're supposed to do here!

When I said so, the Aug narrowed his eyes.

"Huh? Speaking of which, what were you guys talking about?

"Huh? Well, who would be the first to have a child? And I want a baby....."

"... after talking about it, you're embracing it with enthusiasm and misunderstanding...?


You want a kid, hugging enthusiastically from, beyond?






Sicily looks surprised, but I can't think of an explanation to cover this situation.

"Please deny it! Otherwise I...."

Desperately trying to solve the misunderstanding, Sicily screamed after a breath.

"You're going to be a pervert!!


... everyone's silence hurts...

"... hah!?

With everyone's silence, I finally understood what I was saying, Sicily.

"No, no!!


So embarrassed, Sicily buried her face in my chest.

I don't seem to be able to see my surroundings very properly.

"Absolutely... I don't want to get along, but try to be moderate."

"No, I'm not trying to be weird."

"... well. Rather, I'm thinking of leaving the ruins, but is there anything else you'd like to see?

Thankfully, Aug converted the topic, so I decided to take it.

"I'd like to see it, but I don't have any clumps. If you want to see it, you can come back."

I see. Let's go home. "

We contacted everyone on the radio, and we decided to finish exploring the ruins and go home.

I can use the gate on my way home, but since there are investigators, I decided not to use it very much, so I decided to walk home.

In the meantime, Sicily remained silent, unable to lift her face from my arm.

As I stroked Sicily's head in that state, I thought vaguely about the children that would be born.

At that time, I didn't realize Aug was staring at me.

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