Magi's Grandson


"Hey... what are you talking about, Alice?"

I was surprised.

Mecha, I'm surprised!

I didn't expect you to say such a thing from what I just said.

When I looked around with that in mind, everyone didn't look surprised...

What, did everybody have a little doubt?

Looking at Aug with that in mind, he looked serious.

"At first, I was wondering what kind of bullshit I was thinking... when I heard what I was saying, I thought what Corner was telling the truth."

You too!?

What? Shit, did you just talk too much?

I was supposed to only talk about what would have happened if I had a little reasoning, regardless of the memory of the previous life.

"... our investigation team has not yet reached the reasoning that Sin said.But when I hear Lord Singh's explanation, it seems to be true. "

I feel that Mr. Shaolin believes in the theory because he was suspicious that I was originally using the same letters that were attached to the magic tools of the previous civilization.

"The development of powerful magic tools as a deterrent, as you say.A tactic that drops it from the sky.Actions that countries would have taken.None of this was imaginable to us. "

Aug said so and said to me with a serious face.

"Hey, Sin. This is very important.A highly developed civilization, the pre-civilization, really existed and collapsed.Now that I know about it, I have to know about it. "

"If you don't know... what?

"... will our world follow the same path as the previous civilization if civilization develops like this?"

That said, I understood what the Aug was concerned about.

In today's world, it is impossible for mankind to be destroyed in its own hands.

Except for the Magus, who hates and tries to destroy the world.

But what if civilization develops in the future?

It is not necessarily impossible to create a weapon that destroys a city or a capital.

If that happens, it doesn't have to follow the same path as the previous civilization.

I suppose you thought you had to know how to avoid it.

"Sin. Answer me honestly... do you remember living in the pre-civilization era?


Serious, unforgiving eyes.

Aug looks at me like that and asks me questions that point to the core.

I... distracted myself from Aug's gaze.

There are my friends.

The people I got involved with and changed my life.

I've never told these dear friends the truth.

Isn't that a serious betrayal?

Using the memory of the previous life, I acquired an excessive position with knowledge not found in this world.

Doesn't that mean you're deceiving not just your friends, but the people who live in this world?

But when you reveal it, will everyone hate you...?


The Aug talked more when he was conflicted.

"Sin, please. Answer me."

The appearance was exactly like a plea.

Aug is not listening with interest.

I'm asking because I'm worried about the end of the world.

And I was thinking... that everyone might hate me.

What a pity... what a pity I am.

With Aug's serious eyes, I... got hungry.

"I have no memory of the previous civilization..."

The moment I said that, Aug looked sad.

"I see... I'm sorry."

I actually made a voice too.

I don't know whether the word "shame" was a shame that I didn't have the memory of a previous civilization or whether it was a shame that you didn't answer me honestly.

I may have been disappointed.

That's why I...

"I don't remember any previous civilizations.Instead.... "

I'll say it.

"... I have a living memory in a different world."

I camouflaged out the biggest secret.

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