"My child... is dying on purpose..."

"Something like that!!Is that okay with you!?

Olivia is bluishing and trembling, and Mark is angry with herself.

These two are eager for children.

I can't put up with what can be described as outrageous behavior towards the child.

"Calm down, Bean. It's just the past."

"Ah! Yes... I see."

With Aug's persuasion, Mark felt a little angry.

But I was still feeling a little scared, but I saw Olivia trembling, and I was holding her shoulder.

It seems to have settled down a little.

Sicily was trembling just like Olivia, so I held her shoulders and comforted her.

"Still... was that really happening?

Thor said that without wishing to believe it.

But, hey.

"The technology used in that city doesn't work with the knowledge of one or two people.Even though it can be supplemented to a certain extent by magic, we can't build such a city without a significant number of people. "

"... that's exactly what the devil does."

Aug seemed to have the same feelings as me.

... good.

I believed it, but if I thought it was useful, I had to stop it with all my might.

"When it comes to Singh, it's extremely rare to recall the memories of the previous life.How many children have they turned into experimental benches..... "

"I don't know about that... but I think it's quite a number.Besides, it's not just remembering other world memories. "


When Maria replied to the groaning words with disgust on her face, she turned to her face.

"'Cause you're right, right? It may have been an ancient era of the same world, or a different world where civilization lagged behind that of the previous civilization."

When I said that, Tony looked convinced.

"I see. You mean there's not one other world?

That's right, Tony understands this story quickly.

"I think so."

Remembering the memories of a world in which civilization is progressing more than it is now, I think it was a big win.

It's too careless to win big, but I can't say it.

"But aren't there many reincarnators from the same world as Singh, called the endorsement letters used in the previous civilization, Masita?

Aug questioned my hypothesis.

"This is completely speculative, okay?


"Maybe, but I think the world that Masita and I lived in is' close '."

"Close? What?

"Dimensional phase, or is the world closer to each other?

"... I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Not only Aug, but Tony and everyone else have a question mark on their heads.

"This world is very similar to the previous one.Animals and plants. And so are humans. "

"It's only natural that humans are the same, right?

"Really? Maybe there's a world of tigers and lions?

"No way..."

"Can you tell me?


"But even so, all plants and animals are very similar to the previous world.So I've been thinking about how close the world is to each other. "


Aug is thinking with his arms around him, but I don't think he'll understand if he suddenly asks me this without prior knowledge.

"Sin! Is it possible that the world Sin lived in is a parallel world?!

Yes, the one with prior knowledge.

I have answers to Tony's questions.

"That's not true.Because the constellations are arranged differently and the terrain is different. "


"It's not a parallel world, but you should think that the world itself is close.I don't know the details either. "

When I say so, the Aug seems to have given up understanding.

"I can't help it.Anyway, is it easy for souls to come and go because the world is close?

"I think only God knows the truth."

When I said so, Aug saw Chilari and Sicily.

"I can't tell this story to a Genesis priest."

"You won't believe me if I say it, so I won't."

Aug tells his therapist not to tell him, but Sicily knows the area.

Well, you wouldn't believe me in the first place.

"Lord Singh. There are a lot of stories out of line, but can I talk to you about something important?

That's what Mr. Shaolin said when we were thinking a lot.

"Important story?

"That's right. Thin's story was too shocking and I forgot."

Aug turned to me when he said so.

"You were pretty familiar with warfare in the old civilization.Does that mean the same kind of war happened in the world you were in?

Oh, that's right.

"No, in my previous life, I made super powerful weapons, but there was no such thing as a flying war."

"Was it made?"

"That's the deterrent.When I used it, I knew that the world would collapse like a civilization before, so it was never used in the time I lived. "

"Then you don't know."

"Hopefully, it won't be used forever."

"You look like you hate it a lot."

That must have been the disgust in my face, pointed out by Mr. Shaolin.

That's right.


"... the weapon has been used once... no, twice in the past"

I said it again.

"They used... the country I used to live in."

As a result, the surrounding area became rough.

"That said, it's more than seventy years since I was alive.However, we have been taught the magnitude and tragedy of the damage caused by that weapon since we were young.That's why I hate weapons that blow up cities like that. "

That's why I would never make such a magical instrument.

That's what I said to Mr. Shaolin with all my heart.

"... I see, I finally understand what Shin meant when he said he could make it but would never make it."

Mr. Shaolin said so with a convincing expression.

"How much damage, by the way?

"Oh, I don't know... I know the weapon exploded, the kilometers around it blew up, and tens of thousands died, but I don't remember the exact numbers."

I probably learned it in social studies, but I don't remember any specific numbers.

Apologizing for not being able to talk about it in detail, Aug looked at it with dismay.

"Huh, tens of thousands!?

It wasn't just Aug that was stunned, but everybody else was.

"That was more than seventy years ago.When I was there, it was thousands of times more powerful. "


No longer speaking, Aug was stunned and opened his mouth.

"Well... if you use something like that... the world will end..."

"That's what I said.That's why they don't use it even if they have it. "

"But I used the previous civilization....."

"I suppose so.I don't know what the political form of the previous civilization was, but I don't think the children of high-ranking people would do anything that reminds them of the memories of the previous life.As a result, those who make it know its power, but those who use it don't.I used it because it was a powerful weapon.I think the result is the collapse of the previous civilization. "

"I understand... I understand well.I know very well that we should be rooting out such weapons from now on so that they will not be made in the future. "

Aug said he wanted to keep this world from being the second dance of the old civilization.

If you make that decision, I think you can work with each country.

Tony whispered possily, thinking that this was the end of the story about the collapse of the previous civilization.

"I don't know what to say, but the previous civilization was the worst world for advanced civilization...."

Yeah, I thought so, too.

Everyone nodded to agree.

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