Magi's Grandson

I think I'll be home soon.


Maria, who was in the same room, was looking at us when we were talking like that.

"Huh? What?

"... I thought the rear chargers were having a rough conversation..."


I'm in this room with Sicily, Mark, Yuri, Olivia, Tony, and Maria and Shaolin.

... with all partners except Maria and Mr. Shaolin!

That's how I looked at Mr. Shaolin...


"Why don't I have a boyfriend when there are so many happy couples in the world?What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?

I'm saying something bumpy!

"... would you mind talking a little bit more for someone who's lonely and sad?

"Ah, sorry."

"It's okay, Maria!I'm sure Maria will find someone nice!

"I don't need any bad comfort!!


Without Sicily's comfort, Maria jumped out of the living room.

Mr. Shaolin still says he has bumps.

Well, what should I do...?

With that in mind, the Augs who had gone to Yu Emperor's Palace returned.

"Hey, Messina ran away crying. What happened?

They just passed Maria off.

I mean, did you regret it enough to cry...

"Um, Maria was the only one left who didn't have a partner, so I guess I stubbornly..."

Sicily explains it to Aug, but she's stubborn... okay?That one.

I feel like there was some kind of hatred...

"Oh, I see.Carlton betrayed me, and I don't have a corner to always agree with. "

"Hey, Your Highness! Don't tell me you betrayed me!

Until now, Yuri had no boyfriend.

She envied us with Maria, but Yuri had a boyfriend.

That said, in the case of Yuri, I thought I'd have a boyfriend soon.

It's not as ideal as Maria, and unlike Alice, it's not your child's body shape.

I mean, it's adult enough to say the best of them.

"I'd love to have Messina tie me up."

"Your Highness, what about me?

"Of course, the corner, but now we have too much influence on the world.I don't care who he is. "

"Ah! Oh, no!

Alice uttered a sad voice to Aug's words.

Even Alice, who is worried about how to make a boyfriend, will be even more challenged.

In that regard, Yuri made a good point.

"Carlton's opponent is a Bean Workshop artisan.I am not a powerful man, but a member of my family called Bean Workshop.I don't think it's anymore. "

Fufu, thank you very much.

Yuri seems happy to be recognized for her chosen opponent.

On the other hand, Alice has a calm expression.

"Eh, Yuri's fine.I haven't even met recently. "

Speaking of which, since we started working as Ultimate Magicians, Alice has often been with Lynn, Mae, and Mae's friends Agnes and Colin.

Because we've become a little too famous, it's probably why Alice and Maria can't have a boyfriend.

"Speaking of which, do you have any friends from Alice's junior high school?

When she asked, Alice looked unconcernedly disgusted.

"They're not the only ones!When I was a junior high school kid, you told me that I was a tiny little kid, and when I became an Ultimate Magician, give me my palm back!Little things are cute, but they're cute!Besides, you want to protect him!You don't have to protect me!!

Unusual for Alice, she exhales anger for a long time and breathes on her shoulders.

I was pretty angry...

Nevertheless, protecting Alice, who can defeat dragons and magicians alone... certainly doesn't look luxurious and powerful.

"Ahh, I wonder if I'm single for the rest of my life..."

When I regained my breath, did it calm down? Now I'm starting to feel depressed.

"No, that's not true!Alice says there's gonna be a good guy!

"No need for bad comfort!

Consoled by Sicily, Alice left the room spitting out the exact same lines as Maria.

"Ah, Alice has left... what could have happened?

Now Sicily is depressed after Maria failed to comfort her.

Well then, if Sissy comforts me, it's counterproductive.

That's right.

Yuri and Olivia looked convinced of such a depressed Sicily.

"What do you mean?

"Sicily, we all have what Maria and Alice want."


"A strong, gentle husband and lovely child who only loves himself.I can't help but envy Maria and the others. "

Yuri and Olivia might be right.

From Maria and Alice's point of view, it may sound like the one who can say things from above to the one who can't.

"Huh!? Oh, I didn't mean that!

"I don't mean to say that, but I can't help it if the person who listens sees it that way."

"Oh no...."

Sicily really wanted to deal with Maria and Alice out of goodwill.

But normally, even if they could hear it out, the two of them in a state of rough hearts might only sound disgusting.

"Well, Miss Sicily, from our point of view, you're an envious winner when it comes to love."

"That's right. I'm so jealous of the ceremony at Arthur Suheed Cathedral."

Sicily is also envious of Yuri and Olivia, who have a lover.

As far as I'm concerned, I can't say anything.

"Huh? Would Mrs. Bean like a ceremony at Arthur Suhaide Cathedral?Shall I give you a kiss?

"Please stop!!I envy you, but when you become a party, you die with all your heart!!

Olivia is desperately refusing to be an aug.

What are you doing...?

"That's right, we have the signatures.And then we sign it and we're done. "

"Oh, finally."

That's the biggest reason I came to the Quanron.

That means we're close to the end of our Quanron stay.

"Finally? There was a lot going on, but I miss you when it comes to it."

Mr. Shaolin says he's a little lonely. Why?

"Eh? Mr. Shaolin, you're coming to Earlsheed when this is over, right?As an employee of Ultimate Magicians. "

"... ah"

I forgot...

"Um... the biggest reason I ever thought of going to Earthhide is gone..."

"Oh, about me."

"Yes... so..."

"You forgot."

"... I'm sorry."

Mr Shaolin, I'm really sorry.

Well, even though Prince Arthur Hide, the great power, recommended him personally as a resident of the Ultimate Magicians, I forgot about it.

"Well, it would be nice if you stopped grieving.If you're sorry, you can work hard as an employee. "

"Yes! I'm still the merchant's daughter, so I can help you!

Mr Shaolin answered strenuously because he thought Aug had forgiven him.

The aug that heard that... ah, my tongue rose sharply.

You want me to use Mr. Shaolin's negatives to make him work like a horse...


"Did you say something?

"No? No."

Still, when we get back to Arthur's Hyde, Ultimate Magicians will finally be fully operational.

Until now, I have been a student, but from now on, we are also social people.

We need to be more energetic.

"Nh. You can use magic more than ever.Fun "

Until now, it seemed like an extension of the College's activities, so I didn't get requests so often, but in the future, there will be a lot of requests.

With that in mind, Lynn is also in a good mood.

Speaking of which, Lynn didn't even come in to talk about Maria or Alice earlier.

I love magic and love magic.

Aren't you interested in your boyfriend?

"What a waste. Lynn is so cute, I wish I could find a boyfriend."

"I'm a magical lover.That's why I don't need it. "

"Again? Lynn is in and out of the Magic Academy, right?Doesn't anybody care about one person?

Speaking of which, Lynn goes to the Academy of Magic whenever she has time.

I don't officially belong to the Ultimate Magicians' Lynn, but the Magic Academy seems to have welcomed me.

Speaking of which, I've never heard of friendships there, but what do you think?

"There are only perverts who are only interested in magic.I've never seen anything like it. "


Um... Lin-san, that's... you're of the same race...

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