Magi's Grandson

Signatures and Returns

And two days later.

A signing ceremony was held in a luxurious room at the Yu Emperor's Palace.

The Emperor from Quanron, President Aaron from Elles, and Uncle Dis from Arthur Heyd participated.

I picked him up at the gate this morning.

If you think a diplomat will come out of Quanron, what a sign the Emperor himself will sign.

We hurried to pick up Aaron and Uncle Dis.

I was forced to screw in something that wasn't planned, so I was supposed to leave as soon as I finished signing.

Sorry to rush you.

Since both Aaron and Uncle Dis had already read the agreement itself, they really signed each other's documents and shook hands.

I don't have time for sightseeing.

After the signing ceremony, Aaron complained to me about opening the gate.

"I'll show you when I have time.If you don't get home sooner, you'll be stuck on duty!

"No, I was forced to bring you here, Shin-kun...."

"I can't help it, Aaron.The Emperor will be present on the Quanron side, and we may have extra trouble later in our time. "

"I know, but... that's quite an appeasement."

"That would also be diplomacy.Anyway, I was able to sign it without showing any weakness to the Quanron. "

I don't think so.Hona-san, excuse me first. "

"Oh, thank you."

When Aaron spoke to Uncle Dis, he walked through the gate.

"... hey"

As soon as I thought about it, I put my face out of the gate.



"Why are you following me?

"Whatever, I'm going home on an airship."


"Why, why are you packing up trades on your way home?You can't manage your luggage. "

No, I don't think so. If you let me use Shin-kun or someone else's different storage space, yeah.

"That's not how it works.From now on, we won't make a deal, will we?Incidentally, none of us can store in different spaces.I would go to the Magic Corps if I told them I could use different storage spaces in Els, but I wouldn't ask them to use it to carry this kind of luggage.In other words, you won't be able to fly in the air with your luggage in the future.

Nabal, who Aaron asked for an explanation, explains the frustration.

Having heard that, Aaron sharpened his mouth.

I don't think so.Come home carefully. "

That said, it's time to disappear beyond the gate, and I shut the gate.

Afterwards, Uncle Dis also delivered it to Earlsheed, and Nabal and the members of the Else Mission exhaled.

"No, I was wondering what to do when you asked me to come home with you."

That's what Nabal says when he feels relieved.

"What am I supposed to do? You can't do that because you have luggage control, right?

"That's how it works in front of you.You can manage your baggage, experiment with what happens when you load it, even when you get back. "

"Hmm? Then why..."

Why didn't you come home with me?

With that in mind, Nabal and the others said once they had looked at each other.

Oh no, we're going to have a banquet today!


I took out the radio from the alien storage, of course.

"... report to Aaron."

"That's it! That's enough!!

"I'm having a hard time!I have struggled to make a treaty in a little favor!!

"Don't you have a reward?!

A big adult...

Since it is also a representative mission of the country, a good old man who seems to have grandchildren will follow me with tears.

In that sad sight, I put the radio in a different space.

"Ah, I see.It's true that you worked hard, and I'll keep Aaron quiet. "

When I said so, the old men sparkled their eyes.

"Great! Shin-kun, great!!

"From now on, Mr. Wolford, I'm going to give you the top priority!

"Me neither!

... you're so thankful for just missing out on the banquet...

Does Ellis' bureaucracy get so stressed?

Thus we left the Emperor Yu behind.

I don't suppose we'll be here unless it's all over again.

Well, Navarre and the others may come in the future.

After leaving the Emperor's Palace, we are on our way to the Min family.

Mr. Shaolin asked me to come home slowly.

Anything, now the Ming family is in a hurry to prepare for a farewell party.

That's why we're walking home.

Speaking of which, there were assassins hiding all over the place the first day.

Remember the first day Maria came to Quanron, looking around at the buildings and saying so.

"Nobody said that today."

That's what Mr. Refan said.

"Oh, you can now play a lot of searching magic."

As for me, who taught Refan the magic of searching for enemies, I am pleased with Refan's efforts, which are steadily becoming usable.

Praising Mr. Reefan with that thought, he scratched his head with a stinking smell.

"No, not yet.I still can't deploy it to breathe like you.I still lost focus when I started the conversation. "

"Oh, I was like that at first.I'm going to lose focus right away. "

Alice, who was walking near Riphan, said so as if he cared about his juniors.

Actually, I'm senpai about using searching magic...

I don't know, Alice is younger and looks even younger, so I can't get rid of any discomfort.

"Alice is still alive.I often lose focus. "

"It's a focus, and I won't cut off enemy magic!

With that in mind, I started hanging out with Lynn as usual.

Yeah, it's better this way.

As everyone laughed at the usual sight, Mr. Shaolin, who was walking next door, changed his voice.

"Thank you very much, Lord Shin.I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. "

"Do you still care?

"I care.Maybe forever.... "

When Mr. Shaolin said so, Sicily, who was walking next to me on the other side, grabbed my arm.

"That's what Shin-kun says, so don't worry about Shaolin.I'm going to be working with you for a while, so I'll be tired if I care all the time. "

That's what Sicily said, with her loving expression, but this is...

"... you're holding me back."

"... you're holding me back."

Yuri and Olivia muttered.

I don't mean to be complacent, but always caring about me is just like always thinking about me.

Sicily must have felt it and held it back.

But I have no intention of doing that to Mr. Shaolin...

"Sicily... you are still a Heavenly Lady.I can't believe you're saying such kind words to me. "

"Hmm!? Yes, of course!I can't blame anyone who's reflected on me any more!

"Heavenly Lady....."

Mr Shaolin was impressed and Sicily leaned.

"It's embarrassing...."

It's called a Virgin from the world, and it's said to be a symbol of compassion, but it's actually a normal girl.

Actually... I'm pretty jealous.

However, if you think that this is also my behavior, it will be full of love.

So she stroked Sicily's embarrassed head to comfort her, and when she saw it, Ms. Shaolin made her eyes shine more and more.

"It's a beautiful sight... I can't believe you look so good with the Heavenly Lady... and I can nod that Lord Shin is called the Angel of God."

"Are you an angel of God!?

"Huh? That's what Lord Singh is called over there, isn't it?Even in the Quanron, we call the people to whom God has sent "the angels of God."

The same as the Virgin = Heavenly.

I mean, you just omitted it.

"That's what everyone in the Ming family already calls it.He cured the Sisters' illness, repelled the evil laws that tied the Minh family, and prevented the dragon from being harmed.What do you call someone who can accomplish such a feat without calling him an angel of God!

Did you get excited while saying that? At the end, it felt like you were questioning me.

No, I'm the party they call me!

I can only say it's embarrassing if the party says so!?

"You seem to have a lot of doubts about Singh?

I heard an august voice as I dragged Sicily and the two of them down to the power of Mr. Shaolin.

That said, Mr. Shaolin was not different from the excitement he had just had, and he was depressed.

"... that's why I was worried... you know?I feel guilty seeing with suspicion who deserves to be called the angel of God who saved the Min family..... "

Wow... just around Mr. Shaolin, it looks like a black curtain.

Too depressed...

"... I'm sorry.I didn't mean anything by it. "

I honestly apologized to Mr. Shaolin for being so depressed that the Aug of Stream Stone also blamed his conscience.

Mr. Shaolin is too serious to tell a joke.

If you're going to work with us, we need you to be able to listen to us.

Suddenly Gabba and Shaolin came back to life thinking about how to tell them.

"But now all that grief has been resolved!From now on, we will work in powder for the angels and the angels!Please let us know!

No... you're also a surveillance agent.

Are you sure the messengers from the Quanron are okay with this?

I thought so. I whispered to the aug.

"Hey Aug, are you sure you're okay with the dispatcher from Quanlon, Mr. Shaolin?

"I don't know what to do.Only Lord Shaolin can handle the affairs and speak to us without an interpreter. "

"... I'm really worried about Metcha."

"Rest assured. Me, too."

"There's not a single element of peace of mind."

Anyway, we need to be very careful with Mr. Shaolin.

We... are going to become people who blindly worship me and Sicily and listen to everything they say.

In that case, the system of sending personnel from this country may be seen as a problem in itself.

"No way, I didn't expect you to find the problem before it started...."

Well, it's like us.

Mr. Shaolin called out when the two of us were talking like that.

"Your Highness, Sin, what's wrong?

"No, nothing."

As always, he's a liar.

"Really? I thought you were talking about something serious....."

I can't say I looked serious talking about you.

That's why I decided to ride the Aug.

"It's really nothing.Aug left his wife alone for a long time, so he asked me what to do. "

The Aug looked astonished at my words.

Huh? Hey, you, no way...

"... I forgot."

Aug murmured little at me.

Are you serious!?

"Um, sometimes I go to see you at the gate, or communicate on a radio...."

"! I see... did you have that hand..."

This guy... he was completely in work mode.

That's why I completely forgot about Ellie.

"Hey, you told me to figure out how to get Ellie in a good mood!


"If we find out that we are not taking any measures here, Shaolin will be depressed.Is that okay with you?


What a rough excuse I made.

While regretting what I said earlier, I desperately thought about how I could calm down Ellie, who would be angry with Aug.

Behind us, I heard Mr. Shaolin laughing.

"Your Highness and Lord Singh are very close."

"Yes, they're best friends.Your wife, Ellie, is so jealous of your friendship. "

"Your Highness's wife is Princess Wang?Is he jealous?

"Ellie is the queen of the crowd.That's why it's so popular. "

Oh, that's right.

No, to be close to the crowd, our... mainly because of Alice and Lynn...

I don't know if that's the reason, but Ellie's expression of joy and sorrow is quite intense anyway.

I've heard that noble ladies don't put their emotions out much...

Because it is such an elite, it is expected that the aug will be quite crowned if it is left unattended without contact.

... I hope I'm not making you run wild again...

"If this happens, we'll have to spoil Delodero.

Spoil me?

"Oh, when I get back, I'll hug Ellie before she complains."


"Well, whisper in your ear," I missed you. "


"Well, take him to his room now."

"... is that okay?

"... I think that's the only way."

Don't give Ellie a break in the attack!

Fill it up with a pursuit from a pre-emptive attack!

And Metcha gave Aug a compelling solution.

Well, Ellie and Aug are pretty tight, so I think we can handle it.

"Nevertheless, do you forget your wife?

"I don't know what to do.Because there was a case that didn't end there. "

"That's why I should have called you on the radio."

"I had no idea how to use it."

Oh, speaking of which, the radio is mainly used for business contacts.

Don't you have a culture of communicating privately?

"Ah, well, how about we make a catch copy of it?

"Fixed comms?

"Yes, you know what they used to do in the military, right?That's why I think the first time I buy a landline is at a chamber of commerce with a lot of business contacts.But the advantage of a communicator is that it can be connected immediately to a distant opponent.I think it's going to be pretty popular soon to be able to get in touch with unmarried lovers and families living away from home.

"Hmm... that might be a good idea."

"Right? Well, then I'd like to make a poster."


"You don't have any pictures.I'm going to stretch it out a lot, and I'm going to put in a tagline and I'm going to advertise it. "

"I see... that's how pictures work..."

There are pictures in this world as well.

However, it is only used to take family photos or for newspapers.

I think that if we create a groundbreaking advertising medium called posters here, the advertising effect will be great.

"I see. Is that knowledge from the previous life?

"I wonder if that's what happens.It was normal in my previous life. "

When I was talking like that, I heard another voice from behind.

"Someday we'll be talking about work...."

"That's always the case.It's really over. "

Sicily approached us in amazement.

"Sin-kun and His Highness are overdoing Ellie's business.I'll report to Ellie.

Sicily said so, and Aug lowered his head toward Sicily.

"Please, Mrs. Wolford.Please don't do that. "

Hey, hey.

Can the king of the great power lower his head like that?

"... I see.Please think about Ellie properly. "

"Oh, I promise."

Well then, before the farewell party, please call Ellie on the radio.



Sicily said that and smiled nicely, returning to Mr. Shaolin.

Now we can't chase them from a pre-emptive attack...

"... Sin, what should I do?

"You have no choice but to apologize.

Sicily... or I guess we'll have to do it to keep the women from turning against us.

Contact me properly and get angry.

When I said so, the Aug exhaled as if he had given up.

"I can't help it. Are you mad at me?"

As soon as Aug returned to Ming's house, he was alone in his room.

Alice and Lynn, who were listening in front of the door, reported hearing Ellie's voice from the radio until outside the door.

When the aug finally came out of the room, the aug was always flattered.

You deserve it.

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