Magi's Grandson
Received an award
The kingdom will support funding for weapons development.
The vibration sword is a magic tool, and if you tell him that it can only be given for now, it seems that the org has given up.
However, the idea of replacing the blade is likely to be adopted enough, and he was asked to sell the idea to Org. If you cut a lot of monsters when defeating monsters, the blades will soon become useless, so it is attractive to be able to easily exchange blades. He said that if the blades were of good quality, they would be practical enough.
However, if you sell it without permission, your grandmother will kill you, so please consult with us.
May I ask Mark's father, who seems to be Harold, in various ways? If we can make some technical returns, we will not be willing to pay for the development of weapons, and we do not want to regret when we confront Strom with our own weight.
Let's talk to Uncle Diss about how far to develop?
I was thinking of asking the Org for a message to Uncle Dis, but I'm always coming to my house, so why don't I ask?
After lunch at Olivia's shop after finishing this and that in such a studio, the three girls asked what they were doing after all, but just tell me `` I was talking in Olivia's room '' and I will tell you the details I didn't.
Is this the fact that you were holding a girls' association? I can't hear the content.
I told Sicily about her request, and she was apologized for forgetting it. I was so worried about the relationship between Mark and Olivia.
By the way, Sicily ordered Cecil's recommended sandwich, and Maria ordered Irene's recommended pasta.
As this body grows, pasta and sandwiches are nothing more than oysters. I ate gutsli meat.
After the meal was over, the business was gone for the time being, so we decided to go around town.
"Speaking of which, what are the second and third floors of Mark's shop selling?"
"Oh, the second floor is for daily necessities and the third floor is for accessories and ssues. The third floor accessories are both ordinary and magical."
"Accessories ..."
Yes, if you give the accessory a magic of defense, can you achieve the desired defense? To be honest, magic applied to uniforms works great, but doesn't defend anything but clothing. I tried using it and found the disadvantages. The face was hot.
If you change clothes, there is no effect. However, it is safe to change clothes with accessories, and if you deploy like a magic barrier, you can protect the whole.
Let's also ask for the development of accessories.
"What's wrong, Shin-kun?"
"No, is there any accessory you want in Sicily?"
"Ah, it's an accessory !? Um ... that's a ring ... but that's what it's all about! It's better to put on a necklace ... it's harder to throw away a bracelet.
"Do you want that much?"
"No! That's not the case! I wonder what's good ..."
"Hmm. Actually, I thought it would be more effective to give a defensive magic to an accessory. I thought what would be better if everyone gave it to an accessory."
"……Oh really……"
Sicily has been shocked.
"Shin ... You don't have it ..."
"Raise and drop ... Are you a demon?"
"Poor Sicily ..."
Ah! Wrong way to listen! It sounds like you'll buy accessories!
"Ash Silly?"
"……What is it?"
I'm still shocking.
"Well, why don't you go to the marked store again?"
"Good but ..."
"Oh, everyone is waiting here."
Walking around the city is suspended! That's not it!
Then enter the Bean Studio and aim for the desired level.
"Huh? Shin, this is the story I mentioned earlier ..."
"Yeah, accessory section"
"I'm sorry! I'm going to encourage you!"
"It's good, so I was happy but I was depressed. And ..."
"in addition?"
"... I want to buy accessories for Sicily ..."
That's right. I'm apologizing, but I really want to give Sicily accessories.
"I'll give it, so it's a normal guy. Which one is better?"
"Um, um, that ..."
"I'm sorry, which of these characters can be added?"
"Welcome. That's right. This area can be given eight to twelve characters."
"Sicily, which one is better?"
"Are you in this?"
I guess there is also a pedestal, so it seems that there are many characters to which rings can be attached. About 2-5 coins seem to be normal. When it gets expensive, there are several gold coins. As expected, there are many characters that can be added, but there are also many zeros!
"Ah! It's bad! Such a ring ...
"Okay. I originally brought my money to pay for the workshop, but thanks to the suggestion of Org, that money was floating."
"But ..."
"And I think he's known about Sicily. I'd like to strengthen his defenses more than ever."
"... I understand, then ..."
I was finally convinced. What I just said is true. It's no wonder he's known that I was escorting a squirrel from a cart runaway due to Strom. If Sicily is targeted, I can't be sane.
Sicily is choosing a ring with a serious face. I saw this after a while. What? Have you decided?
"Um ... Shin, wouldn't Shin choose you?"
"Huh? You can choose what you like?"
"Um ... I can't decide myself ..."
Did you transfer in various ways?
"Yes ..."
Ignore the price and the number of characters, and choose the one that suits Sicily. Then ...
"Is this it?"
I chose a ring with a blue stone on a silver pedestal. I think it goes well with Sicily's dark blue hair.
The number of characters is eight and the price is three silver coins.
"How do you think it fits Sicily?"
"Wow ...!"
Sicily looks at the ring with his eyes shining.
"Well, please give me this."
"Sorry. Can you wear it as it is?"
"Yes, please!"
Was good. Sicily, I'm fine. Sicily receives the ring from the clerk and fills the middle finger with the ring he bought.
"Shin-kun ... Thank you!"
Sicily says with a smile. After all it is cute. Sicily never sees dangerous eyes. I swore again.
"I'm glad you were pleased. I'll give you defensive magic later. That's going to protect Sicily."
"Shin-kun will protect you ..."
Hmm? It's a little different. whatever.
We bought the ring, left the store and joined everyone.
Two girls surround Sicily happily looking at the ring and say kyayky. Don't put it inside.
"But you should buy an Assari ring anyway.
The org isn't grinning again.
"I'll tell you, I'll give you the accessories you've given defense to."
"... If I say that after seeing that sight, ... I don't feel so delicate ..."
"... Well, I'm going to wear a necklace or bracelet for a man because it's awkward ..."
"... Do it ..."
After that, I walked around the city without any special purpose. Window shopping and eating. After all, walking with friends of the same age is fun even if you have no purpose.
Having a peaceful and enjoyable day, I left Mark and Olivia and headed to Sicily's house.
When you get to Sicily's house, first apply defensive magic.
Because the number of characters is eight, isn't "magic barrier" or "physical barrier" good?
Easier than "absolute magic defense", the image is "hard wall". There is no problem if you can prevent almost even if you do not invalidate all. Absolute magic defense seemed a little excessive in battle with Strom. The magic barrier prevented the demon from attacking you without having to defend it completely. Then the magic barrier would be enough. It will defend the whole body by deploying barriers. It's better for versatility because people around you can be protected.
"Physical barrier" has the same image. There is a difference between magic and physics.
Hand over the ring with the defensive magic to Sicily .... Then, he came out with his right hand.
Sicily, who is happy again, has activated the ring.
"Wow! Great!"
Sicily is surprised at the barriers that have been developed to cover his body…
"Hoo, this is terrific. Indeed, this is the granddaughter of Guru Merida."
"Oh, oh, that ring ... Huff, oh, oh, Sicily, I'm glad you did."
Mr. Cecil and Mr. Eileen also saw the developed barriers.
"If you like, I'll give Cecil and Irene the same."
"Oh, happy."
Is it okay with this grant? It's a defensive magic that can be used by other wizards.
"The levels are different ..."
The org said something nervously.
Then, thanks to the members of the Claude family, they returned home at the gate.
After returning home, she asked her what she was doing in the studio.
Grandma listens to the story of the grant given to the accessories ...
"Shin finally remembered his own weight ..."
I started crying. Don't cry!
"Is it your own weight ...?"
"This family usually has different dimensions ..."
"Do not sit with a great family."
I noticed a more serious fact than that.
The shadow of the old man is thin!
The next day when various things were reached, we prepared for an award ceremony approaching tomorrow.
Today, the Orgs, Sicily and Maria are here.
I'm seeing me dressing for medal ceremony.
"Hey, you're tall, you're well trained and tight, and your face is so good that you don't wear anything."
"Shin-kun ... looks cool ..."
"I'm jealous of that. I'm thin."
"Your Highness ... it is ..."
"I don't hear it as unpleasant."
"Shin has also become old to wear dress ..."
"That little baby ... it's bigger."
While I was a maid's dress-up doll, my friends and parents sat on the couch and chatted happily.
This one is already crazy!
"Maryka ... isn't it good anymore?"
"What are you talking about, Mr. Shin? Would you like to be embarrassingly dressed as a new Walford hero!"
The maid nods violently to Marika's words. No, I don't think it's embarrassing if you dress normally.
In the end, I was changed into this and that, and finished the shirt with blue and blue shirts and scarves around my neck. Stunning embroidery with silver thread is also applied to the outerwear of the dress. I quickly fixed it to my body. Such places are also high-spec maids.
And then, I heard about the request for accessories from Maria and the Org team.
Maria seems to have a good necklace.
August says that necklaces are also good. However, Maria says that a thin chain and a cute design are good, and an org seems to be a thick chain and something like Silver Access.
Julius wanted a bracelet with a leather belt and silver. A necklace seems to break during a battle, and a ring slips when holding a sword.
…… Student of High School of Magic ……
The other thing was Thor, who wanted a stiff silver ring. Thor's small appearance and a stiff ring ... a gap?
"I really like Silver Access, and I have some."
"Don't you always like things that are the exact opposite of your appearance. Did you aim for a knight when you were a kid?"
"I still yearn for it. I just gave up if my physique was impossible."
"So, is the access a terrible silver access ...?"
"Isn't it good? Isn't it cool?"
"It's cool, I'm going to make it a silver ring, but Thor was surprising."
It is so different from the image because it swells. Is it okay to say that you are good?
Since you have decided on the accessories you want, open the gate at Bean Studio. Behind the store, beside the workshop, open the gate without any eyes.
He called Harold, the owner of the studio, and was informed that the kingdom would provide the funds. Regarding the replaceable sword, if my magic was not added, Grandma gave OK. He said he wanted to buy an idea, but paying it all at once would make the corresponding price vague, so the idea fee accounted for 10% of the amount paid to Bean Studio from the kingdom.
The idea was that you, Mark, and Tony were talking with me, so Mark declined because he was a man in the studio and decided to split with Me and Tony.
It must have been decided yesterday, and Tony has already been told.
5% of the amount of weapons ordered by the kingdom ... It is a prerequisite to replace them, so that amount is regularly transferred. The huge amount of money has caused Tony to fall with a blue face.
Sorry, I just had a casual conversation, but I'm scared if such a large amount of money comes in. I was afraid too.
Dad is very grateful for large transactions from the kingdom, and if he tells him that he has come to look after accessories today, he will give them away free of charge.
You said that I would return the money I paid yesterday, but that was declined. Because somehow he was concerned about giving his own money.
Your own is free.
Because I don't have any money right now!
Everyone got the accessories they wanted, gave them defensive magic and broke up today. Finally, the medal ceremony is about to begin.
On the afternoon of the day, after the classes were over, the activities of the study group were closed, and I was ready to go home and a carriage came from Ojo to pick me up. It's the same as riding at the entrance ceremony. The ride is still good but uncomfortable!
The grandfather and grandmother also go together. They seemed to be attending the award ceremony, so they went together.
Ojo Castle has never been here before. The castle's inhabitants are often at home.
Ojo is a building with a spire like a so-called dreamland. Naturally the scale is bigger than that.
The person in charge guides you to the waiting room and waits for that time.
I'm not nervous because I'm waiting for Uncle Dis, but I'll be depressed if I take care of the rest.
And the person in charge finally came to call.
You will be guided during the audience. And ...
"The brave of the country of saving! New hero! Shin-Walford arrives!
I just wanted to go home. However, there is a knight on both sides and I can not escape!
... I don't really run away.
The heavy door was opened by the knight's hand.
And applause that rolls.
I didn't think I was welcomed so I hardened for a moment, but managed to walk.
Stop at the position taught in advance and kneel down.
"The King of the Earlsheide Kingdom! Diceum-Von Aalsheide, Admission!
Uncle Diss has appeared. You can see that people around you are kneeling.
"Everyone, make it easy"
People around me stand up to those words, but I was told that I was.
"Shin-Walford. This work was truly wonderful."
"Ah ... thank you happy"
"In honor of this work, I will preach the first prize."
"I will accept it with respect"
Stand up and wait for Uncle Diss to award medal. Eventually he got up from the throne and awarded his medal by hand.
"It was wonderful"
"Oh, thank you"
It is very difficult to do if your opponent is Undis! Isn't it over early? Uncle Dis began to think so.
"Listen to everyone, Sin-Walford, the grandson of my friend, the sage Merlin-Walford, who has been taking care of me since I was a child, like a nephew. I am in this country for the sake of his unfamiliar education and not for the benefit of our country! We have promised the Sage when he invited him to our Higher Magic Academy. Do not use it for politics or military use! When that promise is broken, the hero's clan will leave this land. Don't forget that effort! "
… Really told me. This uncle magic cake!
The surrounding area is a little rough, but he seems to have generally accepted it.
Hah … Is this finally over?
"Then, the award ceremony is over."
Oh, it ’s over!
"After this, a party will be held at the Tojo Castle Great Hall. Please join us!
It's not over!
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