Magi's Grandson

Is this a shelter or a nursery?

Ellie, the princess of the king, became pregnant.

The newspaper ran throughout the kingdom just as it did in Sicily.

The difference with Sicily is that Ellie is the Princess of the King.

In other words, he has acquired the next generation of kingdoms.

Though admired as a Virgin, the position of Sicily, who has married me, is civilian.

Everyone blessed me, but in Ellie's case, the scale was different.

The day after Ellie's pregnancy was reported, the country went on holiday.

Festivals were held everywhere to celebrate Aug and Ellie, young and old.

Unlike us, who were just celebrations, ambassadors from all over the world came to the royal castle to say congratulations.

Everything is different in size from ours.

"Ellie was a great guy."

Huh? Now?

Sicily looked surprised when I murmured when I saw all the noise in King's Landing earlier.

"The daughter of the former Duke, the current Princess of the King, the future Queen?Are you from a position where there aren't many people in the world? "

"Oh no, I thought you were seeing the usual Ellie..."

"Well... certainly Ellie, who is with us, is very comfortable, but in social occasions such as evening parties and tea parties, it's a very elegant atmosphere that is not close enough to taste."

Elegant atmosphere, Ellie...


Sicily laughed bitterly at the leaking laughter.

"I can imagine what Shin-kun imagined... but it's the same with Shin-kun, right?"

Huh? Me?

Hold on a second.

I've never had a noble and inaccessible atmosphere.

Sicily told me I was tilting my neck.

"A hero who was deeply friendly, cared for his people, loving, and brave enough to save the world.That's your impression of the general public. "

"Please don't. Please."

Uh-oh... my back is itching!

Due to the influence of the book published at the initiative of the Royal Arthur Sulaid, the image of me is absolutely unbelievable.

Which saint did you read when you read Volume 2, which was written to confront Strome?It was as beautiful as I thought.

When I read the sample magazine before it was released, I was laughed at more than a volume.

As far as Alice and Lynn were concerned, they laughed too much and were convulsing.

As much as that, the actual image of me and the general public was dissociated.

"Well, Ellie actually behaves like that in public.It may not be the same as Shin-kun, who is walking alone in the image, but it's the same thing as the real me, so it's pathetic to laugh. "

"That's true, but...."

I know what Sicily is trying to say.

Me and Ellie are in a similar position, so laughing is certainly rude.

But I want to say it.

"Ellie laughed so hard to breathe when she read my book."

"... that's right."

Along with Alice and Lynn, who were laughing too much, she had difficulty breathing and Sicily was in a hurry to heal.

I won't forget that.

"I've never acted like a noble lady in front of us.You can't imagine Ellie acting like a normal lady. "

"That attitude is just in front of us.I mean, after I met Sin-kun. "

"Oh, at that camp?"

"Yes, Princess May has long been known for her innocence, but Ellie was said to be a model of a nobility lady."


Listen to Sicily's words and remember what Ellie normally looks like.

"If I see Ellie, who's a coward, I might blow her out."

"Don't laugh. Well, now our position is civilian.I don't think I have much opportunity to see Ellie as Princess of the King. "

Instead, can you see the elephant Ellie?

It's a strange position, isn't it?

Sicily laughed as she said so.

That's when the gate opened in our living room and Aug and Ellie came out.

Weren't you looking at us somewhere?Perfect timing.

"What's wrong? Your Highness, Mr. Ellie."

When Sicily asked, Ellie sat on the sofa and exhaled a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry, please give me a little rest."

"That's fine, but isn't it better to rest in the royal castle without bothering to come to us?"

When I asked, Aug answered the crossroads.

"If it's a royal castle, you can't disgrace yourself as a princess.I don't think I'm gonna be able to get out of my mind here. "

"That's what I'm talking about."

Ellie, who affirmed Aug's words, stretched out with a "hmm" in mind.

"Hah... I can't even do this in front of the maids at the royal castle.This is the only place where we can truly grow our wings. "

That said, Ellie was stunned on the sofa.

"I'm sorry, Singh. Give him a break.I'll pick you up later, Ellie. "

Okay. Wow.

Aug said so and went back through the gate that remained open.

Ellie responding is completely off mode.

... this is the perfect girl...?

More and more, the words of Sicily just now are not connected.

That must have been the look on her face, and Ellie woke up from the sofa where she was keeping her body deep and stared at her.

"Excuse me, Mr. Singh, are you being rude again?"

"How did you know!?"

"I've been seeing friends for three years now, and I understand Mr. Singh's strange and violent thoughts!"

"Strange and strange..."

It's the words of a time.

"So? What kind of rudeness were you thinking?"

"Oh, I can't believe Ellie's the perfect girl."

"I'm so sorry!!"

Wow, Ellie's messing around.

"Well, calm down, Mr. Ellie.If you get excited, you'll get in the way of your belly. "

"Phew! Phew... that's right. Thank you, Sicily."

No, you're welcome.

"So? Why did you think that?"

"Well, Cyril told me Ellie was a sample of a lady.I can't believe all I know about Ellie is sitting on the couch and screaming like this. "

When I said that, Ellie looked a little bad.

"I can't help it, can I?I have been seen around as Duchess and Aug's fiancée since I was young.I couldn't give up on Aug's wife and her family.Where there is no problem even if I show my face like that.That's your side. "


That's right.

Is that so?

Prince Wang's wife is in trouble.

"In the first place, isn't your Majesty well traveled here?The Wolfords are the resting place of the Earlsheed royal family. "

"Don't make us a resting place on our own, at all."

"Eh? Ah! Me, Merida-sama!? I'm sorry too!"

Wow, there she is, Grandma Goddamn.


"I didn't say anything!"

Did you see that face again?

In the first place, you can tell just by seeing that look!?

"This kid... oh, I'm just kidding, so don't be so sorry.Sit down and rest. "

"Yes, sir. Excuse me."

Ellie sat back on the sofa in a beautiful way.


If you look at this, maybe Sicily's story isn't always a lie.

"... did you think of something strange just now?"

"So why...."

"I know exactly what Mr. Singh thinks."

"Fufu, ahaha"

Sicily, who was watching me and Ellie interact, was laughing.

"It's not funny, Sissy.Your husband is looking at your friend's wife in a strange way.Embarrass yourself a little. "

"Fufu, I'm sorry, but Shin-kun's weird eyes are literally weird, right?"

"That's why I told you to stop it!"

"Well, calm down. I'll get in the way of my stomach."

"Really! This couple... uhh..."

Are you okay!? Ellie!

Ellie took a sip of the orange juice prepared by our maid when she felt a little sick.

"Phew, it's okay. I'm calm."

"... huh. Ellie, you seem to be in a lot of trouble."

"Yeah, well, it's just that if I feel a little sick, it's a lot of noise around me, so I can't really rest."

"Princess Wang is in trouble."


Well, Ellie's belly is the next generation of King Earlsheed.

Do you want to make a fuss?

"Speaking of which, what happened to the other pregnant woman?"

Grandma, who was watching Sicily and Ellie interact, asked about the other person who wasn't here.

"Speaking of which, Olivia seems to be in trouble."

Mark told me about Olivia a little while ago.

"Oh, my God, what do you mean?"

"Anything, if I was at Mark's house, I'd be worried about the sound of the factory, and if I went home, I'd be in the dining room, right?I'll spit it out because of the smell. "

"Yeah? It's really hard!"

"So he rented a room in a quiet place.Mark and Olivia's mom are taking turns looking after her. "

They say they're going to go home to Mark when the baby's born, but until then, they're going to live together.

"Well, I'm sorry about that."

Grandma sympathizes with Olivia and says that, but she doesn't.

"Mark said that Mark's house, Olivia's house, craftsmen and clerks were a lot of noisy people, and that life was quiet now."

If I was in a noisy house, I wouldn't be able to figure it out even though I was newlywed.

"Oh, my God. I'm worried. I'm losing it."

I looked sorry earlier, but the grandmother who knew it wasn't. She looked stunned.

"Fufu, that's a good point.The servants won't make more noise than necessary, and more importantly, there is a grandmother who is a parenting senpai. "

"Well, I don't have anyone to make a fuss about, and it's quiet and calm...."

While the grandmother with Sicily's smelly face was saying that, my radio rang.

This is....

"... yes, it's Sin. Oh, yes. Huh?Again? Yes, I see. "

That's why I cut the line. I opened the gate immediately.

"Um... maybe?"

"... that's right."

Answering Sicily, who was laughing bitterly, the opponent of the communication came through the gate from the other side, even though she had not picked her up.

"Hah, I'm tired. Ah, can I have some tea?"

Someone who asked Marika for tea when she came out of the gate.


"Yes, Your Holiness."


"Oh, there was Princess Elizabeth, too. How are you feeling?"

"Ha, yes! Nothing's wrong with you!"

"Oh, I see. What about Sicily?"

"No problem."

"Yes. Fufu, I'm glad things are going well."

Ekaterina said that and smiled, gracefully sitting on the sofa...

"I'm glad everything seems to be going well.You were here yesterday. "

I was getting my grandmother's gossip.

"Yeah? Isn't that nice?This is the best place to calm down. "

"Hah... your name is Deceim, and I don't know why I use you as a shelter."

"Ah... I'm sorry."

"Oh, Ellie's fine. I'm pregnant.I need a place to calm down. "

Yes? I'm a master!

"Good old adults aren't talking about being dependent!"



Ekaterina will be childhood when she comes home.

Well, I guess that's how much you forgive your grandmother.

"Still, it was a calm and nice atmosphere until now, but it got noisy as soon as you came."

"Hey, what does that mean!?"

"That's what it means!"

A home where you can see the uncommon comics of the priest and the Genesis Pope.

... does this calm you down?

"Ki, I can't believe the Pope is here... I can't settle down..."

I bet.

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