Magi's Grandson

The murderer was apprehended, but....

A few days after the Ellie raid, Augg finally shows up at Ultimate Magicians' office.

"Hey, it's been a while. Have you solved the case?"

When I said that, a slightly tired-looking Aug took me to the corner of the room and nodded.

"Oh, the executor and the mastermind are under arrest."

"Oh, thank goodness!"

It's only been a few days, and you've already arrested the killer.

However, it was an attempted murder of the princess.

I'm sure there were quite a few mobilizers, since we were investigating with the full force of the kingdom of Earlsheide.

Well, I guess we'll fix it soon.

"Even so, you must be very tired, right?"If the murderer is caught, you feel safe, right? "

When I said that, Aug shook his head loosely.

"That's not how it works."

What do you mean?

Maybe you're worried about the killer's treatment?

Well, even if you tried to murder the princess, wouldn't it be a crime to kill her?

That's what I thought, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Aug grabbed my shoulder and was taken to the corner of the office.

"I told you I caught the executor and the mastermind, didn't I?"

"Huh. Huh? Isn't that all?"

Isn't it?

"That's right, there's an intermediary between the mastermind and the executor... we've got the missing person."


The middleman?

So someone chose the executioner at the request of the mastermind?

But why can't we catch him while his head and ends are being captured?

Usually, you arrest the executors in order.

That's what I thought, but it didn't work out.

"I suppressed the intermediary's base, but there was no such intermediary there."The mastermind could have been identified from the physical evidence on the base and arrested.... "

Is that so?

However, the intermediary escaped and the physical evidence of the mastermind was suppressed... "

"Did you leave them on purpose..."


Augg reacted to the murmur I leaked.

"Deliberately? What do you mean?"

“Oh, no. The intermediary thought he might have deliberately left behind the mastermind's information.That way, we can turn our eyes to the mastermind and get away with it, right? ”

When I said that, Aug did what he thought he would do.

"I see... In other words, the intermediary used the mastermind to cut the lizard's tail..."

"Now, I don't know which one is the mastermind..."

When I said that, I came up with something.


It seemed that Augg was the same, and he screamed at the same time.

When I thought I was talking in the corner of the office, Catalina rushed up to both of us, screaming at the same time.

What's the matter?

"Oh, no. I'm sorry, nothing."

"It's nothing. I'm sorry, I suddenly shouted out loud."

"Ah, no. I hope it's nothing..."

Catalina looked at us in a panic and left.

After Catalina took her seat and confirmed that she had started talking to Alma, we started talking again.

To match the answers I gave you earlier.

Augg, what have you noticed?

"... I think it's the same conclusion as you."

That's what we said as we gazed at each other.

"The merchant is the mastermind."

While smiling bitterly at the fact that the answers were the same for each letter, he proceeds with the conversation.

"Maybe the person who is thought to be the intermediary is... who is the culprit?"

Well, I heard the killers were arrested, but I didn't hear from anyone.

“The count named Deauville was thought to be the mastermind.The executioner was a member of the Magic Division. "

"Okay, so I brought it to the Count of Deauville."

"And Count Deauville, who accepted the offer, was preparing it with me....."

Is that it?

Ellie, didn't you just have someone ready for the raid?

“I told you before, didn't I?I have a few concerns. "

"... oh, speaking of which. You said that when you contacted me to focus on the investigation."

The Ellie raid was too impressive and completely forgotten.

That's a concern. Ellie's poison watchman often takes a break from catching colds.

What? Are you sick or weak?

But who would hire a sick person to serve a royal family?

Isn't that the kind of thing you want to investigate beforehand?

Thinking so, Aug shook his head sideways.

"Pregnant women are also the ones who serve the princess."It is decided that a pre-screening is carried out before employment.However, I often catch colds.And many more. "

"How many people? Well, maybe you had a cold?"

Isn't that dangerous in a pregnant woman's presence?

I thought so, but Aug shook his head.

"No one has ever caught a cold with a maid or guard."For some reason, it's just poisonous. "

"... that's..."

"Could it be..."

"It was possible that Ellie's food was poisoned.A weakly toxic poison that doesn't lead to death, but resembles a cold. "

Although weakly toxic, it is a terrible substitute for pregnant women.

They say it's better not to pick nicotine from cigarettes, but even catechins from tea.

Even though it's not lethal, there's no poison... "

"Ah, perhaps. The Count had it ready for you..."

"It's a poison that causes symptoms similar to a cold."

You mean there's even evidence that I bought the poison?

"I was also doing that research, but I wonder if it would be a good meal."It has already been consumed and there is no actual product left.I thought it would be difficult to sail, but there was evidence from somewhere unexpected.I confessed to it. "

So that Count Deauville was trying to poison Ellie.

What a guy.

"He was sorry."Even though I poisoned her many times, it didn't change how Ellie looked.I was asked if it was a poisonous constitution. "

"What kind of non-poisonous constitution is that..."

I've never heard of such a special constitution.

"This is also thanks to the magic tool that Xin gave me."I never dreamed that the venom and barrier to that pendant would trigger. ”

"I don't know..."

I gave it to you just in case, and I didn't think it would be targeted by both.

"Anyway, I was able to prove my previous concerns..."

"By the way, do you know who poisoned the dish?"

"No... but there's one person I think is suspicious."There was one retired before the Ellie raid.Suddenly, he resigned without warning.Even if I asked her why, she only said it was for her own convenience. "

"Hey, Metcha, that sounds suspicious."

"That's why I'm trying so hard to find you."

"... can you find it?"

When I asked Aug when I thought about the possibility, Aug smiled bitterly.

"I don't know... if you think you've failed to assassinate me many times, it could have already been wiped out."

"I guess so..."

A person who would approach the cuisine of the princess must have worked for quite some time.

I can't be afraid to let the people I hired recently work in such a place.

That's why I can't entrust you with such a job without working hard for years...

"... why did you do that?"

Unexpectedly, I muttered, and Aug frowned.

"Probably gold. The enforcer's magic division members were taken hostage by their families, but the retired servant was already single with his parents separated.He didn't even have a lover. "

"Did you shake your life on a stick with just a little money..."

Maybe life is over, though.

If so, how sad.

The money you've earned from this will not be the kind of money you can spend and live with for the rest of your life, and if you use it, you will be crushed by guilt every time you use it.

Maybe it was a very stuck situation.

"Even so, did you come up with such evidence?"It looks like the middleman is the mastermind.

“I see. If I had left evidence there, I would only have tried to impose all my guilt on Count Deauville.”

So, do you know anything about the intermediary?

"I know you're a foreign merchant..."

Such a word of Augment was unusually sharp.

Is there a problem?

“I asked Count Deauville where the merchant came from.Then he said he was a sword merchant. "



Augg's face was dazzled when he said that.

"It seems that the intermediary was a merchant."When asked where they think they've been contacted, they all say where the merchant came from is different.Kurt or Kanan. "

"Wow, there's nothing but suspicion."

"That's right." So I can't figure out the merchant's whereabouts..... "

"Is that so..."

Are you unable to reach yourself by telling the people you meet a completely different place of origin?

You're a convict, aren't you?

"The only places the merchant is from are Sweed, Kurt, and Karnan?" What about Els? "

That's the country of the merchants.

If we were to hide the trees, it wouldn't be in the woods, but it would be harder to find them if they fell into the hands of one of the many merchants.

"I don't think so." The Els accent was unique.It's not something that you can easily imitate in order to imitate.Something's going on. "

Oh, I see.

Or is it the same as when people from outside Kansai talk about Kansai Valley?

Where's Ease?

"I don't think so either."It is a country of religion, a country of purity and poverty.In search of wealth, I feel uncomfortable in seeking sales channels to foreign countries. "

Well, what about the Derm?

"The Derm..."

When I said that, Aug thought about it a little bit.

"... wait. Have you seen the Derm?"

After thinking for a while, Aug muttered to himself with a frustrated look on his face.

"... maybe I should check it out."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Shin, thank you."

When Augg said that, he glanced inside the office and opened the gate and went back.

I still don't feel comfortable.

And as she went to everyone while looking around the gate, Catalina and Alma looked at me again with warm eyes.

What, what is it?

Catalina smiled as she asked unexpectedly as her eyes caught her attention.

No, it's nothing.

"... is that right?"

"Yes, and you looked more serious than that, did you see anything?"

I feel like I'm making an absolute misunderstanding, but that's not a good story for Catalina-san...

"Well... it's a little confidential, so I can't tell you, so you shouldn't ask."

When I said that, Catalina nodded clamorously.

"That's right."Now, let's not ask any more questions. ”

Speaking of which, Catalina was a suede elite.

Until now, I have had the opportunity to touch the secrets of the country, and he has fallen back.

Alma said she was a clerk at the office, so she probably didn't get a chance to do that.

Actually, I've heard a bit of talk now.

But Catalina-san backed down, so I don't think I can ask.

Ian, Henri, and Cartus are talking to each other.

Mr. Shaorin is looking at the documents for preparing the opening of the language school, yes, yes.

As usual, the scenery of the office at the end of work.

I'm busy right now, but when the Augs are back, I wonder if I can get back to my normal routine...?

I looked inside the office and thought about it.

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