Magi's Grandson

For the crying.

"Huh? Alice-san? Oniisama?Huh? What the hell is this... "

"Holiday park... lunch... hehe"

"Ah, no, this!"

Sicily seems confused about her brother being with Alice.

I mean, I've seen this situation and I've been sniffing around.

Seeing Alice desperately trying to excuse herself, I became even more convinced.

Alice is trying to deceive me, so let's ask the other side instead of Alice.

Hello, brother-in-law.

"Hello, Shin-kun. Hello, it's a nice day."

“That's right, it's a great day for a picnic.”

Ahahah, that's right

Unlike Alice, who had turned bright red and was clapped, Lois's brother-in-law seemed to have a lot of room.

"Sin-kun, sit down over there."Especially since Sisily is a pregnant woman, you shouldn't be disoriented. "

Ah, yes. Thank you, oniisama.

Yeah. Oh, can I make Silver eat his lunch?

Huh? Yeah, I don't mind a little bit.

“Thank you, Silver. Now that you've forgiven me, you can eat one of them.”

Eh, one by one?

"That's one. You want to go home and eat Mom's rice, right?"

When Lois's brother-in-law said that, Silver glanced at Sicily's face and then headed towards Lois's brother-in-law.

Yeah, Tabayo.

Well then, just one thing to make sure you don't get hungry.

"Ahh! Hitomi-chu, Tabayu!"

Silver said that, and began to scrutinize his lunchbox with a serious face.

Awesome, I'm in full control of the silver.

"Brother-in-law, I thought I'd come to visit you before, but you're a good babysitter."

"Ahahah. I have three sisters downstairs."I'm used to babysitting small children. "

Speaking of which, is that so?

Lois's brother-in-law has three sisters, Cecilia, Sylvia and Sicily.

Especially since Sicily and her brother-in-law are a little older, I think they've been looking after them a lot.

"So, why are you two here together?"Perhaps, as I imagined? "

When I said that, Lois's brother-in-law scratched her head while saying, "Ahahaha," and Alice fell down with a bright red.

Who the hell is this?


What? Alice!?

"Ufufu, you're cute, Alice-san."

"What!? Sisily!?"

Didn't you think Sisily would be embarrassed? Alice protested to Sisily with a bright red face.

I was even more certain that it was what I imagined.

"No, I didn't think you two were going to make it.How did that happen? "

Until now, I haven't heard of any contact between Alice and Lois's brother-in-law.

I'm very interested in how the two of them got together.

Then, Lois and her brother-in-law explained to me with a smile.

"Oh, look, I'm a managing director at the Wolford Chamber of Commerce, right?So, the boss is Glenn-san. "

"Oh, yeah. That's right."

Alice is a member of Ultimate Magicians. Glenn looked at the president of the Wolford Chamber of Commerce, so he completely forgot that they were parents and children.

Well, that's the connection.

"I often go to the president's house, that is, Alice-chan's house."While we met and talked a few times, we got mixed up and went to play together...It's not such a rare story, is it? "

"That's right, it's not unusual.If it wasn't for Alice..... "


Were we supposed to have a boyfriend until a few months ago?Alice, who lamented for the rest of her life, never dreamed that this would happen.

It was too unexpected and still unbelievable... "

Shut up!

And there was the sound of grass shredding.

"What?" When I saw the sound... "


It was Miranda again.

He must have rushed to find us when we were gone.

So I found us, ran and came here, and Alice had a picnic with her brother-in-law.

And the momentum that was running down the grass just fell down.

What are you doing?

"Alice... even you!"

"Whoa, Miranda!?"

"You! This situation is inescapable!?"I didn't mean to tell you that it just happened to be the right time!? "

"Huh? I won't tell you, but... hey!"Why are you staring at me like that, Miranda!I mean, even you? "

Alice tilted her neck to say goodbye, as if someone else had made such an excuse.

Miranda turned away with a very bitter look on her face.

"... Maria was also with a man..."

"Huh!? Huh!? Eh, who!?"

Alice asks, but Miranda doesn't answer.

Oh, no, Miranda and Cultus have known each other, but they've never spoken to each other.

"It's Mr. Cartus." Somehow, there weren't any vacant people on holiday, so I said I'd ask them out occasionally. "

"Huh? That's a lie."It's better to ask more questions. "

If you do that, you'll be poked into a lot of things.

When I said that to Alice, she turned away with a red face, but didn't reject it.

"Oops, this is..."

"Be... it's okay." The scene is already contained, so you can't hide it forever... "

Alice said that as she looked at us.


Who the hell is this?


What, Alice?

I never thought Alice would react so adorably!

"Ahh! I admitted it!! You admitted it!!"

Miranda crawled on all fours and wept as she slapped the lawn.

... you must have been so sorry...

I just said I'd do my best with Natasha...

After all, it would be impatient and regretful to be left as a reality.

Seeing Miranda like that, she couldn't help but feel sympathy, but Sisily was focused on something else.

"Maha! So you're going to announce it soon?"Oniisama!? "

Sicily's eyes glistened and she was closing in on her brother-in-law.

You mean, the announcement?

Sisily, what do you mean?

Lois, did you announce that your brother-in-law and Alice are dating?

When I said that, Sicily shook her head and denied it.

"Oniisama Lois is the eldest son of the Viscount Claude family.My father has already decided that oniisama will be the next owner, as long as there are no problems with him. "

"Oh, I've never heard of it."

Earlsheide's nobility is a bit special, and he can't succeed his eldest son.

You can't be a successor if you're not judged to be good and able to manage the territory without any problems.

The same is true of royalty.

That said, Lois's brother-in-law has already been recognized as the next Viscount.

This is quite a thing.

Was it recognized at the Wolfords Chamber of Commerce?

But it seems that's not the point of the story.

"In other words, oniisama is obliged to succeed the Viscount family."It's about getting married and having kids. ”

"Marriage... oh, I see."

“Yes, we're not announcing that we're dating, we're announcing the engagement.”

"Woah! Engagement!?"

Miranda, who knew that Alice, who was supposed to be one of her kind, was not only socializing with men and women, but also trying to get engaged, sat on the lawn and looked up at the sky in a daze.

... I think we should leave it alone for a while.

Alice, stunned by the stun, is dumbfounded for some reason.



"Haha. I'm sorry. Actually, I'm not even engaged yet."

Cicilie froze at the words of Lois's brother-in-law.

And then, I squinted.

"No way, oniisama!" Oniisama is going to play with Alice-san!? "

Lois's brother-in-law is Sicily's real brother, but Alice has been a hard worker since she was a student.

Such a fellow can be made to play with his own people.

As for Sisily, I don't think she can forgive herself.

That's why I was so angry with my brother-in-law.

But Lois and her brother-in-law are making a desperate excuse.

"No, no, no! I mean it!"

Well then, why are you doing this?!

"I made a proposal, but I haven't heard back yet!!"

Alice and her brother-in-law screaming like that were already so bright red that steam came out of her head.

Oh, I see, we've already gone that far.

... I had no idea...

But, ah, that's why.

Is this why Alice told Aug about the marriage between the nobility and the common people?

I remember that time at Ultimate Magicians' office, Alice was asking Aug a question with an unusual attitude.

Shin-kun. Did Alice talk to your Highness?

“Yes, I've heard a lot about aristocratic men and ordinary women getting married.”

"When is that?"

A few days before the Ellie attack.

When I said that, Lois's brother-in-law's eyes moistened as if she was moved.

“You've been thinking about this for so long, even though I proposed recently? I'm glad.”

To the honest words of Lois's brother-in-law, Alice is shrinking again.

"So... can you tell me again?"Alice, will you marry me? "

Lois's brother-in-law took Alice's hand with a serious look, and Alice said so...

"......! Hah, yes......"

Even though I was too embarrassed, I accepted it firmly.

"Wow! Congratulations, niisama!" Alice-san! "

Ahahah, thank you, Sisily.

Ahh, ahhh

To Sicily's honest praise, Lois's brother-in-law responded with a gentle response, and Alice only says "ah, ahhh", whether the allowable amount of the brain has exceeded.

"Congratulations, brother-in-law."

Yeah. Thank you.

"Congratulations to Alice."


When I saw Alice, who was still dumb, I came up with a little mischief.

Ah, now Alice will be the Viscountess.

When I said that, it seemed that Alice, who had been dumb until now, had returned to her consciousness. From her happy face, she now turned around and fell into despair.

You look like you just remembered.

"I remember... right, I'll become an aristocrat if I take this!"

"That's right. Oniisama has decided to succeed the Viscount family, so Alice will be the future Viscountess."

"Huh!? What should I do!? I'm not even told that this is a common woman!?"

Is that what Alice cares about?

But isn't that sad?

"There's nothing wrong with you, Alice-sama."Alice is a member of Ultimate Magicians and a national hero.There are many who bless, and there are not many who blame.If you blame Alice, you will be disqualified as an aristocrat. "


Perhaps because her worries had been kicked out, Alice had not shown upset before, but had been honest with Natasha.

“I hope you're already an aristocrat, but Ultimate Magicians is going to have a bit of a problem recounting you as a new aristocrat.It could be said that one nation is going to have the best of Ultimate Magicians. ”

"Oh, that's why Shin-kun can't be an aristocrat."

"It's not just Master Shin."The same is true of Lord Alice and other members of the common people.That is how nobles are welcomed by marriage.You can't blame this on the aristocrats who are worried about the country.If anyone hears of a reproach, they'll stop seeing that person. ”


Alice glances at Natasha, who explains it to her.

I was surprised, too.

Natasha isn't just a priest.

Because I was looking at her with an unexpected look, Natasha told herself from her experience so far.

"Just so you know, my house is in the position of a cardinal in Ease."Cardinal Ease is like an aristocrat in this country.I'm naturally wearing this kind of attitude. "


Why is it so high spec, Natasha?

Except for Miranda, who was prone, everyone looked at Natasha as if they were impressed, and continued to talk after coughing.

That's not where Alice-sama has to worry about.

Huh? Is there something I really need to worry about?

“Yes, there is something I need to learn rather than worry about.”

What is that?

"Noble manners."

Sarah and Natasha said, and Alice opened her eyes wide.

"It's impossible for Alice-sama to be underestimated."However, there is a possibility that you will receive an unwanted accent that is not mannered. "

"Huh? You don't object to being a nobleman?"

That's right. Alice-sama wouldn't like it if someone nearby didn't follow the rules, would she?

Well, that's right.

"It's the same thing."If you don't abide by the rules that we all follow, and you behave as you please, you'll get the accusations of "rough," "barbarian," and "rough."

... you slandered me with a burn.

Speaking of which... Natasha-san, in Ease...


"Anyway, that's it!"All Alice needs to worry about is to learn the manners! "

Ah, yes!

Alice saluted Natasha's suddenly loud voice.

You'd be surprised if you suddenly told me.

I mean, why...?


Ah, yes.

Natasha spoke to me with a smile and unexpected pressure.

I have no choice but to refuse.

”Please don't tell me anything...”

"Oh dear? Ahh, noooo..."


"Oh, I'm sorry."

Don't you like the nickname "Beast Kamiko"?

I almost said it insensitively.

We have to reflect.

Alice spoke to Sisily with determined eyes, beside me when I was angry with Natasha.

"Um, Sisily."

"Yes? What?"

Sicily responded earnestly to Alice with a serious face.

Will you teach me the manners of the nobility?

Seriously, Alice asked him to do so, and Sicily nodded slowly, smiling and overflowing.

"Yes, of course. Being oniisama's daughter-in-law means becoming my sister-in-law."Bishibashi, let's go. Sister-in-law? "

"Oh, onee-sama!?"

Oh, I see.

Lois is going to be your brother-in-law's wife, so is Alice going to be your sister-in-law?

Thank you for your continued support, sister-in-law.

That's right, sister-in-law.

Is that so?

"Wow! Only Silver is on our side!"

Ah, you're a little overdone.

When I cried out to my sister-in-law with an interesting reaction, I cried to Silver, who used the usual way of saying things.

"Ahahah, I'm sorry." Ah, that's right. "

Ugh, what is it?

I think it's best to have Sicily teach you noble manners, but there are noble girls closer to you.

Oh, Maria?

"Yes. Why would you, Sisily, be so flexible?"

Maybe I'll go ask Maria too, but it's not like she's trying to teach me exclusively about the atmosphere.

So I asked, and Alice told me not to worry.

"Yeah, I guess so. Maria's gonna tell me."




"Ahahah! Maria looks like a mess indeed!"

Too much laughing, I thought it was impossible, but both Sisily and I were laughing.

Miranda got up and burst out laughing, even though she was lying on all fours on the lawn.

Looks like you've recovered from the mental damage.

Now that Alice is engaged before her eyes, Maria seems to be making progress.

I hope Miranda and Natasha have a good connection.

It was a holiday that I thought of.

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