Magi's Grandson

Clerical work revolution

The day after May's attack, I told Ultimate Magicians about it.

When Alice heard the story, she looked strangely convinced.

"Ah, that's what Princess May would say."She always wants to join Ultimate Magicians in the future. "

Really? Well then, where are Colin and Agnes?

"Colin says he will succeed the Hague Chamber of Commerce in the future.Maybe Agnes will marry Colin? "

"Ah, I knew it."

Since I was in elementary school, Mr. Agnes' favor with Colin has been known.

I'm glad it's working.

And because she had a partner, Alice was no longer jealous of other people's romantic relationships.

Isn't that what Mei's talking about?

"Huh? I've never heard of it.I don't even know who I'm seeing at the junior college. "

And Lynn?

"I'm not interested in other people's romantic relationships."

Ah, yes.

As usual, Lynn was not interested in anything other than magic.

Speaking of which, it seems that this year's applicants for the Higher Magic Academy will have the most updates in history, but is the princess okay?

That's what Shaolin asked.

"Huh? Is that so?"I mean, how did Shaolin know that? "

I accidentally asked for information from an unexpected person.

Shaolin sighed smallly.

"Since we are finally opening a language school, we are doing various public relations activities in secondary schools to recruit students, but magic private schools are the most popular for junior high school students."

Oh, that's right.

"Since the language school is also a so-called school, students who do not have the qualities of a wizard and are aiming for a law school can accept it.However, it seems that a child with a little wizard qualities has gone to the wizard's private school. "

Oh, I see. That's how you knew.

That means that next year, there will be quite a number of entrants to the Higher Magic Academy.

Mae-chan, I'm sure your practical skills are fine, but are you sure your subject is okay?

I was dragged back by the Augs, so I looked at the Augs to see what happened afterwards.

When he noticed my gaze, Augg exhaled with a small breath.

"He's really a sensoryist."I didn't think about it like Shin, so I only had a fairly frustrating knowledge. "

"... Seriously?"

"Well, I actually checked the actual technique, so there's no problem."I will pass, but it's a subtle line to reach S-Class. "

Well, the Ultimate Magicians application requirements are for graduates of the Higher Magic Academy, so the class is irrelevant, right?

"That's true, but if possible, S-Class would be preferable."It's easy to deal with when you have to deal with a small number of people. "

If you're a royalty, do you have to worry about that as well?

"Well, besides, Hague and Donnelly seem to be good in their disciplines, so they'll definitely be in S-Class."When I said that, I started studying desperately. "

The Hague is about Colin, and Donnelly is about Agnes.

Huh. Well then, can we make it in time?

"I've got a lot of goals."I guess your motivation has also increased, and you're studying in your own room. "

It's unusual.....


There was such an exchange, and some time after confirming that there would be no problems for new applicants after next year, we were contacted by various countries that the primary selection had been completed.

"I was checking with Aug and I to see who passed the primary selection..."

"... the number of primary selectors for the Derm is large."

"That's right..."

Derm is a country that has been identified as responsible for the recent Ellie attack.

After all, we haven't found any evidence of Durham's involvement, and we don't have eyes on the killer.

However, the situation remains suspicious, and Augg is still on the alert.

Well, it's only natural that your wife and children were targeted.

The number of first-line candidates sent from such a Derm is very large compared to other countries.

"Do you really think that if you send in a few people, they will pass by?"

"...... I guess we'll have to make the selection conditions pretty strict?"

"Even though it's the lower tissues, let them receive your direct guidance."I didn't mean to do that.Candidates from the Derm should pay particular attention to background checks. ”

I don't think some of you actually had anything to do with the guy who attacked Ellie.

I will definitely see it through such a filter.

Even so, Alma-san is pathetic.

As a result of the interrogation, Alma's innocence has been proven.

Looking inside the office, there is Alma who is working seriously at her desk.

It seems that it is not difficult to work due to being confused with other clerks.

Alma's job is to prepare clear books and reports, and her first job is to certify clerks serving in the Imperial Castle in Earlsheide.

I have a serious work attitude and a high level of ability.

Yet, my native land has been cast with suspicion by Aug.

"It would be unbearable..."

I was looking at Alma, who was running a pen through the paperwork.

Speaking of which...

"There's no typewriter."


Augg reacted to my poignant murmur.

"What is that?" Another tool from your previous life? "

"Huh? Oh, did you say it out loud?"Yes, it's a tool that mechanically writes letters on paper.I think it would be more convenient to have the lettering style of this world. "

"Hmm... what kind of tools exactly are they?"

That's why I explained the typewriter while using the illustration.

At first, Aug's face, which seemed to be interest-oriented, glowed with a glimmer.

Eh, what?

"Shin! I need you to make this right away!"As soon as possible!! "

"Oh, oh. If you say so, I'll make it... but what's the matter?"

The Augs weren't half-eaten.

I could say that I was being sneaky.

“With this, we can drastically reduce the time it takes to create documents!Don't worry about reading hard documents!Isn't that wonderful!! "

Aug's admiration was amazing.

The clerks are stopping their work and looking at us because they were shouting too loudly.

Is something wrong?

Catalina asked on behalf of the clerks.

“Hmm. Singh came up with a great idea for an invention.I got aroused unexpectedly. "

"Excellent invention... Your Highness says that it's fine to make."What is it? "

Thor, who is sensitive to the tools I make, has also joined the conversation.

"That's right..."

When Augg told me what I had just explained, the clerks and Thor's eyes sparkled.

"Excellent, Lord Singh! Right away! Let's make it right away!!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Now! Please make it as soon as possible!!It will truly be our Savior!! "

Like Aug, Tor and Catalina are also very tired.

Not only Catalina, but also the other clerks are shining with anticipation.

In the meantime, Alma-san raised her hand.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Alma-san?"

"Ah, um..."

Alma looked me in the eye and said.

"Can you sell me one for personal use because I'll pay for it?"


"Yes, um... I think that would make writing a lot easier..."

That's what Alma said when she told a clerk other than Catalina that she was a novelist.

“That's great!! The faster you write, the faster you can read Amalie's new work!?"

Amalie is Alma's pen name.

Catalina, who is a big fan of Amalie, is using more calories than before.

More than a hobby.

"Shin, this is an urgent request from me, the prince."We need to get to work on that typewriter as soon as possible. "

"No, that's fine. I'm going to ask the Bean Workshop again, so... it might take some time to develop."

Bean Workshop is now also starting to analyze and manufacture automobiles.

If you create it in the meantime, you won't have enough time or manpower...

"I'll be back in the car!" You need to prioritize this over anything else!I'll give you a royal order!! "

"Don't take that seriously!! I got it!I'll tell your father that!! "

"I'm begging you!!"

... I've never seen a Aug like this before.

You can see the faces of Thor and the clerks next door, who are equally desperate.

Looks like you're working on some paperwork.

This could cause an in-office riot if you don't finish the typewriter as soon as possible...

"Sumann, Mark, I won't be able to do it again..."

"Hahaha... I can't do anything but ask your Highness to do me a favor."Besides, you certainly seem to have a higher priority than the car. "

If you force the bean workshop to do so, Mark can't help but be irrelevant.

So when I apologized to Mark, he accepted me with a bitter smile.

"Hah, if this is the case, I should have made it earlier"

"It can't be helped." We don't have to do that. "

That's right, too.

That's why, while the clerks rushed to prepare for the new crew's entrance examination, Mark and I ran to create a typewriter.

Ha, you're suddenly busy with an inadvertent word.

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