Magi's Grandson

The thing that scares me the most when I get angry.....

"I wonder where both of you went..."


Sylvesta left Diseum's office and walked down the hallway of the castle holding hands with Max.

I couldn't see Octavia, who had taken Charlotte's hand and left the office, and the knight and maid, who were chasing after her.

I went to the passers-by to tell them that I had gone there, but I couldn't see the four of them.

"Shiya-chan and Bia-chan, as soon as I'm done, I'll be fine."

Max said that because he was always with his dependable brother, Sylvester, with a look that didn't make him feel uneasy or dusty.

"That's right. Anyway, where are we...?"

I knew Sylvester would catch up with Charlotte and the others soon.

So the two of us followed, but Charlotte and Octavia weren't able to find their legs fast enough.

Sylvester lost his mind and lost track of where he was in the Royal Castle.

I got lost.

When I realized that fact, I was struck by my unrelenting anxiety, but when I felt uneasy, I was scared even of Max.

So instead of showing any signs of anxiety, he laughed at Max.

But now I'm definitely lost.

I should have waited for someone to come by, not to move when I knew I was lost.

However, if you turn that corner, you will find a knight and a maid who went after Charlotte and Octavia.

At the end of that hallway...... I kept looking, so I couldn't find out where I was anymore.

Besides, he seems to have broken into the back, and he hasn't passed people for a while.

"Could this be a bad idea..."

Sylvester was attacked by such anxiety, and grabbed Max's hand, which was connected unexpectedly.

Onii-chan, I want to...

Ah, sorry, Max.

"Nhh, it's okay." It's funny! "

Max didn't realize Sylvester was lost.

I think it's the castle expedition that's walking around the royal castle like I've never seen before.

(Max shouldn't be anxious)

With that in mind, Sylvester was forced to make a smile.

That's right. The castle is big.


Sylvester took a step forward as Max, who was showing an innocent smile, healed his anxious heart a bit.

This place is inaccessible, which means you can't ask an adult where it belongs.

Then you can just move and go where there are people.

I thought so and didn't stop walking.

As I walked, I suddenly came out of the open place.

It looks like a garden in a royal castle, beautifully maintained but not popular.

However, being taken care of means that there will be people here as well.

Thinking so, Sylvester reacted with a bit of relief.


"... I can hear you talking"

There were people.

Now we can finally get back to where we came from.

With that sense of security, Silvesta walked towards the direction where she could hear the talking.

And when I finally saw the figure, I tried to speak out.

Sylvesta hid herself in a nearby pillar in a hurry.



I panicked and blocked Max's mouth when he tried to call himself.

Max was surprised that Sylvester's face, who asked him to keep silence with his index finger on his lips, was so serious that he shook his head vertically as he understood.

Reassured by the appearance, Silvesta turned her attention to the figure.

The figure is not one, but two.

And we were having a conversation.

Hearing the conversation, Sylvester rushed to hide.

"That conversation..."

So? When are you going to attack Elizabeth?

"Oh, now Elizabeth is with the saints and the kids." Today, with so many kids, is the target. "

"What kind of hostage is that?"

"Ahh, well, I can't let you both live."

It was the Princess Elizabeth's plan to attack.

Moreover, these people said they wanted not only Elizabeth, but also my mother and myself.

I'm scared.

Until now, the city had been told that the children of the Wolford family, one of Earlsheide's leading bourgeoisie, were at risk of being targeted.

So when I went out, I had a lot of escorts, and I heard that there were raids.

However, I didn't actually see it, so I didn't really feel it in Sylvester.

But right now, we're talking about a plan for the killers to kill themselves.

Why? Wasn't the Imperial Castle safe?

Such questions rush through my head.

Anyway, we need to get out of here somehow.

We need to tell my mother that we have a raid plan.

But if you move inadvertently, the men may find you.

When I think about it, my body doesn't move well due to fear.

What do we do? What do we do?

It was when I was thinking about it.



At the edge of the line of sight, there were two figures running loudly calling out to themselves.

Charlotte and Octavia.

Apparently, the knight and the maid couldn't catch them.

And they were just as lost as we were.

I found Sylvester in the middle of it, and I ran around with peace of mind.

"Shal! Via! You can't come!!"

Charlotte and Octavia stopped in amazement at Sylvesta's loud voice.

After all, Charlotte's loud voice had already found out about herself, so you had better stay away from Charlotte and Octavia.

Sylvester, who had decided to do so, ran over to the two of them, holding Max in his arms.

"What!? These guys, these kids!?"

"How long has it been!?"

With the sudden appearance of the children, the men who were talking couldn't conceal their surprise.

After all, we had a plan to kill him, including this child.

I didn't expect my children to come to this place alone, and I didn't think they would listen to me.

When Sylvester faced Charlotte, Octavia, and Max behind their backs, the men discussed something and smiled disgustingly.

"This is Princess Octavia." No, come to this place. "

That's right. Now, let's take you to your mother.

The two of them won't be able to understand the children and the content of the story anyway, even if they listen to it.

Then I decided to enter the room and carry out my plan in the name of sending my children to their mother.

In fact, Octavia, who had always been lost, tried to go to the two of them with a relaxed expression.

But Sylvester blocked it.

"Don't go, Via-chan!! These people are evil!!"

Sylvesta's loud voice stopped Octavia, who was about to go to them, and she hid behind Sylvesta again.

Come on, don't say weird things, kid.

"Yes, we are good people trying to return you to your mother?"

Sylvesta was clear, though they were men who called themselves sniffy.

"You're lying! I just heard that!" They're going to kill us and our old ladies!! Now is your chance!! "

And the men tongued at the words of Silvesta.

I didn't think you understood what I said.

"Oh, onii-chan, are you sure?"


"It's true."

Charlotte and Octavia noticed Sylvester trembling.

Max was trembling as he tried to reach Sylvester.

It's true.

That's what Charlotte and Octavia thought, their bodies were stuck in fear.

The men who saw it returned to their nagging faces from their stunned, tongued faces.

Well, maybe it just saved me a lot of trouble.

"Well, if we can kill the princess alone, we can do anything."

Oh, I don't have any witnesses after all.

Kill them all.

The men said so out of hand.

Too much fear keeps the children from trembling.

Sylvester was unconsciously holding the pendant his father had given him as he tried to shake off that fear.

And it was almost at the same time that the men who thought that using magic would make a scene cut them with the knife they took out from their chest.

Charlotte, Octavia, and Max twitched their eyes unintentionally.


Sylvester focused his efforts on the pendant.

And then...

What's the matter!?

"Is it a barrier!?"

Sylvester's pendant automatically unfolds the barrier when it detects something flying at a certain speed or higher.

But it won't work if people just come close.

Because if you don't, you won't be able to get close to people.

Therefore, I had to activate the magic tool myself to unlock the barrier.

Sylvester had recently learned how to use this magic tool from Xin.

I was happy with the magic tool I got the first time, and I practiced it on my own again and again.

The results have now come to fruition.

"Damn! Damn! What the hell!?"

"Shit! Are you Wolford's kid!?" You're making me hold a troublesome magic tool!! "

The men shake their knives against the barrier Sylvester unfolds.

Every time I said, "Cancer! Cancer! 'and the barrier stops me.

The sound and the pull-out knife are terrifying, and the children are desperately trying to reach Sylvester.

Sylvesta knew that the barrier would disappear when she took her mind off it, so she was desperately trying to activate the magic props while trembling at the horror of the attacking knife.

Somebody, somebody help me!!

Sylvester, who could not fight back or escape while unfolding the barrier with a magic tool, desperately wished in his heart.

"Son of a bitch! Let's get rid of this barrier!!"

"Don't think about it and get killed!!"

The men boiled down to the unbreakable barrier no matter how many times they attacked, and began to scream at Sylvester.

Silvesta's heart was almost broken by a shriek she had never been exposed to before...

It was then.

"Who are you going to kill?"

I heard a voice so quiet that it didn't look like it.

Sylvester turned to his overheard voice.

There it is.


Sicily, my mother, was standing.

Sicily smiled at Sylvester's exhausted face, reassuring him, and turned to the men again.

"Answer me, who are you going to kill?"

The men suddenly appeared in Sicily for a moment, but they quickly regained their attention.

It was Sisily who was said to have appeared.

A woman who specializes in the healing power of Ultimate Magicians.

Moreover, I am pregnant and my movements are difficult.

I thought I could win if Sisily showed up like that.

"Hehe, that's the saintly lady..."

"You... and the kids!"

Shouting so, the two of them charged toward Sicily.


Always a kind mother.

Even if you prank, you don't get angry just by gently embarrassing your mother.

A mother smiles as she gently strokes her growing stomach and protects you.

I love you, Mom.

Thugs attacked her like that.

In anticipation of the worst that would come, Silvesta unexpectedly screamed.



Sylvester doubted his own eyes.

Because even my own eyes, which hadn't learned magic yet, were able to see enough magic from Sisily.

What's the matter!?

"Ah, my foot!?"

When I saw the men screaming like that, my legs were frozen.

I unleashed the magic of the ice in an instant.

Sylvester looked at Sisily, thinking that she was amazing, and there was Sisily with a look she had never seen before.

"Who... who are you going to kill?"


Too emotionless a voice and expression, the men inadvertently let out a scream.

Regardless of the men, Sicily approaches the men step by step.

"Anyway... we're going to kill the children... even Silver, Char and Via?"

While saying that, Sisily's expression was falling off, but her pupils were gradually opening up.

I'm mad!

Your mother is mad at you!!

Sylvester and Charlotte had forgotten their previous fears and looked at Pokhan and Sisily in the face of their mother's fury.

"Hee! Ku, don't come!"

"T-Thank you...."

The men who gradually froze from their feet pleaded mercilessly with Sicily.

When she heard the words, Cicilie laughed nickily.

Your pupils... are still open.


When Sisily said that, she immediately unleashed her magic power and immersed the whole body of the men in ice...

"That's it, Mrs. Wolford!!"

Auguste, who had just rushed in, stopped Sisily.

Sisily slowly turned toward August.

"Why, my lord? These people tried to kill my lovely children?"

"I know! I won't forgive you! But there's a lot of things they have to say!”

Auguste desperately convinces Sicily.

Sicily heard Auguste's words and slowly exhaled as her eyes twitched.

"... then I guess I can't help it." Your Highness, please make sure you find out. "

Even Augusto could not defy Sisily, who said, "Oh, oh. Leave it to me."

When Sicily dissolved the magic and melted the ice, the men who fell on the spot were immediately restrained.

Then, he spoke a grudge.

"Damn, damn! Why is the Holy Maiden so strong!?"

Having heard the words, Auguste looked terrified from the bottom of her heart.

"She's only the best at healing magic, and her attack power isn't that different from ours." Didn't you know? "


The men who heard Auguste's words had a look of amazement when they had not heard such a story.

Afterwards, the monkeys were murdered and the men were taken away.

Meanwhile, Sisily threw the men into the depths of fear...

"Silver, are you okay? Good job."

That said, I was holding on to Silvesta, the meritorious worker this time.

"I-I-I... I..."

"Thank you for protecting everyone. That's right, everyone's oniichan."

Sicily stroked Sylvester's head while saying that, and what she had endured until now was broken.

”Uuu, ahhhhh!!”

Sylvester, who doesn't usually cry or say much about us, is clinging to Sisily and crying.

Sicily gently slapped Sylvester's back repeatedly to comfort her.

“It's okay, it's okay. Mom's here. It's all right now."

"Mummy! Mummy!!"

When I see Sylvester, my usual dependable brother, crying, my young children's lacrimal glands become loose.

"Ummm, I was scared."



Charlotte, Octavia, and Max also hugged Sicily in tears.

August looked at it with a complicated expression.

"Via... my father is there too..."

Then, Octavia finally realized that her father was there, and she saw Hirari and Augusto, but she immediately took hold of Sicily.

"Oh, my God."

Sicily, who had already thought that Octavia would go to her father, Augusto, hugged Octavia with a bitter smile.

August muttered, "Well, it was Mrs. Wolford who actually helped me," and decided to let Octavia do what she wanted.

And when the children finally started to stop crying, they started to praise Sisily.

"Mama, that was amazing!"

"Stay cool!"

"Auntie... it was wonderful..."

"Auntie, amazing!"

I was crying until just now, and I saw it with a twinkling, glittering, respectful eye.

Sicily was smiling at the respect she had from her children.

"Well, fufu, there's something......"

However, Sicily suddenly held her stomach and moaned.

"Mom!? What's wrong?!"

"As it is!?"



Even though they were smiling before, the children panicked at Sisily who suddenly suffered.

"What's the matter, Mrs. Wolford?!"

As expected, Augusto was in a panic.

Was there any harm done to the men just now?! and my spine froze.

I don't know what would happen to Singh if that happened.

"I thought so..."



”Um...... well...”

The adults, including Auguste, panicked at the words.

"Somebody!! Somebody get me a doctor!!"

From those words, I can see that Augusto is unusually panicked.

Using those words as a swallow, the knights who really took on the role of a doctor were also in a state of considerable panic.

It was not until the doctors, who had been carried by the Knights of Arrows, saw that Sisily was on the verge of breaking the water and giving birth to a child.

"What are you guys doing!?" Hurry up and take the maiden to the infirmary... no, to the guest room! "


"Also, give me the specialist female doctor and midwife of Her Royal Highness the Prince!" As soon as possible!! "


"You and you bring the stretcher!" And then, slowly and gently carry the Holy Lady! Sounds good!! "

Got it!!

In response to the rage of the doctors, who were too pissed off at the useless knights, the knights could not defy them and followed their instructions.

The doctor, who had finally seen off Sisily, turned to August with a dumb expression.

"Totally... what is the Lord Augusto doing?"

Usually, he complained that the prince, who was said to be the treasure of Earlsheide, was completely useless.

"... you're right." It was the first time that a woman was in a sexually active scene, so she was wolfed. "

"Well, when it comes to childbirth, women have more liver problems than men." It's true that there are many men who can't do anything in front of a pregnant woman...... but did they tell you to bring me a doctor? "


"How long have you been hungry..."

The physician's bitter smile also came to mind at the disfigurement of the brilliant prince, whom he had not normally seen.

"No... I thought maybe Mrs. Wolford had been harmed by that thief." If that happens.... "

Augusto was too scared to say anything further.

And even if I didn't say it, the doctor could understand it.

"I see... that's because it's impossible to be a wolf..."

I was talking about it, but I heard a voice interrupting it.

"Uncle! What are you doing?!" Don't you dare!? "

"Uncle Augg... your grandmother..."

My daughter and son, who saw Sisily falling while moaning, came to Augusto with tears in their eyes.

There can be no child whose mother collapses in front of her and does not feel anxious.

Auguste realized even more clearly that she had abandoned so many of these wolverine children.

She knelt down in front of Charlotte and Sylvester, who were about to start crying, and stroked their heads to reassure them.

"It's all right. There are doctors and midwives working hard on the royal castle, so don't worry." All you have to do is think about your younger brother or younger sister. "


"Mom, it looked like it was coming..."

I decided to resort to last resort to my brothers and sisters, who seemed to be unable to dispel their anxiety about Augusto's words.

”Besides, I'm going to contact Xin... your father, so you can come right away”

That's what I said.

"Phew! Phew! Phew!"

"Dad... I'm so glad..."

Even though I couldn't feel safe in my own words, it seemed that I was completely uneasy just knowing that Xin would come.

Based on the anxious appearance just now, Augusto was smiling bitterly when he saw his brother and sister happily talking when Xin arrived, and he pulled off his clothes.


Octavia was just ahead of Auguste's gaze.

His eyes were indescribable eyes.

"Odo-sama... it's a bad bracket..."


Even as he sank into Octavia's mouth, he couldn't say anything back because he was aware of it. While dropping his shoulder, Augusto took out the radio and contacted Xin.

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