Magi's Grandson

Demonization Conditions

How did this happen!?

I just wanted to ask Hiro-san why he rushed to democratize, but he was very hostile to me for some reason, and he became a demon.

Originally, there was a possibility that this would happen when I drank the magic stone powder, but before I turned into a demon, the magic power turned black in proportion to Hyiro's anger and hatred.

That must have triggered it.

I had somehow anticipated that anger and hatred would become the key to demonization, but I was sure when I saw them in front of me.

In other words... Hyiro-san was originally destabilized by drinking magic stone powder, but he became a demon because of his anger and hatred towards me.

"... is it my fault?"

"He deserved it." I don't have to worry about it. "

Augg says don't worry about it, but it's quite a shock to be one-sided and hateful.

There's nothing I can do about it, even if I hate it... "

When it was slightly dented like that, the door of the office was kicked.

"What is this unusual magic power!?"

While saying that, Ease's guard knight jumped in and opened his eyes at the demonized Hyiro-san.

Naah!? Demon!?

"Stay outside the room!! You're going to die!!"

The Knights Guard stopped when they saw the demonized Hyiro-san, so they instructed him to leave the room.

Since it was not so many years since the Battle of the Demon King, many people still remembered the fear of the demons.

If it was a generation that didn't know the fear of demons, it might have stormed them.

Sin! Can you crush as many buildings as you can without destroying them!?

"You're an ex-military opponent!?" I can't promise! "

That being said, I took the vibration sword so as not to damage this building as much as I could.

"And then I confronted Hyiro-san, who had become a demon..."

"Gu... ahhh! Sin... Wolfordooo!!!!"

"What!? I uttered a word!?"

Is there a pattern of reason left!?

The demonized Hyiro-san uttered his words.

No way... just like Ström, you still have reason!?

That would be troublesome, because the remaining demons burned their hands in pieces.

Anyway, be careful, if you think about the damage to the building, you might miss it, so you'll have to give up the worst building.

I thought about it and set up a vibration sword.

"Uuu, ahhhhhh!!"

When Hyiro shouted so, he cast his magic inside the room.


Behind you are Ekaterina and the faces of Ease. If it is avoided, it will cause damage to the back, so it cannot be avoided.

“I'll put up a barrier! You go forward and take down the clown in a hurry!!"

Got it!!

Augg told me that, so I rushed away from magic.

Immediately after that, I realized that the magic was blocked by Aug's magic barrier.

And the aftermath blocked my vision.

"Where is it?!? Wolfordooo!!"

It seems that Hyiro lost sight of me in the winding smoke screen.

Apparently, compared to the Stroms, there's a lot of reason left.

Of course, a wizard could do it, but I wasn't able to find it by sighting magic.

Can't you do that much detail?

Or perhaps you don't know how to fight like that, because you've only recently awakened your magic power?

Anyway, this is an opportunity.

I slipped into the back of the clown who was losing sight of me and shook off the vibration sword.


That was the only last word Hyiro said.

When the magical aftermath cleared up, the body of the decapitated Hyiro fell.

"What the hell happened to this...?"

Yekaterina, who could not escape from the sudden event, was puzzled and asked.

Even so, you're just puzzled.

Speaking of which, Ekaterina-san said that she used to travel with her grandfather and grandmother while defeating monsters.

You must be used to the smell of blood.

I explained to Ekaterina that Hyiro-san had become a demon, and how that happened.

The Derm's secretary, who was listening to it, was trembling with a blue face.

If you were always on the side of someone who doesn't have to be demonized, ordinary people would tremble with fear.

Even so... I didn't expect to get any definite proof against demonization here.

Demonization occurs when a magic stone is ingested, and when the owner of a huge amount of magic power causes an explosion of anger and hatred that scorches his body.

I think this is definitely the case.

However, I can only imagine why reason vanishes and remains.

Maybe when anger or hatred is directed at an individual or a certain thing, it leaves reason behind, and when it is not directed at a certain thing, if it is scattered around, it loses reason.

I can't experiment with this, so I really can only imagine it.

It was the demonization of Hyiro-san, but I decided to keep it a secret.

Considering that Derm's sovereignty would be ceded, and that he would be placed on various arrows, it was decided that it was better to leave the stage like this...

Even so, it is expected that there will be chaos in the future, and there is no need to cause further chaos with extra information that the Prime Minister has become a demon.

Thus, Ekaterina, who had acquired the sovereignty of Darm, turned to the secretary.

"Now, let's get the country back to normal."


But before that...

Ekaterina smiled nickily when she said that.

Well, what is it?

The secretary is utterly frightened by the smile.

I made an Egui request with a smile on my face.

I knew you'd be wary.

And I think that vigilance may be in order.

"Big cleaning... no, I wonder if it's pest control?"

I smiled and told you about Eguy again.

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