Magi's Grandson

Shock Facts

It happened at noon the day Sylvester invited Allen and the others back to the Wolfords.

"Hey, Wolford."

After lunch break and lunch, Silvesta went to the bathroom and was surrounded by several boys on her way back.

It should have been a classmate, perhaps a count or a viscount, and Silvesta was surrounded but calmly observing.


Silvesta is calm because she has been learning martial arts with Xin since she was a little girl.

Instead of Xin, who was busy at work, she trained Sylvesta to Christina, Miranda, and sometimes even former Sword Saint Michel.

Merida complained whether she was willing to be a second nature of Xin, but since she was more dangerous than a child of the Wolford family, she still learned it as a defense technique.

Surrounded by first-year junior college students, I don't think I'm particularly scared.

So I was calm, but I was concerned that the surrounding classmates were strangely sniffing.

I was thrown a shocking word in an attempt to ask again what the hell was going on.

"Hey, you, you're not the real Wolford kid, so don't be mighty."

As soon as she heard the words, Silvesta stopped thinking.

"... eh?"

Silvesta, who was indifferent and mumbled, heard a laugh from the classmates surrounding her.

"You didn't know!?"

"We know that! You're adopted by the Devil King and the Holy Maiden! Even if you get picked up!!"

"That kind of guy has a good appeal with the royalty, and he's very sassy!"

Silvesta's heart was deeply overshadowed by the words of the classmates who were chanting so loudly.

It's not that I've been told to be cheeky.

I was told that I was not a child of my father, Sin, or my mother, Sisily.

And though I hadn't wondered before, I remembered Charlotte and Sean.

Charlotte looks like her father, Sin, with black hair.

Recently, Sean's face has become clearer, with blue hair and facial features similar to those of her mother, Sicily.

And what about yourself?

Silver hair that doesn't resemble either, and facial expressions don't resemble each other much.

I didn't doubt it because I am proud to have been loved by my parents until now.

"If that's true..."

Sylvester's face faded with shock.

The classmates who saw it said, "Do you understand?" "" Know where you are! "" Picked up! "" She threw away her words and left.

Silvesta had been relaxed for a while, but she eventually returned to the classroom in a sloppy footsteps.

"Hmm? You're late, Silver... hey, what's up!?"

When she entered the classroom, Allen called out that she was finally back, and she was dumbfounded by Sylvester's unusual appearance.


"No, I'm not!" You have a pale face! "

Allen said that, and the gaze of the class gathered in Sylvester.

And in his gaze were some of the students that had spoken roughly unto Silvesta a little while ago, and they were laughing and grinning.


"Silver!? Are you all right?!"

Oh my God! We need to get to the emergency room right away!!

"I-I 'll take you!!"

The girl students became fussy, and the faces of the classmates who were laughing at Niyanya were immediately pulled back.

"I'm sorry, but I'll take you to the emergency room." Maybe I can get you an early start, so can someone bring me some silver baggage? ”

When Allen gave Sylvester a hand, the girls started fighting for Sylvester's luggage.

The classmate who spat badly at Sylvester who was watching the situation (Why is she so popular?!) and got angry inside.

And Silvesta concluded that it was because everyone thought that she was the child of Demon King Sin and Saintess Sisily.

We have to correct our mistakes.

They believed it to be true.

Eventually, the emergency room doctor decided that Sylvester should be taken to the emergency room and released early from the situation. The emergency room doctor decided to contact the Wolford family, and Sylvester left early in the picked-up carriage.

Allen, who saw it, and the girl student, who won the battle, said, "Silver, are you okay?" "I'm sorry, Silver..." "I went back to the classroom while having a conversation.

Upon entering the classroom, the girls mainly surrounded Allen and the girls to hear about Sylvester.

At that time, a loud voice resounded in the classroom.

"Don't let them fool you!!" Sylvester was adopted by the Wolfords! I'm the one who got it!! "

The voices of the classmates shouting in that way made everyone who had been making noise quiet.

"Sylvester calls himself Wolford, but he is not the true child of the Demon King and the Saintess!" You don't have to cheat on him!! "

The classmate who shouted so, looked really satisfied.

You have done righteous deeds, righteousness, righteousness.

It was full of thoughts and a sense of accomplishment.

But when I looked around, my classmates reacted differently than they thought.

Everyone turned a cold gaze on me.

Particularly from women, they are gazed at with contempt and disgust.

Why is that?

I thought so, but I quickly figured out why.

What? I know that's true.

Silver, you're famous for adopting.

"You're the" Miracle Child "who survived the Battle of the Demon King, right?" That's amazing! "

"You raised the only surviving Silver King in the Old Imperial Capital as your own child, protected by the Devil King and the Saintess, right?" What's the problem? "

"I mean, Silver doesn't matter if you're the Demon King's or the Saintess's child!" Silver, you're beautiful because you're silver! "

What's wrong with you?

When she received the gaze and words of contempt from the girls who admired Silvesta, the boy student shouted.

What's wrong with an adopted child in the first place?

"Even in a noble family, if you don't have a successor, you may get an adopted child from a relative's house, right?"

What? Your house discriminates against your adopted son?


Here at Earlsheide Junior College, where there are many children of noble families, adoption is a commonplace story.

Yet the boy turned to look at him with contempt as if he were making such a discriminatory statement.

"Eh... eh..."

Unexpectedly, the classmates who had spoken roughly about Silvesta were wolfed.

There were a number of students who were drowning in unexpected situations, and Allen, who had seen them, came to me with a pin.

These are the ones who came into the classroom just before Sylvester came back.

And Sylvester, who came in after that, was going crazy.

"You guys..."

Allen couldn't hold back his anger.


"Did you do something to Silver!?"

"Eh, eh..."

"Tell me the truth!! What have you done to Silver!!"

Allen grasped the chest of the student who had just received a loud Sylvester and screamed.

Buying the wrath of Allen the Marquis, they trembled, the children of the Count and the Viscount.

"Ah... uu..."

Touched by Allen's anger, it was Allen who stared at them for a while, unable to speak properly, but when he noticed something, he let go of the chest he had grabbed.

Allen looked down at the student who could not stand up because his hips had fallen out, and he saw something that he could see even in the dirt.

"I will report this to my father. There's going to be a protest at your house. and....."

Allen said with a smile on his face.

Go to the emergency room and get me a change of clothes.

With that, she slipped away from the student's side, trembling and leaking at Allen's anger.

Allen was worried about his best friend, who had left early, saying, "I wonder if the silver one is okay..."

The other classmates, the highest nobleman in this class, Allen, is famous for defending the status of a commoner, Silvesta, so the male students have a respectable eye, and the female students have a respectable eye...

"Silver and Allen..."

"Friendship? Or..."

C 'mon! I think I'll change my eyes tomorrow!

Allen had no way of knowing that he was having such a terrible conversation.

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