Magi's Grandson

A child grows up looking at its parents' back.

The day after Sylvesta left early, Allen had a grumpy look in the classroom where he had come to school, and stood with his arms next to Sylvesta's seat.

Sylvester sitting in his seat looks confused.

Because all the classmates who were involved yesterday in front of them bowed their heads.

"Um... sorry, Wolford."

"I-I 'm sorry..."

The classmates who apologize look somewhat uncomfortable.

I don't have a heart.

What's the point of just apologizing like this?

I was thinking of that, but it was also true that I apologized.

And because Sylvester didn't say anything, Allen didn't say anything.

That's why Allen is in such a bad mood.

In the first place, these classmates are apologizing to Sylvester because they were reprimanded by their fathers.

Yesterday, Allen reported the incident to his father, the Marquis of Wellstein, and the other day, the Marquis of Wellstein, who was invited to the Wolford family and became a follower of Wolford, became furious.

I sent a direct message of protest to the house of the child who was entangled with Silvesta.

By the way, Singh did not protest because he could not tell which child was involved in Silvesta.

Anyway, does the Marquis of Wellstein discriminate by saying that he was adopted at your house? Moreover, the language of saying it to Silvesta, the child of miracles, is abhorrent. We must also think about our future relationship. "

Suddenly, when the superior Marquis of Wellstein said such a thing directly, the chiefs of each house were surprised. They said that they did not discriminate in this house, and they wanted to wait to confirm the truth of the matter anyway, and they called their sons.

Then, it was discovered that his son had made obviously discriminatory remarks against Sylvester, the adopted son of the Wolford family.

And the Lord was angry with the fire: and some of the children were lifted up their hands.

Then I immediately contacted the Marquis of Wellstein, promised to pay close attention and strict re-education to my son, and somehow managed to contain the marquis's anger, and ordered my son to sincerely apologize when he went to the academy.

So they bowed their heads to Silvesta first thing in the morning.

Sylvester, who soon came to school in this situation, is so puzzled that only a bitter smile comes to mind.

I wish I could have apologized and gone somewhere, but with Allen standing next to Silvesta and scolding them, I kept my head down until I got permission.

Sylvesta was worried about what to do, but she thought that she would not be cured unless she said something and opened her mouth.

"Um... I don't care anymore, so that's fine."

"... really?"

"Yeah. So, put your head up already." Allen, don't be so embarrassed. "

Sylvester raised his head by calling out to his bowing classmates, and then to Allen, who was groaning next to him.

Allen responded to Sylvester with a muffled face.

"... is that all right with you?"

"I was shocked yesterday, but I solved it, and it's pathetic to blame it any more."

Sylvester said that, and Allen took a long breath.

"Well, if that's all right with you..."

"Yes, thank you, Allen."

"No, you guys."

"" Yes! ""

The classmates, who were called upon to look coldly at Allen, who was higher than them, replied with a shivering heart, standing upright.

"Silver says he'll forgive me, so I won't pursue it any further." However, your thoughts should not be on the nobility of Earlsheide... never again? "

"" Yes, yes!! ""

"Enough. Spread out."


Allen's dimples, who was educated as a man of the Marquis's house, were scattered according to Allen's instructions, not those of a boy of six years of age who was a first-year elementary school student.

Allen, who was watching the situation, turned to Sylvester again.

"Silver, are you really glad you forgave me so easily?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Besides, yesterday, I'm fine." My dad and my mom told me the truth. "

Having heard that, Allen was curious about where his grumpy face had gone before.

"W-What, that means you heard the story directly from the person!?"

"Oh, yeah. I see... did Allen know that I was adopted by the Wolfords?"

“Yeah, it's a famous story.”

I knew it.

I heard yesterday that Sylvester was famous for being the adopted sons of Singh, but I was convinced that it was true to Allen's overly clamorous way of saying it.

"I didn't even know it."

Ah, by the way, you said you never read the stories of Shin-sama.


Listening to Allen, the classmates doubted their conversation.

It's hard to believe that a party's son has never read a story he has read as a matter of course since he was a child.

It was the moment when my classmates' hearts became one.

"But I know what your fathers are saying." Somehow, the story of my baby days is also included, isn't it? "

"Huh? Yeah, sure, don't come up at the end of the story." The only surviving boy in the Demon Realm whose mother entrusted the baby to Master Xin and the others. "

"I'm embarrassed to talk about myself, too, and I don't want to show it to people..."

Sylvester looks at Allen as he says so.

Of course, both Allen and his classmates are reading the book so much that they can rub it out.

As soon as my classmates learned that I was in the same class as Sylvester, they were secretly excited that I was in the same class as the boys in that story.

Allen, by the way, is one of them.

The other day, when Allen and Cresta came to play, they were told that they were all reading the book, so Sylvester gave up thinking it was too late even though he was embarrassed.

"Yesterday, I heard about it from my dad."

Sylvester's classmates listening to his words naturally approached Sylvester and Allen.

Everyone is intrigued.

"The old lady who gave birth to me protected me at the risk of her life." She asked her mother to ask for me. [M] That's why I'm not your son. He told me he was my father and my mother's real child. "

Sylvester's face didn't seem impossible, and Allen was finally relieved in the true sense of the word.

While reassuring, Allen watched Sylvester closely.

In just one day, the atmosphere of Silvesta feels a little grown-up.

In fact, the girls in the class are falling in love with the atmosphere of Sylvester.

For us, it's something we already know, and that's something else, but that's not how we're going to do it as a party.

Overcoming it, Silvesta had the impression that she had grown mentally.

"Still, Master Xin is amazing." It's easy to get the silver back on its feet. "

"Yeah, Dad's amazing."

Sylvester's face was full of respect for Sin.

I think it's great that Allen can respect his father like that.

I also respect my father, but there are those who are fearful, and there are those who are negligent.

Well, that's been fading since the Wolford family visit the other day...

Allen is a little jealous of his relationship with Sylvester, who is purely respectful of his father.

Sylvester whispered to Allen as if confessing a secret he shouldn't have known.

What? I thought so, and Allen turned to Sylvester.

"Hey, did you know? My dad isn't my grandpa's real grandson, either."


Allen unexpectedly stiffened himself, wondering what secrets he would be told.

"You don't know that either... oh, I see. Was the story written in one of the volumes of" New Hero Stories "?"

"There are so many books out there!?"

"Ah. When Master Xin was a child... from the point of view of being picked up by the wise man and receiving magic tricks, I met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and met all his companions." Oh, and it also says things like how to meet Sisily and how to fall in love. "

Sylvester, hearing Allen's words, looked at him unusually disgusted.

"I don't want to know my parents' love patterns..."

"What are you talking about!!"

Although they were adopted, the two romantic patterns of their parents were definitely not very acceptable as children.

Then, Cresta, who hadn't spoken until then, ransacked the conversation between the two of them.

"The love pattern between Master Xin and Master Sisily is Earlsheide's... no, it's a longing for girls from all over the world!?" Silver, raised by your parents, they're all so jealous of you, they can't help it! How dare you say that to yourself!! "

Both Sylvester and Allen were completely pulled by the vigorous vibrations they could not imagine from a regular crest.

"Hah!? W-What did you do with me...?"

Looking at the two, Cresta, who had returned to me, fell down with her face bright red.

"Ah, ah, no, yeah. I know that Mr. Cresta respects your father and your mother."


"I didn't know there was such a thing about Cresta..."

Sylvester followed Cresta with a bitter smile, and Allen naturally turned bright red and stroked Cresta's head as she fell down.

Come on, don't worry about it anymore, show your face



Allen stroked my head and Cresta, whose face was more and more bright red, couldn't possibly raise her face.

Unaware of this, Allen peered into Cresta's face.


"Cresta! You look bright red!" Do you have a fever!? "

That's the classic dialogue here!

And the classmate who was asking how it was, shouted in his heart.

Sylvester called out to Allen with a bitter smile.

"Cresta-san is fine." Anyway, why don't you just go away? "

"What!? How do you know Cresta's health!?"

"No... I think we all know that, not just me..."

I don't know if you're jealous or if you're really worried about Cresta, but when you say something like that, Allen bites Sylvester.

However, Sylvester only looked around with a dazed look on his face.


Sylvesta's words followed her gaze, and everyone looked around and shook their heads vertically, saying, "Yeah, yeah."

Huh? Why?

"Ah, um... Allen Shima..."

Cresta, who was brave enough to call Allen's name, bit it.

It becomes more and more red, but I try my best to spin the words.

"Oh, it's really okay." So, um... ah, ah, ah, ah... "


So Allen finally realized that he was naturally stroking Cresta's head.

"Wow! I'm sorry!"

No, no!

The two of them bowed down to each other in a bright red.

Those two classmates, including Sylvester, watched him warmly, but Sylvester came up with a strange idea.

"Ah, Cresta, if you want to hear so much from your father and mother, why don't you come back and visit us again?" Allen's coming with us. "


In response to Sylvester's remark, Allen and Cresta, who had been facing each other with a red face before, looked at Sylvester in unison.

I had a very good breath.

"Look, Via-chan asked me to invite two people again, so it's just right, isn't it?"

"Just in time for you..."

"Just accepting the invitation from Her Royal Highness..."

The two of them remembered that there was an invitation from Silvesta that they could not refuse.

Furthermore, she said that it would be good to hang it up and talk to Thinn and Sicily.

The two of them, who had a good atmosphere before, now bow to each other with a dark face.

Sylvester tilted his head at the sight...

"Huh? Did I say something strange?"


This is what Shin's acquaintance would have said if he had seen this scene.

"Silver, you look just like Shin-kun."

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